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MirraGray live webcams for YOU!


M , ​y ​tongue ​can ​do ​better ​job ​of ​teasing ​you ​than ​my ​words ​can. #asian #squirt #young #shy [1063 tokens remaining]

Date: October 4, 2022

29 thoughts on “MirraGray live webcams for YOU!

  1. That’s a question I use to ask when I was a teenager??‍♂️ If he’s talking about past sexual experiences on date one, it’s probably because he lacks substance.

  2. You need a contract drawn up. Do you want your share to be fair market value, 50/50, or equitable? Keep a record of all payments made. Never pay your share in cash. Keep your finances separate. There is the possibility he will suggest opening a joint account for bills, but he could drain that at any time if things sour. Get a safety deposit box at your bank for all important documents if you don’t already have one.

  3. You searched for a sext partner just 87 days ago, you cheated on her one year into the relationship (2 year old relationship, you cheated on her last year) and still trying to gaslight us into believing you only cheated “at the start of the relationship.” You are not honest to strangers on the internet, you are not honest to your girlfriend, you are not even honest to yourself. Good for her to give a taste of your own medicine. Get some therapy, stay away from her and please stop fucking lying.

  4. Our hormone cycles are typically 4 weeks/ 28 days long. We can have affects during ovulation, the week before blood week and during.

    If you think its rough being on the outside, imagine having to deal with that, plus pain and blood, and still act like everything is fine.

  5. u/Admirable_Owl_7122, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  6. Uh he’s edging. That’s a kink. If you aren’t into it then I’d move on ti someone more sexually compatible. If you want to participate then you’d have to join in and be the person instructing him to wank for you.

    He could be a submissive that wants to be sexually controlled and edged. It’s a thing. Just doesn’t sound compatible.

    You don’t stop it.

  7. I am not sure why I actually wrote this post, I think it is mostly to see what total strangers think and get a unbiased opinion. Wanted to see if my thinking is totally outrageous, or if I am going crazy. I do feel alot better reading all the comments, even the ones that are critical of me as I also do see my faults in this.

    I think I wasn't looking for as to what I should do, I am not looking to do anything I do not want to ban her, limit her or get back at her in any of the ways she used to be to me.

    Secretly I do fantasise sometimes about breaking up, telling her exactly how I feel and in my fantasy it feels so good until my kids come into the picture ending up in a broken home.

    Some people said she is taking the steps towards cheating. Actually when I think about that I would like that to happen, rip the band aid off now if its going to happen. I could leave knowing it wasn't me who put the final nail in.

    Also I didn't mention this but way before we had kids I did try to break up with her once because I wanted to just have more freedom running around with my friends and not committing to anything… but we got back I felt very bad for her and now all I think of is if I could go back in time and be stronger and more firm 🙁

  8. as well as manipulating his interests to have more in common with me

    this is 1000000% a gtfo red flag. what this means is this guy is a liar. point blank period.

    this also gives massive predator/grooming/ted bundy vibes. like he FOLLOWED YOU TO ASSAULT YOU. let that sink in…

    I feel psychologically manipulated and used.

    you were. your feelings are valid. its time to cut this loose, and move on. i hope this guy isnt crazy, just make sure you keep yourself safe.

  9. Honestly I’m inclined to agree with you, especially if that’s what your instincts are telling you. Personally that would all be very difficult for me to get over, and I would have a really hot time believing anything he said in attempts to salvage the relationship because I would always question his motives after that. Does he really see you as the love of his life or is he just desperate to preserve the stability and security he claims to feel so bored by?

    I don’t know that you should necessarily be angry with him, but I agree cat’s out of the bag now. You should listen to your instincts here.

  10. It sounds like you go the therapist and instead of addressing your own feelings and fears directly, you prefer focusing on generalizations about society and start debating those. That might be something worth exploring – the idea that you are reaching for grand societal explanations to cover for your own issues and then maybe break it down to find out what those issues are, the more specific problems that affect you directly and how to better deal with them

  11. It’s weird, to me porn is fine as it’s like a movie – the boundary is entirely to do with interactivity in my mind, if they are going around following ‘models’ or paying for anything i’m out of there.

    Basically you could watch a 3 hour porno you downloaded online and I wouldn’t bat an eyelid.

    Like somebodies OF/follow models or talk to people and I’m instantly gone.

  12. “Stop trying to be my dad and micromanaging my purchases I need you to be okay with letting me make decisions for myself good or bad. You need to work on whatever financial insecurity’s you have in relation to ” Put this in a text when he’s alone and able to process this without a counter argument

  13. beyond what other commenters have said, i think it's extra gross that he's being so flippant about mental illness when you've obviously dealt with incredibly difficult mental health issues and overcome a lot

    fwiw, actual psychologists wholeheartedly believe the opposite. religious and spiritual beliefs can be very psychologically protective and help promote meaning in life and overall well-being. spirituality is particularly powerful for trauma survivors in terms of promoting growth and healing after trauma. keep doing what you're doing. you know what's best for you

  14. Yes. Men and women can be friends. Gay men are friends with other gay men. Lesbians are friends with other lesbians. Bisexual people do not exist in a friendless vacuum because we can't help but fuck everyone.

    If you don't trust your girlfriend, you shouldn't be dating. Have you ever even met her?

  15. You are a doctor for heck sake. Tell them that it's one of the biggest day of your life which you can't change.

    On the other hand. Your brother can change.

  16. Who could have guessed that this would turn into a thread of OP defending nofap with his Life lmao

  17. You know deep down this relationship is not OK and it had to end. You just need to figure out how.

  18. Don’t fall for this sort of apology.

    It will happen again.

    He needs therapy and lots of it. Tell your hubby to get out and share cost of living with your brother.

  19. I feel like there might be something else going on behind the scenes, it's just such a weird thing to not compromise on. Are you sure he's not seeing someone else? How have other aspects of the relationship been going so far?

  20. Girl the red flags are popping up like daisies here. It’s not uncommon for a partner to only start showing their ugly side after their partner is somehow “trapped” in the relationship – you’ve moved in together, got married, had a kid etc.

    His attitude to this whole thing is messed the fuck up. Don’t try and negotiate or be nice about this; take back your agency and draw a hot line. Tell him you’re not his mother, and you have no intention of being the person mainly responsible for cooking and cleaning. You both work, it doesn’t matter that you work from home. Tell him you expect him to do his share and stop criticising how you do yours, or this relationship is over. If he thinks a clean house is always better than a messy house then his dusty ass can be the one to clean it.

  21. Advice: find someone who values you and treats you with a modicum of respect. His treatment of you is disgraceful and toxic. Be kind to yourself and ditch this guy. Good luck!

  22. I have some family that does care, but none that could actually help me out. And all of them are at least 2k miles away. I haven't talked to any of them about all of this because i don't want to come to that conversation without having all my ducks in a row first.

    I'm not trying to buy a house with him, I can't afford a house. He wants to buy one, and he can afford one. Based off a lot of the comments here, it's sounding like maybe we just aren't on the same path anymore because of that and should just end it or something. Which seems a little arbitrary tbh.. but that's what I get for coming to reddit tho right? Hahahah

  23. He’s not a man! He’s a boy. A confused, toxic boy. Men do not put hands on women. 6 months and shacked up OP?? Get out now.

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