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Melissa Stratton the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Melissa Stratton, 33 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Melissa Stratton

Melissa Stratton live sex chat

Date: October 22, 2022

32 thoughts on “Melissa Stratton the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I am right there with you my wife left for a 3 month trial separation with my 4 year old daughter and tomorrow is my birthday. I also have a feeling she is trying to hook up with someone and it eating me alive.

  2. You're not the villain–a lot of people have trouble functioning without a partner and look for one very quickly after a breakup to fill the void.

  3. I see a lot of you assuming his comfort levels and letting that dictate your behaviour, and nothing to suggest you’ve actually tried to discuss this with him at all. Maybe try that before assuming he’s untrustworthy and disrespectful?

  4. He sounds horrible. I’d be gone. Religion or not, why’d religion make you be miserable your whole life. That’s so ridiculous. It’s 2022, divorce is acceptable.

  5. Seriously sounds like she did you a fantastic favor and left your life. Might use friend to keep you on the back burner. Let go with love be happy she is happy block them both/ no contact and move on there will be another.

  6. You aren't his girlfriend, you're his mother. On top of that there's no romance or sex in your relationship. What is it that is tangibly beneficial for you to be with him?

    Assert yourself, your expectations and tell him that he needs to carry his weight of the relationship (and household). If he's not willing to do this, then consider alternative options.

  7. That's not how acid works….. you don't see shit that's not there, it just changes your perceptions. Makes shit like like waves. I've done at most 10 tabs at once and was super out of it but never once saw true hallucinations.

  8. Never agree to do anything you don't 100% want to do.

    Just tell him nice try but it ain't gonna happen and he is on thin ice with you. If he doesn't buck his ideas up you will dump him pronto.

    Or even better just dump him, don't waste your time on this BS.

  9. Your husband is controlling you. Every time you disagree with him he does that to hurt you and make you agree with him to not fight anymore. I bet that if you say divorce is on the table someone will freak out that his tools are not working anymore.

  10. I hope he reads this as sarcastic. FFS, he's already way too emotionally immature to figure out what the girl he supposedly cares about is saying.

  11. Honey, why are you intentionally setting yourself up to feel bad? It sounds like you did this experiment out of insecurity and no surprise that what you already felt was reinforced. You think every woman is a 10 because you're not noticing the flaws in other people that you notice in yourself. That's normal, but comparing only serves to make us feel bad.

    Remember as well that everyone chooses their best photos and a lot of people filter and edit them as well. You see yourself from every angle, in bad lighting, on days when you're tired or dehydrated, etc.

    Live! dating is a crapshoot. You can be good-looking and still struggle. I think it would serve you well to talk to a therapist. Confidence is so much of attraction. You can also have people on Reddit look at your profile and help you with photos, sometimes it's just a matter of overhauling your profile. But I promise you everyone feels this way sometimes.

  12. Don’t send a victim of abuse to marriage counseling with her abuser. It is truly ill-advised. OP needs to make an exit plan and leave.

  13. I'm with you on this lol. It's not SUPER weird, but it's kinda weird. I'd definitely be a bit weirded out if my friend asked both me and our other friend out, especially if it's just a friend group of three people lmfao.

  14. They saved multiple lives in my family and friend group. Aunt, my ex, her mother, and numerous others. Im sorry you feel that way but they are award winning for a reason. No hospital is perfect in all areas. I wouldnt go for mental help for example. There are better places for that than Mayo. My aunt is proof of that. Mayo's MS treatments and specialists are life saving. Thats why i am suggesting them to OP. I don't know what your mum has but they have saved so many lives close to me.

  15. real i did not read this as flirtatious i see it more like she’ll be upset if i don’t meet her expectations and hold it against me

  16. I wouldn't want to hang out with someone who talked shit about my partner. It would be totally unenjoyable to be around them. I would firmly express to them that if they didn't stop, then I would have to cut them off. If they continued, I'd stay true to my word.

    I understand loyalty to a friend to a certain degree. But to me, when they start badmouthing my partner, they're the ones being disloyal. I know with 100% certainty that my partner would stand up for me and he knows the same. That's how it should be.

    Like other commenters have said, this definitely warrants a serious sit-down discussion. Speak calmly and plainly about how her actions make you feel. Therapists are always talking about “I feel” statements. If she gets defensive, address it and ask why she doesn't defend you the same way. If she doesn't respond well, brushes you off, or apologizes but nothing changes, then you have to make some tough decisions. Don't speak your feelings and then watch her fall back into the same routine. Have a real, actionable solution ready. Don't leave it open-ended. Good luck!

  17. See, I think that’s why I’m asking. I never saw a problem with it when I was younger, but the older I get, the more I see how much his influence affected my life.

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