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My(40F) hudband(46M) just died of cancer last week and I’m dying inside


How do I deal with this? I am literally dying inside. My husband died of 2 rare forms of leukemia, and kidney failure. He had 2 broken arms and 26 broken bones throughout his body. He had lost over 150lbs over 2 years from the cancer eating away his body. How do i deal with my heart and soul dying? He was my everything. We were together for 10 years and 3 months and married 9 years 8 months. He gave me and my son the best years of our lives and he claimed my son as his own. My son even claimed his dad as he was the one who raised him as a dad and loved him unconditionally. We bought a house together. I feel so alone and lost. Please give me some adive. Please help me. I cry every night.

submitted by /u/Anij_1200
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Date: June 3, 2023

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