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Mylie the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


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Mylie online sex chat

Date: October 16, 2022

50 thoughts on “Mylie the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I personally think it’s incredibly weird to ask her to show you her very hot body after a shower over FaceTime, but regardless of that lol, it sounds like she’s just having a time of lowered sex drive. It could be a sign of deeper issues in the relationship, or it could just be normal / honeymoon sexuality phasing out.

  2. would suggest looking beneath the comment. Why would he say that? He is an adult and knew it would hurt you and was insulting :/

  3. let things cool off a bit more and then explain to him how hurtful that was to you. How he cant see how stupid that was to say, especially since he still hangs out with her. Most wouldnt put up with that to begin with, but then toss that comment in and hes asking for trouble. Im a guy and I think he couldnt have said a much worse comment than that to you. Guys are stupid sometimes. But considering he still is friends with his ex fiancee makes it tougher to swallow.

  4. Men usually stay with the women that helped them get to where they are at. But alas another woman who was conveniently supported by a man, whose success belongs to her and now she will broom her man. He was always there for you… through trauma and now he's no longer useful to you, you deserve better? wow! Cold.

  5. I say shoot your shot. But expect her to be gay or asexual as she has already claimed to be.

    But knowing and moving on is better than living with regret and what ifs.

  6. What happens when the girlfriend takes your children to your mother’s and she abuses them? She’s failing both you and your children, and this would be dealbreaker territory for me.

  7. Dump him. Otherwise you’re teaching your daughter that this is what she should expect in a relationship. He’s financially and verbally abusive, and either one is a good enough reason to pack up and leave, even without the part where he sits on his butt and lets you do all the work.

  8. Hello /u/deep_sharer,

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  9. So you don’t see a future with her but don’t want to break up with her because you don’t have time to right now. That’s disgusting stop wasting this poor girl’s time.

  10. Don't let other folks tell you what to say or how to act. The magazine articles are myths and not facts. Do you. If you feel puppy love, or solid love, or anything else, tell him.

    If you love the way that they make you feel around them and can't feel the same without them, tell them.

    Because if you can't tell them, or won't, they might be feeling the same and might be hurt by the fact that you aren't responsive to the situation as well.

    Do you, I'm sure he's in similar.

  11. Honestly mate this behaviour is quite gross. This is what you expect from a teenager who's desperate for attention not a nearly 30 year old women.

    There are so many lovely women out there who have respect for themselves and their boyfriend you need to really sit down and think about why you're with this person. Do you have low self esteem? Is she really the sort of person you want to be associated with as a romantic partner? Do you think the way she behaves is respectful toward you? Does it promote an image to other people that she respects you?

    Being a 27 year old female who deeply cares for the man in my life it made me sad reading this because I'd never behave in this manner. I know it takes millions of people to make a world but imo she's making a laughing stock of you.

    Personally, I'd be friends with her – good time girls are great for parties etc but as far as girlfriend material this girl is rats and is making an absolute laughing stock of you.

  12. You are under no obligation to establish a relationship with your mother or your half siblings. You are what’s important. If this is going to cause you emotional turmoil, then it will be in your best interests to not contact them. As you said, your mother knew where you were all this time. Her motives should be questioned.

  13. His response to you is so problematic. Typical toxic male shit saying the woman is irrational as if he's not the one getting on a plane bc his fiance held him accountable for his words. He's an irrational, overly emotional man with a fragile ego.

  14. At least half the time they get custody and then make their new gf or their mother look after the kids instead

    And it’s not even just while they’re at work. But somehow women are all the bad ones.

  15. You literally list monopoly and tennis in you compelling alternatives lol (those are boring as hell to me and most the people i know). You really gotta come to terms with the fact that varying interests arent a sign of mental unsoundness bc you sound like a major dick rn.

  16. Whenever you have any issues in a relationship, you need to bring those up to your partner, The only way for your partner to truly know what you are feeling and thinking or if there are issues is if you tell them specifically the issues. They're not going to just magically know how you feel and think about certain things and some people really suck at reading the room or reading body language. So you can't expect people to just know what issues you're having in the relationship.

    If it's getting to the point that it's a make or break thing in the relationship, You need to express that with your partner or you're not giving them a chance on this matter. Sit down with your girlfriend. Express your feelings and concerns regarding the relationship.

    Let's say you do express your thoughts and issues on the relationship to her and she simply isn't ready to take that type of step, then with you already considering it's getting to the point that it's a make or break sort of thing for the relationship if she expresses that she's just not feeling like that step is near the future. You need to walk away if that's what's best for you.

  17. Regular pills wouldn't work in that scenario because they just make the cervix dilate and encourage the uterus to empty it's lining. Since it wouldn't be in that area, it would do nothing for it. That's pretty crazy. She's lucky it wasn't in her fallopian tube ig

  18. Regular pills wouldn't work in that scenario because they just make the cervix dilate and encourage the uterus to empty it's lining. Since it wouldn't be in that area, it would do nothing for it. That's pretty crazy. She's lucky it wasn't in her fallopian tube ig

  19. Regular pills wouldn't work in that scenario because they just make the cervix dilate and encourage the uterus to empty it's lining. Since it wouldn't be in that area, it would do nothing for it. That's pretty crazy. She's lucky it wasn't in her fallopian tube ig

  20. Seems to me you two are not well aligned on what the relationship means to each of you and the future you each have in mind.

    Technically, you’re right—it’s your money, spend it as you wish.

    But most adults who have been together 2+ years are making some life plans together. So excluding her from this process seems a little odd. Sure, I wouldn’t let her talk you into more house than you can afford but I’d at least listen to her input if you intend to have her live there as well. She may have some really good ideas.

  21. Ok so the watch coulda been left at work. But I don't think you can track location it all uses the same satellites and shit so them being “different locations” while in the same location is again a number you can't comprehend to 1. Location data? How tf you check that on an activity watch? I think he worded it bad. Steps and everything can be coincidence and yk, fucking. Or she coulda dipped and was at work and stopped for a quicky. Lots of scenarios of her being at work then the house just left the watch at work then returned to work.

  22. For me, the fact that one of his friends asked, what do you see in her and he said boobs would be enough to end the relationship. I don’t even know how or why you would consider staying with him when he obviously cheated on you. If you believe that he didn’t cheat on you, you would literally believe anything. The fact that he’s saying if you don’t believe him he’s gonna leave you is so blatantly manipulative and you are falling for it. It’s really sad. There is no counseling to fix someone like him.

  23. I had a feeling that you may have already been doing this.

    Zero contact is probably the best way to go. I mean, if the guy adds no value into your life (and actually decreases it) what is the point in maintaining contact?

  24. Well, there are plenty of science and polls done regarding this question, so where did you get your, totally weird by the way, ideas from?

    To me it sounds like you almost… have your own reality? Have you talked to straight men, honestly, about their relationship to vaginas? I mean, you can always go with the “not all men, but in general”, but vaginas is a feature that women tend to have that men tend to be very interested in.

    I mean, I bet there are people with your weird views, I've met my fair share of guy friends in my life (I am a 50 year old man for context) that absolutely bonkers ideas like being scared of taller women, not going down on women before having received a blow job, but this was when they were between 20 and 23 years old, basically. So, idiots, you know?

    I want to know why you think these statements are facts and why you are discussing them with your psychologist?

    I mean, you don't have to have sex with men if you aren't turned on by it, but if it is for some misguided idea about men's thoughts about vaginas, well, let me tell you that I would be very hot pressed to find men in general that do not like vaginas.

    And the in general idea is just weird. I like women of all sizes, hair colors, hair lengths, skin colors, it is part of my genetic makeup that I desire these attributes.

    But again, why where you talking about these things? “I have this enormous flowchart of ideas on how the world works and it's just pure fantasy that I made up with no basis in reality, can we go through it and you give me a yes or no on every statement?”

    I mean, these aren't things that you can just form opinions on, you have to conduct interviews, explore statistics etc. I bet there are sources out there you could peruse.

    I wish you a very good day. Good luck with everything.

  25. And no, being married doesn't mean she has to be home at a certain time or always at your service and ready to communicate.

    Is this honestly what you took away from this story? It's not about that at all. It feels like you're projecting a bit. It's about having respect for your relationship. I would never say I'll be home at a certain time and come back 2 hours later without communicating it.

  26. Wait a minute, the boy, to her, was a boy toy? He wasn't a boyfriend at all since she already had a “serious” LDR with another guy? If all of that is the case, what the hell is she so mad about? That you fell in love with somebody that she considered to be part of her harem? If this was AITA, you would NOT be the AH and your “friend” would be a greedy so and so.

    As for you other worries about your relationship with your boyfriend, you're obviously projecting your problems with you “friend” (if you're not catching on, I'm using scare quotes to emphasize that she's not a true friend) onto your relationship with him. She has zero right to keep you apart and her jealous personality lead to you going behind her back. Let go of your worries about that relationship, and your relationship with your boyfriend will have the breathing room it needs to be happy and healthy.

    IMO, you dodged a bullet with your harem-jealous friend. Let her go. You'll be happier in the long run.

  27. Unfortunately OP finally admitted what she’s doing that is causing the strife… she has asked him to stop transitioning to appease her parents and grandparents because they’ll know and it will be very hot according to her.

    Unfortunately she is being transphobic but Is so caught up in silently violently she doesn’t realize it

  28. Yeah, you would think that's the logical step to take right? I even asked husband before mil was moving in, where she would be sleeping and if we could buy her a bed frame. I hoped at least then he would get that asshole of a bil to move out. But no. I come home from India (we'd both gone to India in December, SO and MIL came back to US a week earlier as I ran into Visa issues) and I see she's sleeping next to the dining table. Which means now we only have two chairs at the dining table. So if all four have to eat, my husband sits to the side on a different chair, I sit on her bed.

  29. Aside from the poop parasites, having sex with a man this dirty is a straight up recipe for UTIs and kidney infections.

  30. Early, and make sure they know you're serious and that this isn't some fad or flighty issue you're likely to change on. I'm of the opinion you should've already told them… I'd be pissed if I found out more than a year in, this is a huge red flag for me.

  31. It'll never work out- if you stay then you'll end up resentful of her for being stuck there, and if you guys move then she'll be resentful of you for taking her away from her family.

  32. Glad yours was just less than a month. Took 9 months for me to lose attraction or sexual desire (and admittedly attachment) to this guy who was my first kiss and first sexual partner. Glad it’s over and and now I know what I value too. Same as yours, deeper connection, safety and sense of belonging

  33. It's a risk. You've pointed out that there will be added stresses of finances, but there are also added stresses of taking care of a home, and in this case, navigating two other roommates. It does help that you've known your GF a long time, but there is a tremendous difference in being friends, being lovers and living together. The reason people tend to wait is that it's important to gain an understanding of each of those separate stages. As your relationship progresses you may come to learn something about your partner that disqualifies her as a GF or something happens that changes the nature of your relationship. And then you'd be stuck living together. The reason people tend to wait to move in together is that having more time as a couple can provide greater clarity on the likelihood of something like that happening.

    And you are also absolutely right to be worried about still being in the honeymoon phase and getting enough alone time. You'd have to really discuss good mechanisms to make sure you can both get that, in a way that wouldn't create resentment.

    So long story short waiting to move in limits a lot of those risks, but it doesn't prevent the risk. So, the question here is are you willing to accept the greater risk of moving in together very early, for whatever possible benefits it confers. There isn't a right answer to that, and in many ways time will determine if you made the right choice. I wouldn't do what you're planning on doing, but you aren't me.

    tl;dr Yes, it's a risky option for your relationship, but in the end if you think it makes sense to do compared to the risks, it's your life.

  34. Random fucking strangers in the grocery store compliment my eyes.

    Come on.

    What you’re talking about aren’t boundaries, they’re rules.

    If your boundary is “I don’t date men who have women friends” then fine. Stop dating him.

    But people aren’t projects. Don’t go in there making rules because YOU are insecure about who he is today and who he’s friends with.

    Just move on and date someone without friends.

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