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Melissasweett_live sex stripping with hd cam


23 thoughts on “Melissasweett_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. If he played a game while you cried without talking to you and you saying I just want to be alone he is not a partner. Leave him.

  2. Also, I really resent how easily people give up on their relationships on reddit which is exactly why I asked for advice that wasn't “your incompatible, just break up.”

  3. Sure, I don’t see why there isn’t a chance. Nothing your post makes me think it couldn’t happen. It really depends on how she feels.

    Dumb question, but I’m assuming you know for sure that she’s into women? If you’re not sure about that, then obviously that could be a big stumbling block… and who knows, given the fact she’s already in her 20s and has never had a relationship, she might have some sort of hesitance because that’s not approved of by her family or something like that.

    But yeah, barring that, I would talk to her. There’s no other way to solve the problem.

  4. Break up with the guy that raped you while you were sleeping, hides your birth control and is trying to force you into being his human incubator. This man is abusive, a sexual predator and is is trying to baby trap you and force you to have and raise his children. He is a terrible partner and will be a horrible father. Dump this awful rapist!!

  5. Always worth sharing The Narcissist's Prayer for those who might not have seen it.

    That didn’t happen. And if it did, it wasn’t that bad. And if it was, that’s not a big deal. And if it is, that’s not my fault. And if it was, I didn’t mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.

  6. He underestimated his hand.

    Him: “If you don't like my rules, then leave!”

    *you leave

    Him: I can't believe you left me!

    Dude is stuck in the 1700's re: his view on women. Block him and never look back.

  7. Comment Rule 1: All comments must be on topic and focus on the OP, in good faith. Derailing arguments, fights, and moral whataboutism is not allowed. Advice given must be good, ethical advice. Remember, the goal is to help your fellow human.

    “”Comment Rule 2:** Keep it civil. No insults, no threats of violence, no encouraging violence, no harassment, no trolling, no advertising other subs, no spam. You will be banned. All bans in this sub are permanent. You don't get a free pass.

  8. I wouldn't even be positive that him and his wife fought over you. He may have just been checking to see if you were interested.

    Either way, he obviously wants to fuck you. What you do with that info is up to you.

  9. Oh I’m so sorry OP you are going through this but you don’t seem to realize just how offensive your family is being – on multiple levels.

    Let’s say that he did abuse you. Shouldn’t they be concerned that you were abused in this hypothetical scenario? Shouldn’t they ask if you’re ok, why didn’t you come to them for help and offer comfort?

    Of course this is not the case. You didn’t know. First offense is they didn’t believe you. Why would you lie? Are they implying that you are so malicious and vindictive that you purposely kept it a secret, waiting for the day he would unleash the monster and watch your sister suffer? Is that what they think of you?

    Your family are disgusting people with extremely flawed logic. If I were you, I’d write them a long message detailing your hurt and explaining that you could never hurt your sister by keeping such a secret and that they not only believe you are capable of it but blaming you for it has put things in perspective for you. I’d tell them that their baseless accusations have broken your heart and you didn’t deserve it. That they are clearly worried about your sister but blaming the wrong person. The only person to blame here is your ex. They need to know that they messed up. And then take a break from them.

  10. In what ways did he bring up coffee? Just curious because it kind of sounds like that could have possibly been him opening the door for you to make an advance. He could possibly be reluctant (rightfully so) to make a move since you are a customer. I don’t think it would hurt provide your number if he has already mentioned something like getting coffee

  11. Guys have a machismo about going to the doctor . Always gotta be tough and macho that is where this all comes from. To me this is toxic masculinity and the only version of it that makes sense to me . Being to manly to have a healthy upkeep of yourself was always something I never subscribed too but I understand it.

  12. Is it extreme, to say she hates you- yes. And something to discuss about as It's hurtful and uncalled for.

    However, she's asked something fairly simple of her and you're choosing to ignore it. It's not even a difficult ask. Maybe put some alarms in your phone that are called take her picture or something to remember to take her dang photo.

    I have run into this with my husband. I've hundreds of photos of him and our toddler but very limited photos of myself and LO and it sucks. Lots of moments not captured that I'd appreciate having. He's better about it now but he did take the time to listen to me and try to do better.

    Maybe right now it doesn't seem important to you but as your child grows and if you two stay together you might like to see photos of the mother of your child with your child

  13. Thanks for mentioning this. I don't think it applies here to this post but a lot of guys are unaware of this and it's good to spread the info regardless.

    I recently gave this random guy my Instagram info even though I'm taken. He was following me all over a store and forcing a one sided conversation with me. He was scaring me and I didn't want him to react violently if I rejected him, so I gave him my Instagram to get him to leave me alone. It worked, he left me alone and when he followed me on insta I blocked him right away and never went back to that store.

  14. Oh, so very understanding of the cat abuser, aren't you?

    What's your excuse for why she doesn't clean the litter or the food and water bowls?

  15. I look objectively worse with glasses. I have a very strong prescription, and the glasses severely distort my face due to the “coke bottle” effect… It gives me what I refer to as “8 face”

  16. He won't be mad at you or anything. He will be there for you if you need to talk about it. You should tell him. You really should tell your entire family including your aunt.

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