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MiaBray online sex chats for YOU!


MiaBray Public Chat Channel

Date: October 10, 2022

30 thoughts on “MiaBray online sex chats for YOU!

  1. i'm not sure but i dont think so since he's being so cold over how sick his friend is. the fact that his friend is in pain and might even die and he's not even asking about him or checking on him made him seem heartless to me

  2. i was friends the same way with someone when i was 16. years later, still casual friends that play games and watch movies live!. if he’s a friend i don’t see the problem, but if he’s pursing you romantically or sexually than there is a problem. my friend would always watch out for me, telling men who were his age trying to hit on me to fuck off. he sees me as a little sister practically. most of these people have the right reasons to tell you to not be friends with him, but i honestly don’t see a problem with what you’ve said. if you, yourself, are weirded out, that’s fine to back away then. but don’t let others tell you how to feel i guess.

  3. Its exactly what it says. Means he fits in perfectly. Means it feels really good. Means it feels good for you too.

    But hooking up with an ex is another story, but hey, whatever keeps y'all going!

  4. Upvoting for the health check advice and not your pull out game lol and I think I'm pretty set on my condom game, as I am now a 50yo single happily celibate perimenopausal woman. I buy them for the active teens in my neighborhood though, and make sure they know the basics/answer any questions they can't/won't ask their parents.

  5. >I don't know what to do from here. Any advice would be appreciated.

    I am sorry but you know what you should do. You tried talking to him and he still does it and insists that you “must take it and stop being so serious.” he is asserting control over you and from what it looks like, already testing his waters at how far he can go with you. While you'Re floundering, because he'd been a perfect gentleman before that. he's forcing you to endure something he wants by using physical force and i shudder to think what else he'd make you endure in the future if you do not leave now. No relationship is worth such a treatment. Doesn't matter if the partner was perfect before, or if years and years have passed before the behaviour appeared. Your course of action should be that you take all your stuff from his place (if you have anything there) and break up with this disgusting farm animal.

    Personally i would do it in a public place (a cafe or a restaurant) with a friend close by for safety and because i do not care about their embarassment i would call them them out for their behaviour and specifically name their actions. Working out hard and smearing their sweat all over you, digging his finger under his foreskin and trying so jam it up your nose . And then call him out for what he is. A disgusting swine that can lose your number because this relationship is over.

  6. The thing is he’s told her several times marriage is a no go and he thinks she’s waiting for him to “come around” to marriage. They can’t have a real conversation about their non married future until she fully accepts that marriage isn’t in their future.

  7. He mentioned sleeping in my office and me taking the bedroom, but the futon isn’t really all that comfortable which is why I figured it might be considerate to switch. It might be easier to have one space though, something to consider.

    That’s kind of what I figure for food – have a plan in mind, and see if he wants any. I’m just trying to be conscious of not taking up too much of the common areas, especially as we have such a small space, and I don’t want him (or me) to feel like we have to be confined to one room. I’m definitely overthinking it, anxiety will do that to ya lol

  8. Think about how this kids life would be affected by parents who don't want them. Make a decision based on that.

  9. Did you mean to write this down and put it in a garbage can where it belongs? Because you actually posted it on the internet! How embarrassing for you!

  10. So the chat that I found out about happened in 2019, he tried to convince me it was a one time thing. He manipulated me so much I believed him. But deep down I thought there was more and I finally got my mom to admit 2 years later ( 4 years in total now) that it was mroe than one chat. They interacted sexually for 2 weeks and he had preyed on her and persisted in her so much that she finally gave in. My mom and dad relationship is not great and they’re divorced.

  11. She sounds just as mature as I would expect a 30 year old to be dating as 21 year old.

    My bad isn't an apology tho.

  12. Clearly in this instance your wife was not irrational in her insecurity, but I'm not going to be as quick as the other commenters to dismiss the possibility that she is insecure. Huge numbers of people, both men and women, deal with insecurity of different kinds and if they don't address it it can be a real drag on a relationship. Clearly this instance is your burden to bear when it comes to dealing with Amy and responding to your wife's valid concerns in a way that shows her in no uncertain terms that she is valued and protected in the relationship, and that likely means cutting Amy off for good. But if she does show insecurity or jealousy towards female friends or coworkers in general, that is hers to own, and she will need to do work on her sense of security and self-worth to keep the relationship healthy. I've seen a lot of relationships flounder because one partner is constantly worried that their partner will leave them for someone “better”, and so often it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy because they burn out with this worry and pull away from their partner, feeling it would be easier to not be with someone than be worried all the time. Hope you both figure this out.

  13. There is a lot to process in this. I appreciate the note and the candor. There is a lot good with our marriage, she is my best friend, we enjoy each other's company, we have affection, but your sentence of “You will begin to deeply resent her lack of understanding or reciprocation” kind of hit the nail on the head of my concern. I am hopeful I can turn the ship but you gave me some important perspective. Thanks.

  14. Cancel the reservations… tell her youre sorry a GAME has ruined the relationship so much that u cannot take her to the planned dinner she had u cancel. Then explain u will no longer game with her bc she over reacts If she cannot communicate better than this at 27 years old perhaps some distance would be good.

  15. This is absolutely not a crush. This is an obsession. I’m a private investigator who’s worked stalking cases and so many start off just like this. Definitely get a lawyer. He’s likely not going to stop anytime soon.

  16. A break only on the third day? If you want to talk to someone then talk to them. Unfortunately with texting often both parties will assume one not texting first means they aren’t interested. If you want to text then text don’t overthink it too much. Perhaps ask her on a date so you can talk in person.

  17. What would you consider constant fighting? It’s not every day or every week. It does vary. Do you think this is fixable?

  18. Is this serious? He shouldn't celebrate his friend's birthday and he should put his life on pause because they are reconciling? The friends who probably provided him support in the first place?

    My goodness. What is wrong with this world.

  19. Why are you being friends with someone you clearly don't want to be just friends with? If she's emotionally unavailable and you're not willing to emotionally accept that, you need to respectfully walk away. Continuing to push/prod is only going to cause issues for you two.

    I think you need to add some distance between you two. If she inquires why you're being distant, be honest and tell her you're not sure if you're willing to just be friends right now.

  20. I’m super sorry to hear about what you’re going through, it must be so hard. That said, what about your husband’s life? You’re so concerned about yours that you never stopped to think about his. Maybe think about where he’s coming from and why. Best of luck to you.

  21. Are you thinking MOH has a thing for OP? Because that, or that something happened between MOH and husband, are the only reasonable explanations I can come up with. Hopefully MOH is just an asshole.

  22. I don't mean to be contrary but –

    If she's told you she's changed but hasn't told you about her past abusive ways – what is she telling you has changed?

  23. Yessss that’s exactly it! I didn’t even ask him to get It I just mentioned to listen for the bell and he insisted he’d do it, then stood around making tea when he knew the delivery was there and when i tried to get it myself he basically reprimanded/guilted me (as you said) for trying to deal with it myself like I would have done in the first place.

    That’s not the first time a similar thing happened in our brief relationship/courtship but it was the last time I accepted it. I’m so disgusted. I wish I knew the term for it but I guess “entitled asshole” is the best thing I can think of right now.

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