I would make it crystal clear to BIL that that was not okay and that you will not be entertaining this behavior. He probably expects that you will give in and that something exciting will happen eventually. Your call to tell your husband. Your relationship with him, you, and your husband will never be the same if you tell, but don't feel guilt whichever way you go. If he finds out, later, just admit it and say it was not a big deal, you put a stop to it before it got too far. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about it. You are allowed to have private moments. Though you were assaulted so if you want to never see him again TELL!
You’re in it now. Stay strong man. If you love her. When she quits drinking and comes back to earth it will be worth it just for the fact that you were a rock when needed
I have a medical degree in psychology! It is a trauma bond to the T. I just do not know how to support him while maintaining any sense of calm.
It is invasive. Trust me or move on. There is no middle ground for me.
I would make it crystal clear to BIL that that was not okay and that you will not be entertaining this behavior. He probably expects that you will give in and that something exciting will happen eventually. Your call to tell your husband. Your relationship with him, you, and your husband will never be the same if you tell, but don't feel guilt whichever way you go. If he finds out, later, just admit it and say it was not a big deal, you put a stop to it before it got too far. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about it. You are allowed to have private moments. Though you were assaulted so if you want to never see him again TELL!
Ask yourself what do you gain from confronting him?
You’re in it now. Stay strong man. If you love her. When she quits drinking and comes back to earth it will be worth it just for the fact that you were a rock when needed