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MelanieBrown on-line sex chats for YOU!


MelanieBrown Public Chat Channel

Date: January 14, 2023

24 thoughts on “MelanieBrown on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I'll try? Thank you so much! She was having the pressure from “forever” and being somewhat intimate at the same time. So I shall keep on caring about her and tring to be better friends!

  2. Your girlfriend is acting like the third to this couple. She has 0 respect for your relationship. She is allowing this couple to disrespect you and she’s prioritizing them over you. Her behavior is not ok. Let her go so she can fully be in a throuple. She values this couple more than your relationship.

  3. I'm sorry you're in this situation, but it sounds like you're looking for a kind of relationship with your dad that just isn't feasible. You want to have a mutually respectful relationship with him, but you just can't because he isn't willing and/or capable of participating.

    That's not your fault, but it's also not Tammy's fault. It's his fault and his alone.

    I love my dad, and it's the love that pulls at me and makes me want to have a continued relationship with him.

    This is also what makes people stay in abusive, violent relationships, but that doesn't make it any more right or healthy. I'm not saying your relationship with your dad is the same, but the mechanism is and so is the result.

    It's entirely possible to love someone and still recognise that being around them just isn't in oiur best interest, but maybe that depends on how you view the concept of 'love' and maybe that is something you need to dive into a little bit deeper then.

    Do you really love your dad, or do you love him only in the sense that you expect him to love you back in a certain way and find it naked to let go of that idea?

  4. Wtf did I just read! Like dude, block her already! Cancel the membership, and take your card off it! Don't engage with her anymore! Everyone is telling you what you need to do!! Use all this advice that has been given to you and grow a spine and go to therapy! No more relationship and work on yourself more!

  5. One: You should never let anyone tell you what should or should not upset you. Your feelings are always valid. What you do with it is what matters.

    Two: Kudos for using those heartbreaking words to turn your life and health around. Not everyone would respond as calmly and as rationally as you did. I salute you for that.

    Three: Do some introspection. Why did those words hurt you as it did? What happened? What did it affect? Your ego? Your trust on her? Your confidence? Take your time. There is no right or wrong answer.

    Four: Time for another serious conversation. Think of what you really want. Do you want things to get better between the two of you? Do you want her to apologize? Can you move on from what she said?

  6. Yes, there are so many ways you two could potentially accommodate each other. What matters is communication, trust, and making sure everyone is comfortable and no one is being pressured to do anything they don't want. First of all, what do you mean by “sex”? Do you mean “penis in vagina” penetration? How do you both stand on nakedness / naked cuddles? Massages? Touching/caressing? Mutual masturbation, or self masturbation? What are your views on porn, erotica, sex work? About polyamory, open relationships, swinging? There are plenty of ways to share both intimacy and pleasure that don't involve PiV. In the course of this discussion, you might find out that you have ways to make it work, or you could be incompatible. I'd also say that this question would be better answered in places made for allo/ace relationships (I know there are a few on Facebook). Good luck op!

  7. I think your past has taught you some unhealthy behaviors. Your boyfriend has rightly called you out on them.

    Flicking him is a violent act. Its sole intent is to inflict pain. Not a lot, but it has no other purpose than to hurt and demean.

    Fake punching doesn't actually hurt, but is intended to scare. It's an abusive thing to do.

  8. It is completely normal. It shouldn’t be looked at as competition.

    Get a remote control vibrator so he can be a part of the action

  9. The GF isn't engaging. She gave Shady Guy what he wanted at the time to make him go away, and untangled herself from the situation at a safe distance. She didn't add him back, she gave an pre-emptive excuse in case he asks again, she didn't say “hey, snap doesn't work but we should text about the show!” From the facts OP has told us, she's not giving off any “yeah, I'm interested!” signals.

    He needs to trust that she knows how best to handle it, and just let it alone. That includes trusting her on whether HR would be helpful.

  10. People cheat, especially on work trips, even with random strangers they drink heavily and smoke with.

    Did you say “No” or “Stop it” or “Don't do that” or try to push her away or try to get away from her or literally anything at all, anything in the moment while she was kissing you and blowing you, that would suggest that you don't want her to kiss and blow you?

  11. I mean some US states give the other parent's rapist parental/custody rights. Not an alleged rapist – convicted ones, after they've released. So…yeah.

  12. Stop overfunctioning. If he can't get to work because of a suspended license, the burden of that shouldn't fall on you! Since you on-line with him, you sort of have to continue maintenance of the chores, but he should find another way to get to and from his job. The punishment should fit the crime, not end up being the SO's problem!

  13. He is literally a classic manipulative creep, do not fall into his trap. I’m sure he’s telling you all kinds of things like ‘how mature you are’ and that ‘he’s never had a connection like this with anyone’. He’s a cheating POS and guarantee you aren’t the first student he’s pulled this crap with and you won’t be the last. When his marriage falls apart it is 100% on him and his actions

  14. Same for me. I posted my story in here, but my wife cheated, we divorced, and 5 years later we remarried. We are going on 13 years in our 2nd marriage.

  15. Right? Everyone on Reddit acts like people are capable of controlling their emotions no matter what is said. I don't know how I'd react if I heard a “friend” make a joke about sharing my partner especially if I know they have feelings for them

  16. Not all women feel like that at all. And plenty of us could be caught doing the same. The downvotes are just pearl clutching…and not the fun kind;)

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