I had a near identical thing happen to me in a long distance relationship. BF’s family knew me, I thought I was the main chick. We talked marriage and everything. He was living with his main chick it turned out and my care package got him found out. He knew I was sending it, but the timing was off and she blew a gasket when it came in, and left him. He said she was his ex and she got fed up with him sleeping on the couch and moved out. So the. I stupidly became the main chick until I widened up years later.
I had to reread a few times. I'm not sure if I have that correct. That part is worded weird.
I had a near identical thing happen to me in a long distance relationship. BF’s family knew me, I thought I was the main chick. We talked marriage and everything. He was living with his main chick it turned out and my care package got him found out. He knew I was sending it, but the timing was off and she blew a gasket when it came in, and left him. He said she was his ex and she got fed up with him sleeping on the couch and moved out. So the. I stupidly became the main chick until I widened up years later.