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may_aceroslive sex stripping with hd cam


53 thoughts on “may_aceroslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Can’t you chill in your girlfriends room? Are you really not looking at her? Maybe you don’t really realize that

  2. Just be patient and don't pressure him, if it's purely psychological he should eventually be okay. If even after a while he has issues maybe suggest he visits a doctor.

  3. Did any of those people who bought the unaffordable gifts ask you beforehand?

    This has never happened to me lol. So the rest of the questions are a tad moot I'm afraid. We have almost no family support whatsoever so perhaps my perspective is a bit different. But I do have a sister in another country and I can't fathom being mad at her boyfriend if he bought this for my kid lol.

    Maybe it’s because I think a $700 car for a toddler seems quite extravagantly ridiculous.

    Yeah I tend to agree by not my bank account not my problem!

  4. That’s the thing. She brushes it off as if it’s nothing. I’m uncomfortable with it. But she says I’m overthinking it

  5. i feel like it will though since its so close to christmas. and we both go to her dads house often and it’ll come up eventually during conversation

  6. Yeah this is a party vibe so I’m wearing my partyyy clothes. I totally get what you’re saying. They’re big drinkers and are usually stumbling home lol (neighbors) including my bf. I drink the least and usually make sure everyone is a okay

  7. Maybe he feels like you didn't listen. You say he has been telling you that he wanted a Jersey for a year… but you got him something different. He feels unheard. You are minimizing it into him just being selfish… but the deeper explanation is that he feels like you don't listen or care about what he wants. I am not saying that it's right… or he is justified. I am just saying not to minimize this into just some childish reaction to not getting what he wants for Christmas. There is an underlying problem you are overlooking.

  8. Other partner probably didn't work out and now wants her back up plan. Not worth it. Move on and be happy.

  9. I don't know how much my brother was making, but if I had to guess it's probably slightly more than minimum wage because he's been at his job for a couple of years. So if I had to guess I'll probably guess around $20 per hour probably a bit less and as far as I know they only charge me rent because I'm getting the money from the government which in a way they did kind of lie about as a flip when they signed me out for it. As I have basically had nothing to do with the sign of process, they put $500 in room and board and they say the rent is only for groceries. But I still think that's still legally considered rent but it might not be where I am. I don't really know

  10. Stop punishing her, start divorce proceedings. You’re right that she lied and broke your trust, and she made a major decision that you wouldn’t get to be a parent without your input. For me, that’s the end of a marriage too.

  11. This might be one of those situations where you gotta lie about the reason you don’t want to pursue things. If you’re not attracted to her, you’re just not. I’d go with something like “I realized I’m just not in a place where I can start dating again, I’m really sorry, you’re awesome,” etc. You both should be with people you are attracted to, maybe just leave this girl alone. You’ll find a lot of people you emotionally connect with as you date during your 20s, don’t worry.

  12. You’re an absolute trashbag of a person, and I’m glad she knew she was worth more. You’re not the main character champ, this is a story about HER enforcing a boundary.

  13. She doesn't want counseling (tabooish) and I tried multiple times to find out a reason why she doesn't want to have sex mostly saying she's tired or doesn't feel doing it. This was even before we had a kid.

    I know in the past we had issues in the beginning to have sex (vaginismus) but we were able to resolve that by patience, foreplay and good communication and lots of lube.

    I listen to her and also ask for her needs during sex etc. But keep coming back into the same cycle.

    I just start to lose confidence, feeling we're incompatible.

    It's frustrating.

  14. You need to ask her questions. Have an open and honest conversation

    • Are you bored in the bedroom?/What can we do to spice things up?/Is there anything new you‘d like to try? • Did your feelings towards me change?

    Your lives have changed, you‘re in an entirely different position now. There will be stress and with that comes phases where you‘ll be having sex less often. That in itself is natural and okay. You want more sexual intimacy again. That’s also okay. You‘re scared, because you notice your relationship changing. Don‘t just jump ship. if you catch yourself thinking about other women, I‘d say as long as you want this relationship you need to stop these thoughts as soon as you feel them coming on. They‘ll hold you back from working on the issues at hand with your partner.

    TALK with her. Ask her what the both of you can do to make things better. What is missing for her? What is on her mind that may be stressing her out and making her have a shorter temper than usual? We don‘t know these things, but they‘re important.

  15. Only you can know if that request would telegraph to him that you care more about what IG viewers think about you than what he thinks about you. Some people would be offended, others wouldn't.

  16. It is the same thing. If your heart says it is time to leave then leave. You don't need anyone's permission to do so.

    Please find some friends. Go on meetups or something. Friends are actually critical for a good relationship IMO. If you are always focused on 1 person it makes you and them crazy.

  17. You need to be honest with her about how you feel. If you want only FWB but she wants a full on relationship, you need to let her go. It’s not fair to her any other way.

  18. Let's not forget doing a line of coke off of sone guys dick too! Lolol. I can't believe anyone believed that story even the first time around.

  19. Plenty of engineers get a job straight out if college. I’ve worked with engineering interns who didn’t even have their degrees yet. Being an ME at 23 is totally doable.

  20. This shouldn't even be a question. This is the woman you want to have children with. Tell her all of this. And then take the next steps to find out if you can be cured, and if not, start looking at other options (donor, adoption).

  21. That’s what we discussed! We haven’t revisited the conversation but I couldn’t agree more.

  22. You gotta think about two things. First think about all the good sides of your gf and the experience you had with her through out all those years together, just the good things. Second imagine that you ended everything with her and imagine the void you'll be in. And as they say you can't really value sth until you've lost it, so never take it for granted and instead appreciate it.

  23. It’s either something that helps her swallow being “kept”, or more worrying, she doesn’t really understand money.

    The former is worth supporting. The latter can be anything from a nuisance to completely derailing. My ex never understood financials, blamed me for any financial issues even though she chose to take lowering paying jobs than she could have, and is now coming from a completely entitled place in divorce. She always seemed savvy and someone that wanted a fair situation.

    I disagree that this isn’t a bill worth dying on. I think it’s worth a frank conversation to figure out what’s going on. The answer may be you continue on to help with her insecurity. It may also be a rabbit hole of trouble.

  24. Then again she may not. She's got a career and wants to advance into hat and has many opportunities in the new city. She's 25 and you were 18. Big difference.

  25. Excuse me but WHAT? How exactly is this “repaying” you? Okay, you don't pay him rent but in the event you two split up, you don't have anything either.

    There are so many red flags here, I don't even know where to start. First, he lied to you and told you he was divorced. Second, he waited 10 years before getting divorced for real. That's a lot of time for a relationship not going anywhere. Third, I understand he wants to leave something for his kids and they are his priority, as they should be but in the meantime, he doesn't invest for anything with you, like you are a side character in your own relationship. It's not about the assets, or money but that it doesn't look like he is serious about you at all.

    Rough start is not a good sign at all. If anything, the start should be the honeymoon phase, where everything is perfect. Sure, there is a period of adaptation, where you have to learn to see eye to eye about some things but it seems like cons about staying with this man are way more than pros.

    I think you should end it with him and give yourself time to be alone. I am not sure if that is the case but it sounds like you got out of an abusive relationship, and jumped to the first guy who showed you minimal amount of love interest. I am not judging you about that, I have been there as well, when someone ends an abusive relationship, they are vulnerable and can easily end up with a partner who is not right fit, at all, just because they are slightly better than the previous one.

  26. She cheated on you. You can either stay or leave. Those are your only 2 options.

    I'm confused on why you think the gender of the other person matters but you do you I guess. Oh wait, guys think it's hot when 2 girls are together and I'm guessing you'd be okay with it had it been a threesome.

  27. I'm not going to beat you up either, because at least you admit you have a problem. The reason we keep picking the “Wrong” type of partner. You know the cheaters, etc. There is something about you, That YOU need to work on. You need to fix your picker as they say. It could be trauma from past relationships, low self esteem, whatever. But I doubt you are actually in love with your sil. Right now she may seem safe to you. Work on you. Go to therapy. Very low contact with sil. Being cheated on sucks. Few couples come back from it honestly. If it's something you cannot move past. Divorce your wife. But no more relationships until you fix your picker !!

  28. He should probably go and work on himself a bit as well. Regardless of what, it’s not healthy to have so much contempt for someone you are with. And that’s even worse if it’s because she is depressed. He has a role in this as well. He didn’t grow contempt just because of the weight. It’s disgusting to be honest. He doesn’t have to like it, but he should have never let it get to this point.

  29. It’s been a continuous problem … him following random girls while being in a relationship and not posting me .. maybe he wants to be single and doesn’t want to admit it .

  30. I lived in an angry house and every day was walking on egg shells for almost 15 years. Can you imagine that? So what I would do is get the fuck out because they’ve made no attempt to get their shit together

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