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MollyBlase live sex chats for YOU!


30 thoughts on “MollyBlase live sex chats for YOU!

  1. There ya go. If she is causing this much drama, does she deserve you being kind? Just make sure you’re never alone with her.

  2. I’ve read a lot of good advice here already, and I’ve read some of your comments too.

    One thing that I’ve had a really hard time accepting: we can’t make anyone do or say anything. We can’t make them understand, and we certainly can’t make them think the same way we do.

    I get that you love this person, and you just know that if this one thing changed, it would be okay. I’m really sorry, but it sounds like this guy is full on incompetent and I don’t think that will change. He’s not getting it- can you imagine him having to take care of children, or you if you were sick of injured? If he can’t remember to take the trash out and needs to be nagged for his only other chore, he’s not going to be a good partner in the long term.

  3. I think it’s a red flag. The stench of desperation isn’t something most people enjoy. Unless of course you are like 13-16, then it’s more understandable?

  4. anything that makes the baby sleep mate, do, its not a reflection on your relationship. its for the sake of everyones sanity ?

  5. If he has cheated on her multiple times, what's to stop him cheating on you? You don't think she also thought she was his soul mate?

    This sucks, no denying it. Sorry OP. But I advise you cut, run, and put time and effort into someone who deserves you. This man has proven he ain't it

  6. God people replying to this need to learn to read… She's not taking off her WEDDING ring to go out clubbing. She's just recently stopped wearing her ENGAGEMENT ring, which is fairly normal. She still wears her wedding ring. And on that note, I think a plain wedding band makes it seem more obvious that she's married and not just engaged.

  7. Maybe because ‘the left people’ respect women’s autonomy and science?

    If you want your autonomy respected, perhaps you should consider supporting things like gender equality? And doing away with idiotic things like hymen inspections that are fake and just to control women’s bodies?

  8. A break isn’t anything, and obviously he isn’t following your rules because I’m assuming being honest with you was part of them

  9. Try and distance yourself from her when you happen to be there together. Change your routine a bit, stay on the other side of the gym without a clear lie of sight between you.

    You say she is staring and looking away every time you look over, but from her perspective you may be doing the same thing and every time you meet each other’s eyeline she thinks she is catching you staring after you approached her and she rejected you.

    If she starts following you around that is likely worth a complaint.

  10. LOL. If you want to play as if this is real.

    To answer you: They (because allegedly you reported to multiple government organizations) may or may NOT investigate your claim. I'm sure you're not the only jilted lover in the US to report people every day.

    This is not police jurisdiction, by the way. So she's not going to be hauled to jail per se. Of course, unless she's committed a crime, i.e. steal/kill/etc and there's proof/evidence of them.

    If it were her cousin who married her, maybe they can prove this or can not. Like I said, it depends. And if they do investigate, it may take a long while for that to be processed.

  11. I really don’t understand how some people are able to put up with so much drama. I had a few friends like this, who I’ve tried to distance myself from just because the world seems to revolve around them. Everything is a slight against them or somehow related to them, and it is just so draining to be around them.

    Has she been like this about other seemingly minor issues? If it’s a pattern, maybe it’s something that can be addressed in therapy if you want to try and work things out.

  12. He doesn't see it as a problem because he feels like he doesn't HAVE to drink, he just does, and could stop any time he wants.

    Bet him $50 that he can't go one day without alcohol.

  13. Yeah, it's on you buddy. You voluntarily accepted a cheater back, and now you're suprised that she's going to…cheat?

  14. this is absolutely not about you.

    he is going through something you can't handle, can't deal with and honestly should not be expected to deal with his crippling mental health.

    this needs to be about him getting help, not about you feeling slighted. He needs help.

    He isn't ready to be with you, and you know that.

    and for gods sake, don't go in to his house or his friends and start talking about how he made you feel, and how upset you are over this, and how you don't feel comfy about his ex anymore. He needs help, not you. you can survive this, you aren't shutting down, you aren't locking everyone out of your life.

  15. I think you are trolling…wanna know why? cuz you are literally saying you want to be with someone and have a future with them, then you turn around and ask if you have feelings for them.

    anyways, my advice still stands. Stay in therapy, sounds like you need it.

  16. There’s always something that can be done. No one said change is comfortable or easy. You can start making moves, and a plan, and use your family and friends as a support system and take steps to gtfo. Otherwise why are you on here asking for help?

    There’s nothing any of us can do besides give you the advice you need to hear. If you don’t take it that’s on you, but don’t go complaining about your situation if you refuse to do anything about it.

    I see your comments and not to be rude but it just seems like you’re coming up with excuses to stay with him. If that’s what you want that’s fine but just know he won’t change. Can’t have your cake and eat it too. Same goes for him, unless you let him. Which you will be if you continue to stay with him.

    Is this what you want to teach your kids? That’s it’s ok to be treated this way and you’ll let it happen and become a walking mat? Because when they see that’s what mommy lets happen, they will internalize that shit and it will be their normal. Which is repulsive. You need to show them what it means to respect yourself.

  17. Yeah, perhaps, but I didn’t do anything.

    I didn’t have a falling out with her, I didn’t abuse her, I can’t even remember us fighting. Like ever… There was too much of an age gap. That’s what I can’t wrap my mind around, I understand cutting off toxic family, but I don’t understand cutting off a family member who hasn’t done anything wrong to you.

  18. Every one of your replies you claim you aren't failing your daughter because you fight with your wife, and if you leave you'd be failing your sons.

    This is what your daughter will remember: daddy's new wife was a monster and daddy picked staying with her and raising his new family over me.

    That's it. That's the damage. Also, trust me, your two boys know you fight all the time, so congrats, they're getting effed by this situation too.

  19. My ex fancied himself a photographer and wanted to claim copyright on every photo he’d ever taken of me for the 8 years he knew me. Of course that was basically every photo in existence of me for that chunk of my life.

    This was unusually cruel, in my opinion, and I didn’t agree with it, and after posting an AITA in some photography subreddit, he withdrew it.

    He already ruined most of my vacations by being himself, he doesn’t get to also erase them! I certainly haven’t tried to use any of his photos for profit.

    There are a couple of examples in my family of people coming into a second marriage on condition that they shouldn’t have to deal with any reminders that the husband had a prior life. My cousins who are half brothers literally met at their dad’s funeral for the first time. They got along splendidly and missed so many years because of the second wife’s way of thinking. I just can’t imagine that either the woman who asks for this or the man who agrees to it is healthy. It certainly doesn’t seem to fit the modern world’s ideas about coparenting, but one of the examples is so recent that it just completely gobsmacked me. Dude had 5 daughters and every year I see pictures at Christmas of only the youngest two. Sometimes the others are included but in such a small way that you can’t tell them apart.

    I’m not close enough to really know them anyway.

  20. His end game is you not ever asking him for anything. The frustration you are feeling is intentional, he is weaponising incompetence so you just do it all yourself. My advice would be to walk away and not pay attention to his antics. The petty part of me would make smartass remarks, but maybe don’t do that.

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