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Mike & Alex the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Mike & Alex live sex chat

Date: October 20, 2022

48 thoughts on “Mike & Alex the naked live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. He's been cheating on you for a decade, has continued to do so, and openly says that cheating is exciting and clearly doesn't think it's a big deal.

    Enough with fucking therapists, and “sex addiction” or whatever the fuck. He said “he had enough respect to not get a blowjob” and frankly that's just a divorce-worthy line right there.

    Oh, and then the “I have a wandering eye, so this is actually GOOD and you shouldn't be mad” thing.

    He enjoys cheating, and just keeps it low enough stakes (as far as you know) to keep you from leaving him outright. The therapists are a smokescreen, if after all this time, and therapy, that's what he's still saying.

    Don't stay with him just for money. That's not going to lead you to a happy life.

  2. Of course you should. Your son has made a choice. You should respect that choice and treat that child as a member of the family for as long as she is around, be that a week, a month, or for years to come.

    That little girl has absolutely no choice in where she is required to spend Christmas. Can you imagine being five, in a strange place, watching other kids open gifts while you just sit there? That would be cruel. Please don’t be cruel.

  3. Sounds like an emotionally abusive person, they tend to have their own problems and find any way to take it out on the people close to them.

  4. Make him get you off first! You deserve orgasms! Don't let him in next time until you've come!

    Honestly I could never be with someone who wouldn't go down on me, but you do you, as long as you aren't constantly forced to do yourself.

  5. You’re dumb for a lot of reasons but the only reason I am going to tell you is because you complain about not knowing what to do and would rather “process” this shit and ask Reddit for help other than talk to the girl you slapped after she offered to communicate. If this isn’t fake you’re retarded, and not the good kind

  6. Either he is hiding something, or just plain bad timekeeper. The first I can't provide any insight into but I've experienced the second. The thing is, people who are bad timekeepers for years are often not aware of it, and even worse their friends/family start arranging things around them so that their lateness doesn't cause issues, and this reinforced the individuals belief there isn't any issue. Tldr – late people gonna late.

  7. Hello /u/Cherry_Trapper,

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  8. I love to cook and meal plan but Home Chef saves us time and energy and it's often only an hour tops to prepare. Some weeks we do our own but most weeks we do half OG meals and half Home Chef and alternate cooking. I have no clue why OP insists on being lazy. Save money and cook. Take out is absolutely expensive these days. The fact he's happy being helpless is incredibly laughable. Everyone should be able to cook/follow directions. I love to cook but I'd hate to do it all myself.

  9. I just want to note that I spent years in the fashion and beauty industries. Your body type is highly sought after to the point that young girls starve themselves for it. In fact diversity of bodies in advertising is a very recent phenomena and based on female consumers vs the male gaze.

    The issue is that you have an awful boyfriend. The reason he’s your body friend is because you have so little respect for yourself that you are dating a guy who puts you down and makes it clear you aren’t his type.

    The solution is to break up with him and seek out therapy to help with your complete lack of self esteem. In my experience you get a great boyfriend not when you have a certain weight or bust size, but when you are confident, love yourself, and expect to be treated well.

  10. met when she was married, dated, cheated, asked to move in (husband?), texting goodnight daily, you work together, she's your boss, she gets jealous…. oh god i got tired at this point….

    This is why.

    If this is real then FFS

  11. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    So my wife and I have been together since 2005. She has never been a sexual person, and was only with one person, one time before me. I meet her when she was 24. She made me wait 5 months for sex, then sex was only about once a month afterwards. Took her a year to do oral even though she expected it from me. She would gag if I got cum on her or her lips. She never initiates sex and blows off most requests, but after I keep asking her to try new things and fulfill them. She has never asked me for anything in the sex area. We ended up going to marriage counseling about 2 years ago, and we learned how important sex and intimacy were in a marriage. Since then she has marginally tried to be better.

    In the past, I would make big deals out of her Birthday, X-Mas, Valentine's Day, etc. She would never do anything for my BDay, buy me any X-Mas gifts, or if she did, very little thought. Was never there when I needed her (would rather go to lunch with her friends than drive me home after a hospital procedure). Counseling explained that a Spouse should come 1st, and I was being put 3rd or 4th.

    Last night was my 47 Birthday, and we arrange a rare night with the kids over at the grandparents. We planned to do a Novel experience. We were going to go to a Strip Club which was BYOB just to start the night for an hour and then a club. We got to the strip club and I was instantly bored. But the woman were pulling my wife on stage, feeling her up and she was LOVING IT. They would be on top of her rubbing her all over, including between her legs and she was loudly moaning. I kept saying I wanted to leave but she kept telling me how it was one of the “best times ever.” She was REALLY into one of the strippers and wanted a private dance in front of me. I told her I did not want that and would have rather spent the cash on a PS5 game I wanted. She insisted and went to the stripper herself and set up the deal

    We went back into the room, and I was told I was only allowed to watch, my wife pretty much got completely very hot and the stripper was completely naked. My wife kept telling the stripper how attractive she was over and over. Once they started my wife was all over her. Hands everywhere. There was a point the stripper was rubbing her nude crotch against my wife's name crotch and my wife was moaning so loud, I think she got there. My wife was so verbal during telling the stripper how attractive she was to her and how comfortable she made her with the biggest smile on her face the entire time. I HAVE NEVER SEEN MY WIFE THAT TURNED ON WITH ME EVER. I feel like she basically cheated on me and showed me she is a sexual person, just not with me.

    It was a BYOB club, and my wife got drunk (2 shots before, and 1.5 can drinks there we brought and never left our sight). I do not drink. She did puke when she got home and I had to take care of her. My wife is always so conservative/reserved, It was strange seeing her that way.

    Did she cheat? Why was she so excited to keep being pulled up on stage and have the strippers feel her up as she felt them up with the private dance, it was pretty much sex. I have NEVER seen my wife so excited about sex with me before. I am quite confused and hurt.

    It was a BYOB club, and my wife got drunk (2 shots before, and 1.5 can drinks there we brought and never left our sight). I do not drink. She did puke when she got home and I had to take care of her. My wife is always so conservative/reserved, It was strange seeing her that way.

    Did she cheat? Why was she so excited to keep being pulled up on stage and have the strippers feel her up as she felt them up with the private dance, it was pretty much sex. I have NEVER seen my wife so excited about sex with me before. I am quite confused and hurt.

  12. There has been so many encounters where He lies about things . I hear and remember him saying things and he rejects that he ever said that or did that or he will twist my words on me . I didn’t wake up and decide not to trust the man . I made a promise to myself that in this relationship I would give him trust and leave the behaviors and trauma from the past relationships behind. I still remember his first lie he told me and there has been several more to follow . Slowly it started breaking my trust . One day we took pictures together and I didn’t have my phone with me so I told him I was gonna send them to myself I found things that were definitely warranted for cheating he got physical afterwards and fought me for the phone after I saw it. That changed the whole dynamic in the relationship. I’ve tried to regain trust but he breaks it with more lies …

  13. People have lost sight of the meaning of context. It’s obvious that your sister needs assistance, and your family is very caring to provide for her.

  14. If you decide to stay with her I would ask her how do you expect her to get her diaper changed as she cannot use the restroom on her own

  15. This issue isn't specific to food. But he does act like this whenever he could be perceived to be in the wrong. He minimizes the issue and acts like I'm an unreasonable loon for even bringing it up. Then he'll start to say things like “I'll just never talk again.” Which I've explained is completely counteractive to conflict resolution.

    It's basically a debate tactic. Attack the straw man. Then make your opponent look unreasonable.

  16. You are insecure…without solving this you won't accept that someone watch porn and that it doesn't have anything to do with you. Did you try to watch yourself? There are so many different kinds maybe you like it and you will know that it's not cheating or about your partner.

  17. If doesn’t sound like you two were in a serious relationship, just talking. So it really isn’t anything to feel guilty over at all.

    Most people have alternatives while in the talking stage, she might have as well. Let it go and enjoy your relationship as it is!

  18. Only you know if you can live! with that. Some people agree to disagree and just don't bring up those topics. Others can't stomach the idea of sharing a life with someone who has a fundamentally different worldview than them.

  19. I noticed you had a pretty big breakup around half a year ago so it may be a good idea to just make sure you aren't rushing anything. When you feel ready, just talk to her and see whether she'd be ready to make things official. I hope it all works out for you!

  20. You contradicted yourself in the first sentence…. Good try going with an emotional response btw. You're just making yourself look worse and worse…

  21. Before you start doubting yourself first check you are not simply surrounded by assholes! Honestly, I know lots of ppl on the spectrum and none of them are this much of a dick! She sounds intolerably snobby! Get rid of her, find someone who wants to know the world through your eyes because they are fascinated with you and not just hoity toity bullshit!

  22. I drink where I work and so does C, but I don’t think he expected to see me at the bar and then he did and acted all mad.

  23. and I always pictured it like, one day my wife rolls over in bed and says “Let's have a baby” and we start trying and taking tests and…it's a beautiful romantic journey we decide to begin together

    You have an immensely romanticized fantasy of trying for a baby.

    because having 2+ doctor visits (consultation and removal procedure at the very least) between us and a pregnancy would mean it could never be spontaneous/romantic.

    See above.

    She said she was never sure she wanted kids so that's fine by her,

    She doesn't want kids.

    well there are plenty of things my wife said she'd never do that she's now happy to have done (international travel, house projects, etc.)

    Giving birth to and raising an entire new human being is not a one time international trip. It is not a house project that if you decide you don't like the new flooring, you can just have the flooring redone. It's an entire HUMAN BEING. It's not a trial and error thing. It's not a “You have a 14 day free trial and can return it” thing. Too many people have tried convincing me to have a baby by literally telling me to have a baby anyway and that if it's not for me, then I don't have to have a second baby or more. Forget about the risk of ruining my first child's life by not having a connection and love towards it DUE TO THE FACT THAT I HAD NEVER WANTED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

    We talk about kids semi-frequently (throwing out names, sharing traditions/hobbies, parenting styles, etc.) but my wife has always been maybe 10-20% sure she wants kids compared to my 70-80%.

    She doesn't want kids.

    I would hope that my wife would be honest with me if she was 100% sure she did not want kids,

    I can almost guarantee she's not coming straight out to say it just yet because she knows how much you do want them. It's also possible she may even be trying to convince herself that she'd be okay with having kids simply to make you happy.

  24. Your brain is telling you that you won’t get over it.

    You’re 21. You thought the relationship started with the same mutual feelings, but it obviously didn’t. That date wasn’t special for her like it was for you.

    Either you get over it or you don’t and you break up. There’s no secret plan out there to get over something like that. Either you like this girl enough where it doesn’t matter or you don’t really have strong feelings for her and that’s why you’re focusing on this.

    If it were me, I would end it. You’re too young to dwell on something like this. There are tons of other girls out there man. Take this as a learning experience and think of how you’ll apply it the next time you’re pursuing someone and move on.

  25. So you stayed at the home of a single woman who is 20 years old. You’re involved with an older woman who has your baby and you don’t think she has any reason to be jealous. I married somebody younger and he would’ve never done that with me ever. And yes, I had a baby with him too. He was my husband, he would’ve never worried about whether the other female was upset. You didn’t wanna hurt her feelings. But it was OK to hurt your feelings of your partner that had the baby that was OK? First off next time you go to a 20-year-old woman’s house take a friend with you help her with her stuff and then you in the front drive back home. I wouldn’t trust you.

  26. Let it go. You fucked up. Calling your ex will only make you feel better— you've been selfish enough. Leave her alone and move on. You don't accidentally sleep with someone. She deserves better. Leave her alone!

  27. Just tell her how you feel. Don't worry, in your marriage life you will hear plenty “NOs” from her sooner or later

  28. It's been 3 days and she is still angry. What am I supposed to do to fix the situation

    Really simple. You break up with her. You're never going to be as important to Lara as Jenna is going to be.

    I would phrase it something like: “I want to spend the rest of my life with you, but I realized during our last trip that Jenna is much more important to you than I am, so I'm going to set you free so you can spend more time with Jenna. I wish you good luck and happiness.”

  29. The only thing that really bothers me is that he will still bring up his ex in conversation quite a bit. Not all the time, but maybe every couple days.

    Please postpone your wedding. On this basis alone, he is not ready to get married to you. I know cost is an issue, but it's better than divorce. It's better than wondering if youll wake up one morning and he's left to try and find her to have one more chance…

    Look at what you've written here

    I told him it made me sad and I felt like he would rather be with her instead of me. Well he got intensely angry with me, saying I “tricked” him into saying that

    He heard you say you were sad, and he chose to get angry rather than reassure you.

    Any sensible person at this time would have said “…in a hypothetical world where she didn't cheat, I think we would have still been together because I'm a loyal person. But although her cheating has hurt me, in the end it feed me to meet you, and I'm so much happier now…” etc. But it sounds like he did not articulate this.

    It feels as though he is so caught up in his own feelings that he is neglecting yours.

  30. Another big one is affair babies: husband knocks up his affair partner and the wife stays and raises the baby as her own bc the mother runs off. It must happen in this sub at 10000x the normal frequency. Oh, and twins! And cheating with family members like wife's sister or something. Another big one in this sub.

  31. I'm going to. It's tough being patient and trying to take this in stride, but I don't imagine trying to discuss it now will go well

  32. If you’re planning on buying a house together, it’s time to have an honest conversation about finances. It becomes your business when a relationship becomes that serious.

  33. We don’t live! together and we are still living with our parents to save money. We can’t afford to live together due to the high property prices over here.

  34. She loves you man, please take her trauma more seriously. When your partner has trauma you need to be more mindful about these things. It's very hot for her because she loves you, it didn't just disappear because you hurt her. It's not always that easy. It's usually not that easy.

  35. It's definitely not enthusiastic consent. Don't feel guilty about how you're thinking, just ditch the jerk.

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