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Morana-shine live! webcams for YOU!


Make me feel amazing [996 tokens remaining]

Date: November 2, 2022

26 thoughts on “Morana-shine live! webcams for YOU!

  1. She works 40 hours, has a kid, and has told you she hasn't got the willpower to do it. Your options are to accept it or take on the tidying responsibility.

  2. I assure you we've made no connection with “teenage college redhead cousin.”

    While people can form unhealthy attachments to models, it's not really the default scenario.

    You could say the same thing about having a fantasy about someone, sexual or romantic. A problem if serial or impacting your relationship, but frankly bound to happen over a long relationship.

  3. There’s a rule of thumb that you can date half your age plus 7 for age gap relationships, doesn’t work all the time of course but that’s what this comment is doing

  4. She's already hurting herself. She's going to continue to do so with or without you present. I can tell you from personal experience, get out now. This is the worst kind of emotional manipulation. Tell her Aunt. Don't let the Aunt argue with you. Call her, don't go in person. If you need to, go right to a police station to do the break up call. Inform them of what's going on, do it on speaker if you have to. If she threatens suicide or threatens to hurt you they'll be right there to handle it. g

  5. Sounds like you just need to mind your own business. It's not your relationship. You just want to party with your friends instead of growing and maturing.

  6. I think saying “the line at the bread store was really long” is a bigger lie than saying “I bought stuff for my coworkers and others” cause technically he did buy stuff and he is the others.

    You’re just saying he should have picked a more believable lie.

    I mean, if they decided they still weren’t ready to tell me about the pregnancy, lying about it being for a friend is reasonable. Because if she said it was for her, my immediate next question would be: “What? Are you pregnant?” And she would either have to lie and say no, or be forced to tell the truth. If she’s not ready to share that news yet, she shouldn’t have to just because I found a receipt.

  7. I want to know why he didn't listen to her when she asked him not to talk to her but quickly agreed to patch up?

  8. Sounds like she hasn’t moved on from the trauma. Also it’s normal to not want to delete every single picture. I still have pictures with high school exes… does my partner. It’s normal and we don’t read into it because there’s no reason to

  9. Thanks for answer It didn't affect me but Im worry it can be problematic later, for ex, if I want more children after and she's too older or don't want anymore cuz already 3. It was my main concern tbh, fact she is older have positive side too Her children are still young but this is not an issue at all, first I have to “act” as stepdad when they grow up but here again not problem for that I already accept her children, they have dad and I won't step on him tho Continue with her will be the challenge for sur and as I said they have influence on my choice, important for sur but I'd not say the main one. If they gona accept my decision if I challenge it's something I can't be sur.. So from what you mentionned, pour and cons still batlle hot with all the confusion it bring to my choice

  10. That’s good advice. I definitely feel the same way about her and can see us being very happy together in the long term. I think I’m just more blindsided and wasn’t expecting it. I just wasn’t expecting things to evolve this fast and the part that scares me is I’m on board with it. I just don’t want to get hurt again but I also want to love again.

  11. It’s definitely a solid point. I would still posit that they are old enough to say it flat out, rather than lying…and if they are going to lie, either to spare OP feelings or protect their own actions, then they should be better at it. Like, maybe don’t use the hotel room that OP was ALSO planning to stay in??

    It does sound like there are some messed up family dynamics here that go beyond this one particular situation, and OP should spend some time reflecting on that – and choosing her own actions accordingly.

  12. How could she not remember you? I'm so glad you reached out. I hope it goes well for both of you. Neither of you are the same person you were back then- take the time to get to know the new versions of yourselves. Good luck.

  13. I had therapy before and it made me overthink about my own therapist and because I’m a curious mf i found her ig and saw her talking shit so the only therapist I have is god

  14. You're both dummies. If I had a sharp pain in my back so horrible it made me “wail,” it would be time to head to an emergency room, not stand around arguing. Yeesh.

  15. I really love him I know that sounds crazy but I really do.

    It was his idea to get married so fast too. He told me that he didn't want to marry anybody else and that it was silly to wait.

  16. You wouldn't be a bad person for breaking up over sexual incompatibility. Given that your GF is asexual, it doesn't sound like the compatibility issues can be resolved. Sex is important to a lot of people.

  17. Judging by the replies apparently 1/2 of the population can’t spell choking. It’s choking not chocking. There is no additional c.


  18. I suppose I’ve been doing this by not going to his house 3 times a week anymore. If I don’t come see him, he doesn’t make the effort to come meet me at mine.

    However, he depends on me to bring his youngest to school every Wednesday and pick her up every other Friday. I don’t want to bail on that. If I didn’t pick up his kid I don’t know if we’d see each other, it makes me so sad.

  19. His clothes, his property, his responsibility. My husband knows that the laundry basket goes in the washer as is. Anything in it is fair game because I’m not his mother and I’m assuming he’s responsible for his own belongings. He lost a pair of AirPods that way and he hasn’t left anything in the pockets since. Mothers teach and train, wives treat you like adults who should know better.

  20. You’ll never rebuild her trust while you’re insisting that you assaulted her for her own good. You still think “she learned a valuable lesson.” The only thing you taught her is that her boyfriend cannot be trusted to stop holding her down while she’s panicking and crying.

    That thing you were worried about, with a man overpowering her and her not being able to defend herself? Yeah, you need to understand that YOU turned out to be the perpetrator of exactly what you feared. Guess she was right to not worry about walking home. She got attacked at home, by you.

  21. He doesn’t ‘struggle with aftercare.’ There is no struggle or attempt to change on his part. He uses your body to get off. He then cares more about his phone than your feelings. You feel used because you are being used.

  22. So you're mom shopping instead of stepping up? You know single dads exist in this world right?

    Wanting love for yourself isn't a bad thing but don't blame seeking a relationship for you abandoning your kid

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