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MayaMae_x live! sex chats for YOU!


hay hay , ♡ PVT welcome │CD 95 │Flash All 150 │Doxy 3 min 300│ All media 999

Date: September 30, 2022

23 thoughts on “MayaMae_x live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Does this mean it's not true what they sing about in love song songs, that love will keep us alive etc etc etc? It's sex?

  2. I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill. As long as he is cleaning it up, it shouldn't be a big deal that he does it there.

  3. It takes less time to search up “can a dna test tell the difference between brothers?” than it did to reply to this comment.

  4. Read through the comments.

    I'm not sure what advice I can offer without a time machine lol.

    From what you have said he is a vain, liar with backwards views and seemingly not that much to offer and a lot to demand.

    So I guess

    Finances and want to become this allowing essentially become a housewife working part time for your own personal purchases. This seems the natural progression from what I've understood and would take a lot of stress away and maybe make things a bit fairer.

    Find the root cause Get to know his parents a lot more (assuming this is possible) these problems you've mentioned are all nurtured things that have been instilled into him. If for example he acted the same or very similar to his dad assume your life will end up like his mother should you choose to continue.

    I would say couples therapy but from what I've ready the mere suggestion would be denied and taken as an insult that would need to be countered with equal force and insult so I guess that's off the table so the other suggestion is looking at/ considering divorce.

    Good luck to you either way just make sure to keep yourself safe and employable even if that's just making sure you have your own bank account and keeping a job even if it's 1or 2 days a week.

  5. Hello /u/YogurtclosetActual19,

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  6. If my partner needed to check my browser history to make sure I didn’t look at websites he didn’t approve of, that’s a large red flag for me. There needs to be trust in a relationship. You very clearly don’t trust him when he says he is respecting your boundaries. How would you feel if he made comments that he doesn’t trust you all the time. This is something you need to seek help for if you aren’t already. It seems that you are pushing him away.

  7. Remove the self esteem and insecurities issues hun,the red flags are flying high.Your in a relationship with someone i strongly suspect his in another relationship possibly with his baby mama and only uses you for his convenience.

  8. Fuck off, if this was the other way around everyone would be saying that the girl was right to not want to do anything other than talk and the guy was a creep for trying to get it on just because they had sex the day before.

  9. I can tell you with 100% certainty that women have zero tolerance for poor grooming. Not showering, brushing your teeth and combing your hair is unacceptable. Women will be vile about that because BO, oily skin and uncombed hair is seriously off putting.

    Do you know why you aren't doing these things on a consistent basis? You need to figure that out and self correct. Also, loose fitting yellow shirt is fine. Wearing a loose fitting yellow dirty or dingy shirt not so much.

    You lack of attention to grooming is driving your girlfriend away. Luckily, that's an easy fix. If you can't be bothered to listen to her words and don't care enough about yourself to groom properly then it's going to cost you both friends and romantic partners.

  10. So one of three things happened. Your drink got spiked and you were assaulted. You got drunk but had a consensual affair. Or you overdrank and got taken advantage of.

    If it was drugs, get a drug screening at a hospital. If it was one of the other two possibilities, confess and figure out what to do from there. Regardless you should not meet with this “friend” or contact him. Talk with your spouse, not remembering what happened between being at the bar and waking up is concerning.

  11. So wouldn’t leaving if she parties be a boundary because I’m not controlling what she does?

    I don’t think she’ll cheat on me but it feels disrespectful to go there while in a relationship. Sure some people like to dance but we’re in a college town with a party scene and greek life. Basically every guy is looking to get laid and all the girls go there to get attention. I’ve witnessed it, talked the guys and girls that go there, and talked to the people who work there. Some grimy stuff happens at the club

  12. Second Life is an old game that dates back to the 80s, I think. The game has a lot of weird shit in it.

    Her hanging out with her friend while his girlfriend is performing sex acts with another guy isn’t cool. If she doesn’t have a problem with it then you need to have a conversation and explain it to her. And if she doesn’t see the problem with it, you need to decide if it’s a dealbreaker. If it is, then end the relationship.

  13. Yeah but he’s a cop and can make her life miserable. My ex is a cop. Trust me, she does not want that drama.

  14. I would say they have a very close friendship and that it by no means is a bad thing. I'd like to start by stating that OP's girlfriend's behavior is completely unacceptable. It reads as if she'd rather a life without the child's mother in it at all, which is totally understandable but still unrealistic.

    Or perhaps she'd like the mother to be less involved, but I don't see how that would work. Literally not wanting to see the woman's face? Locking yourself in a room when the kid is on video call with his mother? Hiding something from a child that he considers precious to him? I'm not sure what her expectations were, exactly, but nothing OP has mentioned seems to warrant that kind of behavior unless he's purposely omitting some important bits.

    Doesn't sound like there are suspicions of infidelity or inappropriate feelings. It sounds like OP's gf hates how much this woman is involved with her every day life and maybe sometimes feels like an outsider looking in. But the mother's involvement isn't going to change as she's dating the father of this woman's child. Their lives would be forever intertwined should she marry him. She's gonna have to see her and hear her. Her step-son is gonna talk about her. It's his mom. So the feelings certainly need to be addressed, but she should understand that she can't close her eyes and wish this woman away.

  15. She needs individual therapy. If she’s literally in the hospital right now they will probably? refer her for therapu

  16. I do respect her wishes from me, the part I struggle to understand is how somebody could even be in the same room as someone who has literally trafficked them and caused trauma for their entire life being violated like that.

    And makes me scared as to having kids; he lives hours away but if someone pops the question of him coming and she just wants to “keep the peace” I refuse to let that man near my child especially with how you can just see how he looks at children, it sickens me and scares me because my partner is a beautiful person, will be an amazing mother but that is a definite deal breaker

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