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MissLary live webcams for YOU!


Hey ,Welcome in my room .At goal 2 finger in my pussy –, > #new #latina #bigass #bigass #teen #18 [48 tokens remaining]

Date: December 8, 2022

65 thoughts on “MissLary live webcams for YOU!

  1. “bad”? ………………….. Probably not.

    “inconsiderate” or “selfish” or “asocial”………………. maybe.

    Communication with another Human carries an expectation that a

    reasonable response is forth-coming in a reasonable amount of time.

    We have all experienced “uncomfortable silences” in a conversation

    and almost always a longer-than-expected silences is taken as cause

    for concern. Thats why we Humans usually give some inkling regarding

    when we will make the next contact or how quickly to expect a response

    as part of the exchange. Just common courtesy……

  2. I'm so sorry you're experiencing this, he sounds like a manipulative wanker.

    Whether or not it's cheating does depend on the boundaries set out in his current relationship when it comes to things like sexting. It would be cheating in my relationship, but I have friends who wouldn't view it the same way.

    The big thing to send, in my opinion, would be anything involving the “but she's not you” narrative too. His current girlfriend deserves to know about the pictures and what he's saying to you.

    He sounds horrible and I really hope you block him.

  3. Yes, she’s abuse. You really should get a different girlfriend. Don’t become immune to this type of treatment.

  4. Our communication is pretty well. We’ve talked briefly about how we’d want our own space during parts of the day and how to respect that. Chores though, I have no clue how that’d play out.

  5. Wait what, you struggle with trauma and he decides to cheat on you, make jokes about rape and manipulates you to think you’re too sensitive? This will only cause more trauma. This guy is AWFUL! Run!

  6. You instinctively lied? You aren’t doing yourself any favors by continuing to tell your side of the story. You are coming across as extremely selfish, entitled and ungrateful for everything that he’s done for you and have not given him anything in return. If the tables were reversed I am sure you would want to leave.

  7. sorry i thought i replied…

    u know last time sometime in august the last time i hit him up was late july. after that i told myself never again. he hit me up like 10 times then exploded by drunk crying to me saying that i wasnt the one and he tried and asked if i met anyone and cried more and ya after that he kept talking to me when school started or coming up to me then i exploded bc i couldnt take the interactions anymore so i asked to talk.

    he agreed until he was like “ya ya im busy i have stuff to do”

    oh how i exploded.

    he continued to talk to me and i just slowly ignored

    im curious if things will be different and he will stop talking to me given that he no longer in class w me and graduated

    masters program

    i talked to him yesterday and the day before asking school questions only and didn’t continue the convo

  8. I have been in therapy before. I have never stuck with it long enough to know for sure if it would help. But something makes me feel like it could only help so much at this point.

  9. No, I would have been upset too. And the fact that you brought it up without yelling and was met with an explosive reaction speaks volumes.

  10. My confusion is that if he did decide to actually change he would have to start somewhere at some point, hopefully right away

  11. That’s the first step mate. Then sue is going to demand no girls. Either you stop this now, or line with it. GL!

  12. No! I say be a Grinch and tell your friend. That way, he can tear her a new one and/or turn her into a Christmas turkey.

  13. At this point I’ve ruled out pretty much everything except for unrealized stress, a brain tumor, or some sort of mental illness. I don’t think his blood work would show any of those. So I’ve shifted my focus towards getting him an MRI, and then I’ll go from there depending on the results. But that is a useful piece of knowledge to have, thank you.

  14. Nothing gross about it. Sex is a natural thing. I'm not saying have sex while the kids are in the same room. But siblings are created for a reason. Do you think every kid gets sent off to bed whole their parents have sex? Nope. Some parents are able to have sex while their kids are distracted in another room

  15. Just bail. You shouldn’t need to argue with someone that this is making you uncomfortable. She’s likely just going to ignore you anyways.

    I’d absolutely bail. Get yourself put on the reserve list with the rest of these guys while you’re single.

  16. Or just tell the woman next time flat out: you are too old. It’s creepy your even talking to me. Don’t pick up her calls, refuse to meet her. You don’t have to be around her at all. She is an absolute creep and weirdo you should stay away from

  17. I have my own house and if my bf moves in with me, he is paying half the rent and I’m not putting his name on the house. It’s not his. He wouldn’t be building equity either if he stays renting his own place so he can keep doing that if he doesn’t want to pay me half the rent ??‍♀️ if he wants to buy his own place for equity, he can do that too.

    Til we’re married, we’re not owning anything together

  18. I'll save the DHEA cream idea for when things are in a more normal place. She was prescribed testosterone cream by her doctor which I didn't even know was a thing for women. She did it, then started spotting and started stressing that she's reversed menopause. And she says it caused mood swings like a teenager, which I'm experiencing with her. I'm also taking the blame for the side effects because of my “sex addiction” so another cream suggestion would just start a fight.

  19. Guilt, regardless of how misplaced it can be sometimes, can really fuck people up and make them do overly emotional things that don’t make sense. I obviously don’t know your husband, but I know what guilt has done to me over the past few years.

  20. I honestly don’t see one things that sounds attractive about this man. Not one shining attribute. Not even a modicum of happiness coming from this post.

    You can love what you had with someone, you can love hope that it will go back to that. But I. The end all you have is the here and now. How long do you want to online like this?

    It honestly sounds like you are wasting a LOT of time handling this dude. Like someone else said- I also would not tolerate a second of this man’s behavior. I am also an addict. I’ve been clean and sober 3 years. I have a soft spot for addiction and addiction recovery.

    The thing is HE ISNT RELAPSING- HE DOESNT WANT TO STOP. So there’s no moving forward until he does and you already know that.

  21. Did he check in with you before buying the car? Is going on a honeymoon meaningful/important to you, and if so have you relayed that to him? (Totally understand if a honeymoon is important to you. Just some people don’t care much.)

  22. OP this reads like a confusing bang your head against the wall effort. There’s an underlying reason that she refuses to divulge. After you finally fulfill her wishes, a breakdown such as this has a connotation of interfering with a hopeful expectation. Your disclosure of post night out statements from her infer there may be an interest in someone else she may have been anticipating seeing while at work. You should look deeper into this without her knowledge of you doing so. Has the smell of an emotional breakdown for some reason. Catching her off guard may have instilled confusion of feelings.

  23. Yeah I agree I’m going to try that Monday and really try to talk to him more since he never initiates conversations lol I wanna update you guys next week

  24. If he’s going to feel controlled and stifled by you sending one text clarifying expectations he’s likely too fragile to date.

    I noticed you kept referring to “asking him” about the terms rather than setting your own terms. By all means send one text telling him what you think the terms should be then he can respond with a counter offer if he chooses. And learn the lesson for next time that it’s much easier to have this conversation in the moment. Though I must say this relationship sounds doomed

  25. It makes sense as far as it goes, but it doesn't go very far. Contraception and the child support enforcement laws make reality much different. The true test of any theory is how well the theory makes predictions for future events. Does this theory help me get laid? No. Does the theory help me achieve satisfaction in my relationship? No. So it's not very useful imo

  26. He's using you as an ego boost. Move on. You don't want to have this blow up in your face and get a reputation as a home breaker.

  27. I read something recently that said something like “broken trust is like melted chocolate, no matter how hard you try to freeze it it will never take it's original shape again”

  28. Time to move on. It’s not going to ever be different, you have proof. Go and be happy. Find someone who does the things you want while there’s still time.

  29. Then let the man enjoy his Saturday morning train ride without a fuss. He got his hand cream, he got what was probably a chill ride and a good walk in. Leave him be.

  30. Did you consider that, when you typed ‘I didn’t have my daughter that weekend’ that that may be a part of why her friends were questioning your relationship?

  31. I see. Well, you could resume the group but just not talk one on one with her. Awkward but will help your feelings cool. Or maybe it was a time to expand your circles a bit. Maybe spend some time pursuing a girlfriend solo, etc before you fold back in.

  32. 19 is not fully grown

    The group had 17's, 2 years younger than your cousin

    The 14 yo probably has a more mature brain than you

  33. Dude, run. She just changed her mind when she saw your reaction and she didn't like that. It's absolutely fucked up to threaten your partner with something like that.

    You are not the asshole btw, but I suggest you overthink your relationship with this girl, if that is really that kind of relationship you want in your life

    And for the future, if you are having an argument, don't drive, it's dangerous to be in the car while getting screamed at or screaming yourself…

  34. Hmmm. I don’t know your GF, but I suspect that she wasn’t upset over a past boyfriend at all, but rather the state of her current life not being what she had once dreamed it would be. It might be that she had always dreamed of being married with children by her 30s, and it just isn’t so.

    If I was in love with this girl, I would be extremely kind and maybe talk this out to hear and try to understand her feelings and emotions. No, I would be kind no matter my reaction, but in any event kindness and understanding is always the best course. This type of discussion will either bring you both closer together or show each of you the other isn’t worth any more of your time and resources and might as well move along.

  35. “She was always very sad and apparently also confused”, this could have been for your benefit (an act). She surely doesn't seem to be that sad and confused when she finds time for her friends and not you. I hope you are not going to continue to pay rent for an apartment that you are no longer living in, it's unfair for her to online her life at your expense. I would say, stay no contact and talk to the landlord (without her) and start getting your life back on track.

  36. If word gets around what he did he might very well not even find another job in his industry.

    I mean they call for references.. so….

    What can I do?

    Reddit answer : Reconsider having children with him until more financially stable.

    Real life answer : try to make sure this is a learning moment. If you aren't capable of that (and most of us aren't) some professionals can help. In truth though This is a leading horse to water type situation.

    if there's any chance they'd let him back?

    There is not, don't even try for this route.

    Apply for and take literally any job that will have him even the ones he thinks are beneath him?

    There is no “beneath him” in this situation. There is helping to provide for the family, or not.

    I did NOT need this stress and am so indescribably pissed at him.

    That seems reasonable.

    but does still insist he did nothing wrong and can’t understand why the other job “took back” their offer

    That was in another thread and of all the stuff you've typed that is the big bold warning sign. still insist he did nothing wrong I mean that is a major roadblock and doesn't mesh with reality. The whole “This is where we are now, and this is where we'd like to be in 5 years” conversation Has to be rooted in reality if he can't even admit he did something wrong you are likely going to have future issues resolving around how Everyone else is an idiot, but he did nothing wrong. etc.

  37. Wait until the child is born. Get a DNA test.


    Do nothing and wait her out.

    I'd pick option #2. If she gives birth in December, you'll know it wasn't your kid.

  38. This bit did not escape me. Hiding out at his parents while she parents the kids, poor baby. The shit part is that she would probably love to have some time to herself to heal but who wants their fucking kids around someone who was willing to throw her and the kids away to fuck someone?

  39. He cheated. Not just emotionally. Don't be naive so willfully. He was/is F****** her, and your gut knows it! Honestly, if he hadn't broken up with you this whole thread would be screaming for you to leave him. Girl, go find someone who won't tell lies at all, especially not as boldfaced as claiming that his ex, who he sleeps and cuddles with, and changes with, and stays with for days at a time is just a friend!!!!

    I promise you he is now officially dating her! You aren't even in the picture for him anymore! Don't even be friends with this utter douchebag!

  40. You get on that bus and go.

    Do not give up amazing opportunities for a boyfriend at your age.

    Staying with ‘your man’? It’s 4 days!

    This is manipulation and doesn’t sound like a good relationship.

  41. Unfortunately, you two are just fundamentally incompatible.

    To elaborate, it's not just that he's a homebody and you're more active. First, you two can both enjoy those things apart from each other. Second, a partner doesn't necessarily have to love every passion of their partner. They do, however, need to respect that they exist, and occasionally make the effort to experience them for the sake of making their partner happy.

    Over three months, you've largely resigned yourself to doing only what he enjoys. On the rare occasion he does things you like, he complains and/or cuts it off as soon as humanly possible. Again, you don't need to “change” him in the sense of expecting him to love what you love. But a good partner will at least pretend to enjoy themselves and enjoy the fact that you're happy.

    That's simply not who you're dating. Stop trying to force it. That doesn't mean you just accept it and carry on. You'll be miserable. It means it's time to walk away. Good luck.

  42. Moat places either parent can leave the kids with anyone unless that person can be proven dangerous.

  43. I don't see how voicing your frustration in this case was wrong. Continually harping on you for something you have no control over is pointless and needlessly frustrating. This is a HER problem. She needs to either get over the fact that you had a sex life before you met her or she needs to leave the relationship if this is something she can't get past.

  44. I'm sorry you had to deal with the loss of your mother at such a crucial time in your life. Being a teenager, in your way to adulthood with everything changing, then tragedy hits. That must've been an immense struggle. It sounds like your dad was already checked out of the relationship before she passed, but still absolutely should've done better as a father instead of just quickly moving on with his own life and expecting you to fall in line with his new plan while still grieving. That's not even touching on the fact that, at that time, you were 15, new wife was 29, and dad was 43. The age gap is literally the same between all 3 of you. Tell him you were obviously not his priority at a time when you needed him most, and you are not interested in catering to his wishes of being involved in your family.

  45. This reads as though OP is experiencing jealousy. There is no factual wrong doing on either side as presented. SO had an infatuation. OP was jealous. The nuance is fed by lack of communication!

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