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MolIyWaylive sex stripping with hd cam


26 thoughts on “MolIyWaylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. He is either cheating or going to cheat. I think you should leave him and find someone who does respect your feelings.

  2. u/Unfair-Location8203, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. u/H3L10M, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  4. Your family sounds so toxic. Tbh visiting every other weekend is a ton like I love my partners family but I don’t want to feel obligated to see them every other weekend. It sounds like your wife goes to everything she can, but I’d want to go less and less if I’m being met with disrespect. You need to sit them down and talk, especially if this has been going on for several years.

  5. I think you should leave well enough alone, because in two months she hasn't made the changes she needs to make to be in a relationship and if you go back you're going to want to get back together with her.

    You can always try casual friendly contact if neither party has any expectation of zero contact, but you need to watch out that you don't just end up in the same situation as before or worse.

  6. Did you read ops later comment where he said his wife was actively crying when MIL came in? I think this changes the context a bit. Its hard to shout “just a second I’m changing” through tears. I think in this case, it’s reasonable to expect op to chime in “just a minute mom, wife isn’t decent”.

  7. I don't see any possible 'adult' conversation that OP could've had with her boyfriend that would've made him admit he is a thirsty, desperate, dishonest dirtbag without the proof there.

    The sister likely had a sense of what he was like and wanted to help her sister find out first hand. And guess what, it worked, and now OP is saved from wasting her precious time in a relationship with a cringey cheater.

    If he wasn't a cringey cheater, then no harm, no foul. Nothing would've happened. The sister didn't even need to really do anything, she literally just added him and it was enough to start him off like a jack in the box. I hope he learns from this and gets a grip.

  8. Would it be enough if he showed up at the finish line in time to see you cross?

    I’m wondering now if there’s not something else going on here? Your spouse seems overly resentful of your races. What’s up with that? It sounds like you’d usually be home before he’s even out of bed. Why’s he so bothered?

    I agree with the other poster who said your hub should be able to stop complaining and have a residual interest in how you did. I mean, if his hobby were bass fishing or golf, how much interest could you possibly muster in lures or club sizes?

  9. Because some subreddits are very strict about name calling. I wasn't sure if this was one of them.

  10. Lol she cheated on you and it was bot a one time thing but she had sex with him throughout the trip. Secondly she is still on contact with the same guy. How can you stay with such a digusting lying cheater. She doesn’t regret anything and her actions show that. You should divorce her asap and expose her cheating to everyone.

    She is not the kind of woman you would want to stay married to as she has shown that of she is alone she will fuck some other guy and blatantly cheat. Also she is already in contact with her previous affair partner. Dude don’t torture yourself over her divorce her and move on

  11. Bro she cheated on you and it wasn’t even a one time thing it was a whole relationship you’d be foolish to stay with her because she would do it again… It’s time to grow a pair and leave she doesn’t deserve you she’s only crying and playing victim to make you feel bad and not leave her because your probably the best she will get and I bet you she will just run back to the other dude

  12. I picked a degree that was never going to pay well before the recession then got absolutely demolished by the recession. I wanted to teach college. People shouldn't have to work for 8 years to make a living wage but the fact that we do is ridiculous and ridiculously common.

  13. You sound like you have some serious work to do on yourself in or out of this relationship. There might be a conversation to have hear. However you may also eventually blow your relationship up over your insecurities. You do notnsound like someone ready or a serious adult relationship.

  14. I don’t get why you wouldn’t just not date me ? that’s what I told him too I feel like he took my choice away

  15. I actually think that this is the reason I began to find him repulsive in the first place. I was forgiving of everything else.

  16. Potential future children would not be safe with your boyfriend. You could not in good faith trust his judgement or that he’d protect them and maintain a safe environment for them. His father is not a changed man. I’m not sure you ever could be after someone like that, but if anyone is, it’s not him. He never took any accountability whatsoever, instead they punished the daughter, and he is surrounded by apologists and enabler, AND he’s still creepy towards the daughter. You and your boyfriend do not share the same morals regarding this matter. And in my opinion, it’s a subject matter where compatibility is non-negotiable.

  17. Yep!

    I wouldn't even wipe my arse with that letter. Keep it sealed, return it and never look back.

  18. You're right to feel uncomfortable about it. They'll be spending time together, alone, which mean they must be very close.

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