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Miss Marie on-line sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 5, 2022

29 thoughts on “Miss Marie on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Whenever I’ve seen this happen it’s because the person is trying to manipulate the other into breaking up with them because they’re too much of a coward. I can’t say that’s what’s going here but I’ve seen this happen to myself and several of my friends.

  2. I wouldn’t be able to on-line in a smoke filled environment like that.

    Also, I wouldn’t expect it to change either as it’s not my house, but I would move out swiftly.

  3. what if I don’t want to be with them?

    I mean, figuring out if you want to be with someone is the point of dating. You're not going to know ahead of time lol. That's what the dates are for.

    Also travelling, how do I do that solo?

    I'm not sure I understand the question? You'd do whatever you like to do when you travel – go sight seeing, sunbathe on the beach, go hiking, try new foods, whatever. None of those things require company. I travel alone all the time and it's arguably easier than traveling with someone because you can make your own schedule and do whatever you want without compromise. What's stopping you?

  4. Is she making less money now than before? Is she mismanaging her budget? Did she even have a real budget outlined?

    Ultimately, she has to figure out her income gap. Does she need to pick up extra shifts or find a second job? Maybe take out an additional student loan? (If applicable).

    If she isn’t on the lease, your credit is on the line…

    Maybe try a civil one-on-one conversation about her budget when she’s calm and not irritated.

  5. Dude you can be her friend but you deserve a real relationship and not to be a beard for someone who can't deal with societal pressure. It sounds like you are in a western country, probably the US. She will not die. Her life will not be murdered or not work if she comes out. She will lose, probably temporarily, some small minded people in her life. You need the courage to leave and she needs the courage to be herself. You can be her catalyst

  6. Ultimatums are good.

    OP wants a relationship with commitment. If he can't give her commitment, he should stop wasting her time.

    Why should OP wait forever and forever? It's not fair for her. She is emotionally commiting to him, why should she waste her time because he “isn't ready”? This situation could take years in the worst case.

    If he already lives with her, saying they are boyfriend and girlfriend wouldn't be such a huge deal for most people, but somehow that seems too much for him which makes me wonder If he just wants FWB and somebody paying half the rent.

  7. You’re right. I don’t think I’m going to mention anything about his behavior to him, just watch and observe his actions. If it happens again it will be over.

  8. Here in CT a woman was killed by her ex with an axe on December after getting a restraining order and telling the court that he was going to kill her. Mind you they broke up 3 years prior.

  9. I have the same bellybutton thing you have. It's horrible to have this thing you have to worry about. I have had people not respect it and left them b/c it turned into other body issues that weren't respected. You may need to cut your losses here.

  10. Why does everyone on here apologize for their significant other cheating. Is this the real world now? Cheating has no excuses. Should never happen. Does everyone not have any common sense anymore?

  11. You're right, it was too early and things have escalated. I did something really bad but regardless of that we are incompatible.

  12. She’s 19 and doesn’t know boundaries yet. Any”adult” woman in a committed relationship does not play wrestle with another man, period! She’s doing things with him she should be doing with you, dump her before you get cheated on (she most likely is already) or you get dumped.

  13. “I know one thing. Lily was truly loved by me. Even if she’s not with me physically, I’m sure she knows who actually loved her.”

    This is why he stole your daughter’s ashes. He knows he is a Pos and he needs her ashes as a prop to lie to himself and other people that he was some saintly loving father when actually he’s a narcissist who never wanted a child. It’s gross and I do not blame you for being so upset.

    She lived inside you, he will never enjoy those memories. He probably would have been a terrible father. It’s easy to be a “great dad” to an urn that never cries or talks back. I know you think this is all that is left of Lily but she is half of you. You see her when you look in the mirror, you hear her voice when you speak.

    Maybe you can get a tattoo of a Lily with her birthdate. Maybe you could make a donation to a charity in her name. Get the ashes back if you can but if you can’t remember that she is still with you no matter what he does.

  14. Op is dumb but the person who asked her questions that he couldn’t take the answer to isn’t? Lol please. You’re repeatedly blaming her for being honest

  15. Don’t marry her. If you jump in to early and the relationship doesn’t workout you are going to have a tough time piecing your life together after a divorce. You will have to deal with custody, separation of assets, alimony, child support. Don’t put yourself in that situation. There are other women out there that are willing to wait. If you have to let this one go.

  16. That’s because by 50 you have probably either been infected with a high-risk strain or you’re not going to be infected with a high-risk strain. Maybe this will change in the future, but it would depend on how likely it is for a person infected at that age to develop cancer.

  17. WALK THAT STAGE GIRL. Oh well, to bad so damn sad if you miss the wedding !!! You worked naked for that degree!

  18. At least that’s what you were told, right?

    Because you weren’t there when the photos were shared, and couldn’t hear first hand what was said.

    Only have 2nd hand knowledge, given to you by two people who already severely violated trust between the two of you.

  19. It may not have anything to do with you.

    Some people, for whatever reason, just aren't cut out for long-term or monogamous relationships.

  20. He's lying through his teeth. He took the meds, retook the test and showed you the second one. Dump his ass

  21. My husband and I got engaged after only knowing each other two months. Of course we were Mormon, so that’s the entire reason why. Is she from a strict religious upbringing where marrying before sex is the norm? That’s the only way I could see her response being somewhat understandable. Otherwise seems she’s being manipulative.

  22. I looked at your other posting history. Stop looking to your boyfriend for a source of annoyance. He's fine, but you need to look to yourself for what YOU want.

  23. Yeah, that’s fair enough too! I would honestly not say anything and just move on. Then when he comes back, cause he likely will, just tell him, ‘oh, I’m seeing someone, I thought it was a fair assumption that we weren’t together anymore when I hadn’t heard from you for x weeks’. That will piss him off at least, I mean, how could someone not be waiting around for him.

  24. Her character is in her 40’s and his character is in his early 20’s. From the scream fandom. Her character is Gale Weathers. His is Vince Schneider. It’s just really weird to me. Like he has a history of befriending minors, which I’ve never understood. He’s never done romantic or sexual roleplay plots with minors before, however that insta notes thing has just made me envision children and not adults.

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