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Megan the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Megan, 18 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Megan

Megan online sex chat

Date: January 9, 2023

22 thoughts on “Megan the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. She’s probably gonna flake cos your texts are too boring +needy + frequent, shud have gone for that kiss if it was on, women don’t like guys who miss the moment

  2. I imagine there is plenty of drama in the UK and he could talk about it at the nearest pub. If you don’t care he should bore you.

  3. Because he gave the “wtf” look and I talked to him privately. He’s here 98% of the time he knows what’s going on he isn’t a little kid anymore

  4. So basically you don’t trust him at all by everything in your post.

    I’m 35, I’ve lived with a guy or two. Trust me, Op, you’re NOT READY!

    Also the fact he cheated is a reason why you shouldn’t.

  5. So you having four kids is your perfect family but her wanting a kid is just wanting a kid for the sake of it?

  6. Because no one celebrates month dates?? And so what if he doesn't post on socials, your relationship is for the two of you, not social media

  7. I know this isn’t something you thought you’d be dealing with, but life throws these things at you sometimes. (Same thing happened to me, except was 12 when we found out about her). You just need to remember that this is an innocent child that didn’t ask to be put into this situation. Support your husband no matter what decision he makes regarding her. If he decides he wants to go through with a DNA test and pursue a relationship, stand by him and welcome this little girl into your life.

  8. I understand that you said it was OK when it started but I couldn't imagine continuing if my partner couldn't get nude. Obviously something is not right, sucks to disappoint the 3rd but I'd have to send them packing and comfort my partner.

  9. Dude you need to sit her down and tell her that she needs to buck up. Six years is getting to old for biting. Does she do that to other kids to get her way? Does her mom even socialize her?

    The biting to get toys is BAD at six because it tells me if she can't see can't control that aspect of her child then what else is she doing wrong?

  10. Children grow up and how many post on Reddit have you seen about people crying after getting ancestry dna test to find out they aren’t related to whom they have been told, how many men are crying because they thought they were the bio father to only find out later they aren’t, how many men are court ordered to pay children support for a child that isn’t theirs.

    Biology matters to your long term health as well.

    It’s what’s best for the child in the long run.

  11. Don't touch women without their consent. And don't just go behind them to dance with them. Use your grown up words and ask.

  12. Get the genetic blood screening at 13 weeks' gestation. It'll tell you the likelihood of the child having any significant disabilities and it's about 98% accurate.

  13. The advice is MOST people in your life will treat you like you're a child groomer if this gets out. The reactions you see in the internet are from real on-line people, and while we may speak out minds more frankly when we're anonymous behind a screen, I guarantee you that many people will see your age gap as an issue and you as a probable predator, and it's going to destroy a big chunk of your life if it gets out. And since she's almost certainly doing this for attention and to hurt her sister, it's definitely going to get out.

    Also, are you sure those nudes are from after her 18th birthday? You might now have what is considered child porn on your phone.

  14. “This has come up a lot because multiple people have told me this is annoying. Like multiple friends, my siblings, his own siblings have told him to knock it off etc.”

    Do you want to on-line the rest of your life having him arguing with everyone? He knows more than the contractor building/remodeling your home. He knows more than the pediatrician taking care of your kids. He knows how to teach better than actual teachers. He'll even argue with the barista making his coffee. He will drive away friends and family since no one can stand spending time with him.

    His need to always be right won't change unless he recognizes it as a problem and is willing to address the issues behind it. But he probably thinks he knows more about mental health than any counselor!

  15. He wants you to make yourself smaller so he feels bigger. Don't change who you are to try and keep a man who cannot accept you as the person you are. You're just not compatible. Move on.

  16. Oh man, it sounds like you remain a side action or the AP or you were the AP for awhile before he finally broke it off with her.

    I wouldn't be surprised if he would sleep with her during the “ex” birthday, tbh.

    Or he can just lie to you like the way he used to lie b4, and told you that he's told his ex about you so he can meet and 'have fun' with his ex during her birthday party.

  17. Your boyfriend is a gaslighting douchebag. My ex did that and thought it was funny. I left him because he was the joke.

  18. I find Reddit is lackadaisical with boundaries regarding in laws / coparenting and exes/ custody of pets/ and if people put their SO first before exes or parents wishes, there would be far less broken homes.

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