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Mitzkymeinu live! sex cams for YOU!


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Date: December 26, 2022

24 thoughts on “Mitzkymeinu live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. I'm scared to lose her as a friend

    Why? You've known her for 4 months. Thats a very short ammount of time to make a really close friend. You've also been in an argument for 25% of the time you've known her.

    However I just don't have many other reasons to explain our connection.

    What connection is that? The one where you have been super awkward around each other and barely able to speak for 1/4 of the entire time you know eachother? Thats not a connection.

    Let it go. She probably isnt into you and even if she was, you dont want a relationship with someone who is this unstable.

  2. OP, as others have said, she has established that there are things you can’t talk about in the relationship. That alone is reason enough to consider ending the relationship. As a last attempt if I were you I would start doing Weight Watchers personally. It’s a simple phone app based program that allows you to eat what you want, but forces you to consider how much of unhealthy things you are eating. Be excited about it for yourself even if you aren’t trying to lose weight, just maintaining weight. Encourage her to join you, if she does, great. If she won’t, and even makes YOU trying to make healthy choices for yourself a problem for her, the relationship is over.

  3. GIRL this was more than a peck TO HIS SISTER. My brother is my world and I wouldn't dream of doing this.

    Have a serious talk with him. He may say it's not a big deal but it is and he knows it because they try to actively hide it from you. Ask him to explain what he does and demonstrate on you, ask if this wasn't a big deal why did he hide it. Explain your feelings. If you are not comfortable with this that is okay and valid. Try to reach a compromise is possible. But you have to decide if this is a deal-breaker for you and it's okay if it is. I know many people might say this isn't a very serious thing but it is your relationship. I, personally, wouldn't be comfortable with this.

    UpdateMe! Please

  4. GIRL this was more than a peck TO HIS SISTER. My brother is my world and I wouldn't dream of doing this.

    Have a serious talk with him. He may say it's not a big deal but it is and he knows it because they try to actively hide it from you. Ask him to explain what he does and demonstrate on you, ask if this wasn't a big deal why did he hide it. Explain your feelings. If you are not comfortable with this that is okay and valid. Try to reach a compromise is possible. But you have to decide if this is a deal-breaker for you and it's okay if it is. I know many people might say this isn't a very serious thing but it is your relationship. I, personally, wouldn't be comfortable with this.

    UpdateMe! Please

  5. Based off of comments and post. Put you foot down with your parents. “I Have moved on. Respect my choices or expect me to stop coming around as much. The way you treat my current partner (or whatever he is) is so disrespectful. On-line with it or don’t.”

  6. He then said even his ex girlfriend agreed things seemed off.

    I'd be more upset about how much your boyfriend values his ex's opinion. Insecurities are normal and are really hot to talk about, but you should feel comfortable discussing them with your partner.

    Really consider these points:

    He avoided that discussion with you by asking for help from his ex.

    He also tried to hide it from you completely even after he found out he was wrong.

    He denies that anything he did was wrong

    Is someone who acts like this a person you want in your life? Clearly you aren't getting anywhere talking to him directly, but if you want to try and mend this situation you are going to need to see a therapist.

  7. nope. it's not realistic, especially at your age.

    especially especially if you think this way. that is an extremely cruel way to treat a partner (telling them they never had feelings for you). what, were they just using you?

    good luck to you. hope better for you in your next relationship

  8. I remember the first time I joined a gym with a lap pool. I wasn’t in the best of shape but I had some experience lifting weights and with light cardio. I thought “how hot can it be?”

    One of the only workouts in my life where I got out of the pool, got faint, and almost threw up. Granted, I probably pushed it way too naked, but swimming is such a great workout.

  9. I'd heavily suggest you have a conversation with your bf and take it from there. On another note why did you feel the need to have a look in his phone? Just curious?

  10. Please please please leave. You deserve genuine happiness, not a fuckin facade. I'm so so sorry you're going thru this.

  11. I hope so. I have just heard horror stories from clients about how they learned to find reputable places the hot way and the reactions they've gotten. Of course, I'm not too naive to realize they may be lying to try and figure out if I'm willing to give “extras”, but I know some of the places they were talking about so I'd believe some of them may be true, at least.

  12. Ok so your boundary doesn't mean you get to dictate what she does.

    Boundary: I don't date people who smoke. Break up with her.

    Controlling Toxic Behaviour: I don't date people who smoke so you can't smoke.

    Break up with her. The relationship is done.

  13. If she is working night shift roommate wouldn’t even be there. Also, what has she done to piss ur parents off? I’m just being nosey.

  14. Can you have a separate shower separate from your family? Can your bf’s family throw you a shower? I’d try to do things separate and away from your family. They’ve already shown you that they don’t care enough/care about her more. It’s time to walk away. I’m sorry you won’t get the same treatment as your sisters. I’m sorry you won’t get the pregnancy bonding time with your mom. But they made their choice and it’s not you, and they simply don’t care that they are hurting you. So to protect yourself, your mental health, and your child, you need to take a step back from them. If your bf’s family is supportive, look to them for what you need emotionally.

  15. OP you deserve this trip. Working two jobs and doing all the housework. You are going to burn yourself out.

  16. she hasn't mentioned or clarified how many people that entails. If his family is 10 people and hers is 100, that's gonna be the point.

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