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missmiss2315live sex stripping with hd cam


5 thoughts on “missmiss2315live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. If your boyfriend was puking all night could he actually have not known what was going on? I don't know about him, but if I get to the point where I'm puking the night is basically just a blur, the room is spinning, and I am in no shape to have a conversation, let alone stand up for anyone.

    Him telling you to fuck off in the morning though is some real shitty behaviour. Even if it was him being defensive he should be able to talk with you about the previous night without insults or dismissal like that

  2. I might get downvoted for it but I'm a bit older and I grew up before there was internet, so sorry, but I have to agree with your bf's family… you can do whatever you want in your private time but no need to post it on-line where everyone can see it… there's nothing to gain from it. Plus seriously, who cares? What kind of reaction are you trying to get? Also keep in mind: the internet never forgets. Down the line you might apply for a great job and they search you online and might find a photo here or there of you smoking… might be not so cool anymore…

  3. So you’re mad that she didn’t tell you about it sooner.

    She was embarrassed about it and maybe felt like she couldn’t talk to you about it.

    If she has always been trustworthy before, I don’t think she’s being duplicitous now

  4. this is going to touch upon derad work and fair warning: this is not easy.

    see if you can discern why they choose to be bigoted.

    if not, ask them why they choose to inflict pain on others and self. but this gets tricky because, as you note, they have been indoctrinated to think certain thoughts. to use a computing analogy, they are so obsessed with making 1=0, to see certain humans as not human, that sliding messaging through that mess of mental tripwires is a challenge.

    but as a clue on how to do this, look at the words i’m not using in this message.

    another suggestion i have that is related is learning street epistemology. basically, it’s a technique for questioning the sincerity of claimed beliefs and a way of challenging said beliefs in a gentle way that evades thought stopping and the backfire effect. you can find several channels on youtube that focus on it.

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