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Mia Nude live sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 9, 2022

53 thoughts on “Mia Nude live sex cams for YOU!


    This level of manipulation and victim-blaming is nauseating to the core. You did nothing wrong. He won't forgive you because there's nothing to forgive. You DIDN'T cheat on him, but he's making you feel like you did. He's making you feel like what you did was just as bad as cheating and you need his forgiveness before you can move on. That's gaslighting.

    He won't date you, but wants to marry you? Fuck no. He wants to control you. He wants you guilty, apologetic, and pathetic, so he can control you.

    How are you not furious at his behavior? How are you still in this relationship?

    Honey, he is manipulating the HELL out of you. If you stay, you will be hurt, lied to, manipulated, and ALWAYS made to feel like you're in the wrong for literally no reason. He has mental health issues? Boo-fucking-hoo. You don't get to treat people like shit because you're depressed.

    Do not be a dumb bitch. Leave him.

  2. That was my exact thought process when the girl messaged me. I valued her opinion so much but it was nude for me because I had seen such a different side to him.

  3. Nah, it's not like that. There are plenty of rich people out there that aren't so obtuse. It has nothing to do with if they ever struggled or not. Some have been rich for generations as far as their family tree goes, and would never invite their partner for christmas and expected them to pay. It's called class, sorry to say your boyfriend doesn't have it.

  4. It is OK if he gets defensive.

    Honestly, I would wait until it happens and then go down, soaking from the tub, and say, “Babe, please pick up the baby when he is crying, thank you, I will be back down when I am done my bath, in about half an hour” and then go back upstairs.

    And then talk about it after. “I don't like having to remind you to pick up the baby when he's crying, is there a reason you were letting him cry?”

  5. I really hope you didn't contribute to the house he bought because it definitely feels like this relationship is on the way out. I'd be very blunt with him about what you expect if the relationship is too continue and set a deadline for decisions to be made so you're not stuck in limbo. Then, if it turns out he has broken things off, I'd focus on building a support system before you get back into romance. Hoping for the best for you, girl.

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  7. Look up the sunken cost fallacy. The fact that you've invested time and effort in the relationship to date should not figure in your thinking as to whether you keep going with this relationship- think about whether the relationship you have right now is something you want to keep.

  8. You realise this is a territorial dispute, and you are the territory right? Unfortunately for you, you are going to have to make a choice and that is going to be difficult because until you shut this shit down, it will never end.

    If it were me I'd be inclined to tell your mother that your wife is your family and you two are a team. That although you love her, you feel put in a position where you have to choose. In that case you choose your wife. And that if she can't act reasonable around her, you simply won't be around her. If she can't respect that, go low or no contact. And you need to sort this before you have kids or it will go pear shaped very quickly. Your wife can probably hold it together when your mum is pressing her buttons but I guarantee you it will be a lot more aggressive if she thinks her baby is being attacked. Good luck, I hope it works out for you.

  9. Hello /u/carrofazbibi,

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  10. OP, if my wife, back when we dated would’ve said… you are out of my league….. you know what would’ve happen? I’d promoted her to EX in an instant! This lady of yours is a savage with boobs plain and simple…. My mantra, I won’t stop a traveler and let her go!

  11. I still talk to girls at my college, I’m not sure if it’s just because of feeling nervous, I think it’s a combination of that, plus lack of interest in her.

  12. You becoming emotional when someone hurts you isn't an excuse for that person to lie and hide things from you. She's hiding those things to make her life easier, not yours.

  13. What did she “misunderstand” about you being a married man? It is NOT in your best interest to be “friends”. You need to respect your marriage if you want to keep it.

  14. Why are you letting this horrible person lie to you? You're the one he's feeding the lies to, she isn't the only one. Break it off with this creature before he disrespects you again.

  15. And I think that would be okay under normal circumstances to at least have a conversation with her. But these are not normal circumstances, she has tried to manipulate and coerce OP into something he clearly was not onboard with and then issued him with an ultimatum based on it. She is not a good person, let her make her bed and lie in it.

  16. I met a girl who was a lot like you sound and I adored her completely. I still do. She had a lot of trauma but was literally just such a joy to be around. I told her time and time again and showed her time and time again that I love spending time with her and reminding her she's not a burden but a privilege to be with.

    Trust what he's saying it's real.

  17. Get. Away. From. Him. He's a controlling asshole who intentionally sought out a young, naive girl to manipulate. It will only get worse from here

  18. While that would be justice, when people are already acting this way, they just use it as an excuse to continue or be worse about it. “Well you did this too.” “You can't have it both ways.” or they try to one up the abusive behaviors.

  19. Please take this advice from someone who stayed in an abusive situation for too long:

    You cannot love someone out of their unhappiness and make them a better person.

    Your BF is treating you like crap. Life is too short to stay with people who are not kind or considerate to their partners.

    You are not his sex toy to be used or discarded as he sees fit. He’s selfish and not worth your time.

  20. If he has a folder he keeps those kinds of picks he’s not shared with her before, it’s a folder that could have other evidence picks to validate OP’s suspicions.

    It’s pulling the string to see where it takes you.

  21. She was just talking to me about the colonization of her country. More specifically, how her region (Goa, in India) was part of Portugal and not Britain like much of the rest of India. Literally just that. And I wasn’t even laughing at her, she just misinterpreted it as that.

  22. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I honestly need advice on the situation. It's something I wasn't expecting to deal with and I don't want to overreact in the future.

    Our relationship is one year long, I'm not sure if I build a trust within this time. 3 months ago he met this girl on a friend finding app and I didn't met her yet. I was very insecure about it and this is the first time when my anxious attachment style was triggered so nude. Now he wants to go for the trip with just her to go drinking and visit a new country. I think he should know that I also love to travel around and this is very delicate for me. He says he wants to form a better friendship with her doing so and he doesn't feel attracted to her, he wouldn't be with me if it's that the case.

    He says it's a normal thing to go for trips with an opposite gender, for me it's a bit hard to accept (I don't think I would do something like that with a male friend)

    Please, I need advice before my jealousy and insecurity take over me.

  23. It’s very easy to have paternity test through internet in Germany or in Uk. Also I guess my life is fucked

  24. Well, some people are bad at compliments, and don't say them very often. I'm in my 30s and my partner doesn't compliment me that often either. But, it's very obvious through other actions and behavior he loves me. Like buying something nice for me that I needed or suits my personality (shows he knows me very well). He also talks to me about everything and anything. He enjoys spending time with me, and often looks for games or tv series/ movies we can watch together. Etc. We've been together for 10 years.

    I guess my point is, maybe there are things he does that would be a tell that he likes you? Like maybe he cancels his plans with others to chill with you? Maybe he shares things with you he doesn't most people. Maybe he messages you often. Maybe he takes the initiative for you two to hang out often. Etc.

  25. This isn’t a “we have to figure out” situation, HE has to work all of this out. You aren’t his caretaker.

    There are a lot of various thoughts around dog training that argue with one another, about dominance or pure praised etc. but never ever do those debates involve kicking dogs in the side or flinging them around. He’s abusive. If the dog is gone, guess who that will turn to? You need to remove you and the dog.

  26. What's left to fix? He showed you how little he cares and that your marriage isn't worth a response to you telling him how bad things are. He's emotionally abusive to you both and it's only going to get worse. Pack your and your son's things and leave this situation before he grows up thinking this is how dad's are supposed to behave

  27. Sorry this is happening.

    Your bf has told you how he feels and why he's not comfortable. I know you want support during this time but you should respect how he feels.

    Everyone goes through grief differently so stop comparing him to you.

    If he's upset on the day he will be of no help to you. However he will be there for you when you are done with the funeral.

  28. Generally I would think the same, however she is very reserved being muslim and all, and yet she still wanted to be with me, and whenever we haven't been together she'll stalk my instagram and like all my posts to get my attention. Idk man

  29. Do not say anything while he's driving. See if you can drive his car so he can't hurt you.

    After you get home, tell him that he has to tell her that day. Have your phone on and recording while you talk to him. Give him a very set amount of time, then call the GF when that time is up.

    Either she will know (and you let her know you are on her side) or she won't (and ask her to come to a coffee house or your place or something). Don't tell her over the phone.

  30. He can you know also just travel on his own or with friends/family. And there is also alternatives to fying like around the world cruises that take you all around the world for months with no flying

  31. Yup, seized the opportunity to offer “support” so he could get touchy-feely with the girl. Shameless creep move.

  32. i think you should break up. it seems like you have very different boundaries about having opposite sex friends and honestly it borders into controlling territory forcing your SO to cut off contact with someone. especially since it seems like he did reduce contact, they were just friendly at a party. and if you’re not even worried about him cheating… yeah, you’re just being controlling

  33. Having been in her position…just end it tactfully. Make it about your shortcomings not being good enough for her.

    My ex tried skirting around the issue, but I knew. His behaviour when we were together, when he touched something he didn't like, and finally catching him screwing his face up when looking at me, where I could see him in a mirror behind me, let me know the real reason. He was a terrible liar.

    Also: Don't contact her later, suggesting FWB until you, “find someone better”; and absolutely do not send her a list of things “wrong” with her body, that you believe she should “fix” before getting nude in front of anyone else in the future – even if you think it will allow her to “avoid embarrassment”. I guarantee you she will not appreciate the sentiment.

  34. This relationship sounds like its well past done. A therapist should never be giving advice and telling him what to say, they're supposed to be neutral and the fact that he is using her as another manipulation technique just goes to show that he can't actually work on his behaviours for the better.

    It won't get better, just worse.

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