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Mayli live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 12, 2022

65 thoughts on “Mayli live webcams for YOU!

  1. Jesus dude it was a high school relationship move on…

    Also all this twin flame bullshit, my guy by my count she cheated on you and you cheated on her. That’s not a twin flame, you’re both toxic and immature. Move on, get some dating experience, and stop obsessing about some girl you met in high school lmao.

  2. Your post doesn’t provide much context of how you act out your role as a partner in a relationship, nor your history with your previous partners. As such, it is hard to come up with a decision unless you provide said details.

    Even so, I think you need to look forward instead of looking backwards. Put yourself out there, be realistic with yourself in terms of expectations regarding yourself and your partners, and seek personal growth!

  3. You sound like a kid whose birthday it is and you don't want anyone else eating the cake…

    Eventually you need to pick a side he's a cheater in your eyes and broke that one time trust and doesn't deserve any more chances mo matter how he acts and changes or understand that people make mistakes while young and without children and learn from past mistakes…

    Me personally I don't give second chances to ppl to hurt me again

  4. Well most men maybe I can't bouch for that, however I took it as a personal jab as I have no problem doing chores and pampering the person I am with lol, I don't mind doing the dishes, cooking, laundry, never really saw the big issue with men vs women on things lol… so had to clarify this bit, not all men are that way but yes that is what it sounds like he is saying without being there haha

  5. How did no one pick up this? OP’s comments are practically “well she’s coming over tonight in lingerie, and I will never get caught… help me I’m weak”

    Like WHAT. You’re “moral code” is good? No it’s not if you’re asking Reddit to absolve you

  6. Could she be his daughter? He'd have been very young but it's not impossible. Could explain why he's so solicitous about her wellbeing without any apparent romantic chit chat

  7. Maybe she's the loser because she can't complete her workload during a normal work day or without free labor from you.

  8. What I’d like to know is why didn’t the fiancé just ask her what was going on instead of listen to his friends and jump to conclusions. If she marries him, is he going to listen to his friends every time something happens instead of going to his partner?

  9. Do not ever put someone on your mortgage that you are not married to. She would be entitled to half immediately

  10. Right I can't win. It really sucks I ended up back in her house. The other siblings stay away from her so it all falls on me.

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  12. You should do whatever makes you comfortable but know this: a guy who is 15 years older than a 20-year-old woman, buys her little gifts and holds her hand is sending VERY MIXED SIGNALS.

    Gonna go out on a limb- he's not an emotionally available human who liked having someone younger than him to play pretend with without having to risk an actual relationship.

    Personally, I'd sever it because people like this are playing games, and you don't deserve that.

  13. I think a great step in the right direction is establishing what your love languages are. You can both find out through on-line tests. Just like you, gift giving (and subsequently receiving) is my top love language, so when giving or receiving gifts it’s a huge deal for me.

    My boyfriend does not feel as strongly about gifts, and doesn’t take time picking what to gift others either. He cares about the person, just not the gift.

    If they’re not singling you out, it’s more of a personality thing. You can bring up how gift giving/receiving means a lot to you and explicitly mention the type of gifts you’d like to receive. It doesn’t have to be a serious conversation, it can just be light hearted and centered around the test results.

  14. Can't move on if your constantly talking to her bud. Gotta block and stop all communication to get over someone.

  15. Dude. You don’t sound shallow as fuck, you are shallow as fuck lol. From the way you’ve talked about him , he’s not even in “unhealthy” territory , and this solely comes down to how you feel about him. But after marriage and three kids you’re afraid of your feelings waning because he doesn’t look the same ?

    Yeesh , I’m usually one to scoff at comments like these but come ON, imagine if a guy wrote this about his wife after she had a kid less than 3 years ago? Slightly different circumstances with the whole pregnancy thing lol but if he’s a good dad and your only complaint is that he has a “beer gut” and has a “bad” snacking habit ?? Gee golly

  16. If this situation and relationship are about to cause you a mental breakdown, it’s definitely time to pack up and go back to where you were. But it doesn’t sound like you have a car because you need her to get you to work?

    Do you have friends that can help you move?

  17. we plan on doing couples counseling. i very much would like to in order to save our relationship. she thinks i only want to do it “to hear a professional say i’m right” but that is so far from the truth. her saying that almost makes me think she’s worried that couples counseling will expose all her bad traits and make her look like the bad guy..

  18. I genuinely think he’s an narcissist and leaving is easier said than done which is why I’m struggling

    I’m not sure at what point I’ll register what he really did to then process that it is genuinely unacceptable

    When I found out about the tests initially, he denied it and said he was getting checked because he thought he could get something from a towel at which point I called BS. He got annoyed because I went through his phone which he said was an invasion of privacy (fair enough lol) but he STILL cheated

    He only told me the truth when he thought he may have contracted something and I’d need to get tested for it (he tested negative in the end…). Yet somehow throughout all of this when he was denying it all – he told me I was insecure for having to look through his phone and clearly had trust issues (LOL)

  19. Oh my god, you selfish coward. What you are saying is basically: 'I don't want to marry her, but I am comfortable with wasting her time til I find someone I want to marry'. Break up with her and let her build on-line with someone who deserves the love she gives them

  20. OK, so after reading the other comments… I would sing him “it’s a small dick after all” set to the tune of it’s a small world, Disney style…

  21. No, it's not acceptable. What he is saying is that you and your future children will never be his first priority. Why would you stay with a partner like that?

  22. Exactly this. The fact he got so many young women and girls into his vehicle is wild to me. Makes me wonder what those conversations looked like, and if he at all didn’t consider how fucking terrified he made them feel.

  23. If you can’t sleep and enjoy being needed, you could try to get a job with the overnight shift at a shelter or rehab

  24. So you were raped and his emotions blinded him to the clarity of the situation.

    Don't try and influence his reality on the situation, you have your own responsibility towards yourself to prioritize.

  25. And you think her husband is going to be “Yes, honey, I'm going to use what you used with your affair partner”?

  26. Why exactly? Because of the tracking app? That’s something we both agreed on in common ground. In fact he suggested it to me so I don’t understand why with the info given is the relationship doomed?

  27. I was in a similar relationship like this for 10 years. Everything you described I experienced. The lack of effort at home, dead end or no job, isolation from friends and family, physical and mental abuse. I was also terrified of ending it because she also had nowhere to go. I ultimately just had to get over it and rip the band aid off. It is not your problem where she goes. You will be tested by her. She will plead, bargain, scream, cry until she finally accepts it:

  28. Like all she has to do to not feel this way & avoid these convos, is to not bring it up it constantly herself??? Lol

  29. She definitely wanted this child and as far as her behavior goes she wants to control all aspects of it.

  30. You finish with talk of salvaging the relationship; what relationship?

    If you’re tired now, just imagine how exhausted you’ll be in another 10 years. You’re only 38, you’ve got half your life to on-line, get out there and start doing it! You’ve got this!

  31. The ratings scales is pretty messed up these days. You're sad about an 8 which is a lot above average, 5 is average. 10 to me is perfect which nobody is, it means there is no room for improvement but there always is, because we all have our unique traits th and also flaws, but that's what makes us special.

    My wife might be perfect for me if I want to go the corny route and I would probably say that if she asked, but that's not something she would ask.

    He kinda shot himself in the foot by asking though

  32. Jeah the problem is I dunno how to reach out at this point i feel like just greeting her if we run into each other on the street and that, thats way better than making a second profile or getting to her through a friend, tbh if I never were blocked i would have just reached out at this point and asked for coffe….

  33. Here’s the deal; you can’t demand she doesn’t go out with her friends. Maybe you didn’t, but you said you didn’t like it so I imagine you either said as much or got angry and treated her accordingly. That’s you being insecure.

    The mom thing is fine. You logically should just let her enjoy time with her family, but it would be dishonest to suggest that she couldn’t have reached out to you at all. I highly doubt she wasn’t on her phone the entire weekend.

    I’d like to know what you did or said regarding her going out. It seems like everything after that was a result of it but you’ll have to let us know.

  34. I haven’t heard the term fugly since 2011. I’d dump her as a friend instead. She sounds shallow and mean.

  35. I thought about moving, but I really love my room and I got incredibly lucky to have the room ti myself since the other two people in my room left.

    I didn’t take any pictures of the bathroom before I cleaned it unfortunately… so far all I did was put a little post it on the mirror of the bathroom and another on the fridge (asking them to please do something about the raw meat).

    I had a traumatizing experience experience last year where my roommates (girls that time) tried to frame me for an actual crime – screaming and throwing glass at them – because they didn’t like me. Fortunately the housing director was able to tell they were lying but I don’t want to be in that spot again.

  36. This (too old for you) guy has probably since that conversation recognized the potential in messing up his friendship with your brother and decided not to go for it. It likely has nothing to do with him not finding you attractive and everything to do with him not wanting to risk pissing your brother off. It would be one thing if you were 25+ and there was real relationship potential there. But he's apparently not going to have a one off hookup with you because the outcome of those can be unpredictable.

  37. Yeah this is in part what made me write this post, it happened about 2 weeks ago and the bad feeling I got from his reaction is still lingering… He apologised profusely after and said that he was having “one of those days” (aka bottom of the spiral), but he tore into me for a good 6 hours repeatedly (accusing me of ignoring him and not spending time with him), and it continued the next day when I only wanted comfort and support. I’m just struggling because I know he is better than this, but it left such a bad taste in my mouth regardless and I am struggling

  38. Or maybe he just finally felt secure enough in the relationship that he could do this without her leaving and try to “train” her into who he thinks she should be.

  39. I get your frustration. She doesn’t seem to be doing anyone any real good but herself. But is that so bad? A privileged white girl goes outside of herself and gets a wider perspective. It’s not like she’s doing much real harm and usually they do drop some bucks on the locals. I’d say it’s fairly WIN/win – she gets more than she gives but it’s overall a good thing for the world to still have people trying

  40. Why are you acting like she skated your grandma and stole all your quilts? She felt sick and went home. Maybe I’m tired but it’s been 8 months. You aren’t engaged. Married. Living together. Just dating. Do you trust her or not? If not then leave her and go find someone else.

  41. No she is being WAY too extra now. Being the general provider for basics like eating at a normal restaurant (because of ENORMOUS wage difference) is different than being expected to buy super lavish things.

  42. Thank you. Why should I have not mentioned my health? I felt like that would be a good no questions asked way to separate (compared to talking about the terrible environment) but clearly I made a mistake.

  43. He's testing your limits and trying to figure out what he can get away with. He wants you to be upset. It also makes sense that he's not always mean – if he was a jerk the whole time then he never would have snagged you.

  44. Why haven't you confronted him? Did you send the evidence to yourself so he can't deny it? Don't be a doormat, know your worth. Good luck OP.

  45. It sounds like she’s lying, honestly. Either way, she’s taking advantage of something that could never be confirmed or denied on his part. If you didn’t have any reason to believe it before, I wouldn’t believe it now that your clearly unstable and emotionally abusive cousin has decided to say something to intentionally hurt you.

  46. I mean. He obviously misses her on some level. Or at least could recognize when he got back that he appreciates her. But he's like I can't relate that I missed her because I didnt have that definition all feeling of pinning somehow. A typical would just say of course I missed you dear. Because they would sense they needed validation or were I secure or whatever.

  47. You are acting very foolish indeed.

    Why are you with a married woman with a small child?

    “Divorce being processed” means they are still sorting out issues like child support, alimony & visitation. Your name being under the leasr together with hers form a very solid evidence that she is in fact cheating.

    I really doubt that her husband is aware of your existance nor thinks that his marriage is yet over. His visits at night are expected, you know what is happening.

    For all we know, you are a temporary placeholder that will continue to give her money after divorce.

    Run. And dont even entertain going out with a married person, be the first wheel not the third.

  48. Your post history, lol. Bro, why are you even with her. Just fucking cut your loses. There is no advice to suddenly get someone to respect you.

  49. Tell him he needs to either be supportive, or you file for full custody and support.

    He doesn't seem to want a child now, who knows if he will ever be ready.

  50. Has he provided any specific examples of how he’s investing more time and put forth more effort than you? Has he communicated what he needs from you? Does he keep score? If he does, about what?

    What are you trying to do on a daily basis to “prove” yourself? Does he criticize your efforts? It’s not healthy when one partner is expected to prove to the other that they are worthy of the relationship.

    Anyone would feel dissatisfied with you? That’s a bold fucking statement. And the only opinions that matters are between the people in the relationship. He’s allowed to have opinions, but that doesn’t mean your feelings are invalid.

  51. She responded with accusations that I don’t trust her and that I’m trying to get take away her friend. And that if I was more present and a better partner then she wouldn’t feel the need to keep things from me because of how I react to them.

    Uh…she is acting in a way that compromises your trust in her, of course you don't trust her.

    She is also putting all the blame on you, gaslighting and this just sums up more reasons for you not to trust her.

    She also says you are not a good partner, has she actually TALKED to you about this? Or she just goes straight to her “friend”?

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