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5 thoughts on “misstrixiefoxlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I have a shit ton of kids, and a lot of people in society treat me like shit. I remember struggling and things being hard, but they aren't anymore. Never have I received child support or any type of help, other than from the government “thankfully,” but one thing everyone always has done is blame EVERY SINGLE THING on me when Im the only one actually putting in the work. Don't care that I am doing my best and never wanted to be in such a situation. Don't care that jobs are biased or unfair towards me. Don't care that I'm doing it all alone or so many other miserable things that block people in life, but one thing is for sure: somehow, society writes me off as trash every single damn time with no reason other than me being a single mother… Do you really think me or any of these women want to have this many damn kids and not be with one man!?!? Do you believe we want to struggle!?!? Do you think we want to be abused, harmed, or have someone take advantage of us?!?!

    We are simply just people trying to be loved and cared about just like everyone else… If you care about her, fuck everyone else. Just tell them straight up and inform them from the jump you don't need their opinion. The last guy I dated, for 4 years, I refused to meet any of his friends. Didn't want to have shit to do with them. Even after meeting them, I regretted it and wish I never did. This is also why I don't engage/talk to anyone. Damn nesr everyone judges me for it at any chance they get, so society can fuck right off with their psychotic opinions.

  2. You are 30, you should not care the slightest anymore about ur parents controllin issues and abuse anymore.

  3. I'm just sad for you. A good friend of mine found out her 2nd husband did the same thing, after knowing that she just got a divorce from her first one because he was unfaithful.

    The 2nd husband and her did move fast, fell fast, etc. It turned out he's a full on cheater. The difference is, her 2nd husband at least pretended to assuage her. Your husband doesn't even try to assuage your fear.

    The likelihood? He's still cheating on you. He may even be brazen enough to not lock his phone, that's what my friend's second husband did to her too. After 2 years of marital counseling (because she insisted on staying the first time she caught him cheating on her, since they have 2 small ones), and all those work, and her being super chill and not checking his devices…she found out the very hot way, as his AP/mistress actually contacted my friend.

    Fortunately for her, she was strong enough to file for divorce. Sure, he tried to mess with her over CS (not paying them completely) and deprive her of her share of property (because she left him, how dare she left although he cheated on her numerous times!!).

    It's not in your head, the likelihood is he's still up to no good. But since you're intent on staying and prolonging the pain, it is your life and your choice.

    Good luck.

  4. Nothing, if that's what he wants. But it's not what OP wants, and it's not what most women want in an adult partner. OP finds it weird, and it's definitely odd. It's not the norm. It sounds unhealthy, but whether it is or it isn't – it isn't what OP wants. So they shouldn't feel guilty about leaving that mess behind

  5. I’m going to be brutally honest with you, and tell you about something that I’m still ashamed of to this day. But it happened, and it’s relevant to your situation, so I’m gonna share it with you.

    I was in your situation, at your age, but in your partner’s position. Me and my boyfriend had been together for three years in a LDR. We’d never met, but were planning to, if nothing happened. We were “in love”. However, we’d begun to have some issues, because we were both starting to want to have friends in real life, outside of the platform we talked on, and so we didn’t talk to each other as much anymore.

    I met a guy (in a theatre company, no less!) that I really got along with. We truly hit it off, and I started to resent my boyfriend more and more. I’d talk about the guy constantly to my boyfriend, about how I felt he was my new best friend. I fell in love with the guy, obviously. It was extremely wrong of me, but being in a LDR with zero physical affection and dwindling verbal affection was seriously getting to me. I felt I was far too young for all of this. Again, that doesn’t make what I did right, but I did it. I didn’t ever outright cheat, but I wanted to because I felt so neglected.

    Eventually, my partner broke up with me because we stopped talking. Guess who I’m with now, and I’ve been with for a long time? The guy I met. And I couldn’t be happier. My ex is also very happy, from what I know. Again, I was in the wrong here, but I’m just trying to give you some insight into how your partner may be feeling.

    I don’t wanna say that this kind of LDR isn’t real, because it’s not true, but honestly, they don’t work out very often at all. We were both mentally ill and relying far too much on each other for things. I was on my phone for FOURTEEN hours a day during the high points of our relationship. I was completely missing out on my teenage years and I didn’t even realize it.

    I’m not saying that they are cheating on you, or even that they definitely will, but I AM saying that I think you should get out of this situation as soon as possible. You are far too young to be spending all your time on the phone with someone you may never meet in person. At your age, LDRs, especially ones where you’ve never met, aren’t worth it. They just aren’t. Trust me, I know.

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