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Nadiabunnyxxx live webcams for YOU!


Let me satisfy that 😉

Date: October 5, 2022

50 thoughts on “Nadiabunnyxxx live webcams for YOU!

  1. Your wife has allowed you so much time so that all you do is meal prep for just yourself and not the whole family like she does… You have time to go to the gym often, you have created all the healthy changes without the luggage of a household to run and the mental burden that brings.. that your down time is so plentiful that you have the spare mental energy to do this must be nice.. and as a result of her sacrifice you then get mad that she doesn't want to hear about it… Seriously check in on what labor is done in the house and give her some free time and see if she is more interested. You watch the kids and let her go do her own self care daily .. maybe the woman she once was is still in there

  2. info: u said u were together for 15 years, did he know about ur depression at all during this time? or just didn't know how severe it is? 15 years sounds like a long time to not kno something so significant about ur partner.

    Also, are u in therapy?..talking to ur loved ones about it is important definitely but getting actual professional help is probably more so.

  3. If you have a sticking point about how long your dad should be able to stay, perhaps compromise on the frequency with which he visits.

    Or just dump your boyfriend. But I don’t like to be that open and shut about it. Keep talking, the truth will come out. It sounds to me like your boyfriend sees his home as a place of comfort and recharging. He’s likely an introvert in that way? Someone extra chattery coming over removes that comfort, albeit temporarily.

    I say this with empathy. I am not an introvert. But my wife sure is and if I had a stay the night guest once a month, she wouldn’t like it. But we don’t have that problem. We found our own compromise. I’m more of a, “everyone can come and go as they please” kind of person.

  4. She knows it does hurt me when she doesn’t sleep because then I feel really shitty because I want to do is help her but I can’t stay up all night because of work and I told her I will always trust her on her word

  5. Nothing against you OP but you’ve been dating for 9 years with two kids it makes a bit sense why. He was hoping she would be the wife one day. If I found that letter it would end the relationship right there and then, because who am I to stand in the way of true love. I can only imagine how hurt you are.

  6. That’s the weird part for me. I definitely recommend talking with him and just being honest. And if it is something specifically about the wipes then at least this sub gave you some solutions ?

  7. It sounds like you and your partner are really struggling in this relationship right now. It is understandable that you feel resentment towards them for always talking negatively about their job and not being able to enjoy the time off together because of it.

    My advice to you would be to have an honest conversation with your partner and try to empathize with how they're feeling while still expressing the negative effect that their behavior has on you. Ask them what sort of solution they can come up with, or if there's anything else they can do that could help make things easier for both of you. Remember, communication is key when it comes to fixing any relationship issue.

    I would also strongly suggest exploring other options, such as leaving the full-time job in favor of something more enjoyable so that neither one of you ends up resenting each other further down the road. The goal here should be finding mutually beneficial solutions rather than putting forth ultimatums – so think outside the box! And remember – whatever decision either one of you makes needs to prioritize your mental health first and foremost before anything else; if a situation does not seem healthy or sustainable for either person involved, then it may be worth re-evaluating whether or not that situation should remain constant.

  8. Not for long. Your body is not designed to function for long with that kid of Weight. You heart may give out due to effort and stress. Also the problems that you develop will destroy your quality of life.

  9. It sounds like you have social anxiety the most common for of anxiety there is.

    It's very treatable and can be overcome.

  10. There is nothing wrong with looking around and seeing if there might not be a better fit for you. If you’ve only ever had 2 adult relationships, and one of them is only a few months old, you may find there is something better for you. Give yourself a break and listen to your gut.

  11. Gas lighting doesn't implicitly require an attempt to drive someone insane; it is an attempt to shift blame and make someone question what actually caused the problem, the sequence of things, or the events that took place. He is absolutely gas-lighting her by trying to make her believe she is the one at fault for HIS shitty behavior.

  12. You're ignoring the context of his making comments and expressing potential doubt previously. She offered the reality that she's a tall woman, and recessive genes do weird stuff, as a reasonable explanation – but she DID have to offer an explanation. So, there IS added context you're ignoring that makes it less likely to be a random fun things.

  13. I hope not, but with how long it's been I worry she's built up resentment thinking I hate her and therefore she hates me. She's always been very socially self-conscious and keeps walls up to keep people from hurting her. She's such a genuine and kind soul with a lot of emotional wounds of her own, and the last thing I want is to open old scars.

  14. Lying about being raped is- I'm irritated and I'm not even you.

    In my head, (based on your descriptions), you were more than supportive and even your reactions and thought process throughout were commendable. So rhe fact that she could cross boundaries despite that does not sit right with me.

    You're not thinking divorce, which is fine but either you or her or both of you need therapy. I don't know how you could trust what even happened other than the fact that she wasn't raped. I mean you gave her an out and she still told you that one of the worst things imaginable happened to her and let you believe that. There's a lot to process here.

  15. I posted this story 3 days ago asking for advice because my wife was raped. Afterwards I found out she wasnt, so I deleted that and made this new post with the.. well.. new perspective.

  16. The counseling thing could be a good idea, but it would be dependent on if she wanted to explore that route with you. The best thing you could do for her is to only validate her feelings, don’t try to offer excuses for yourself to her at this time— she very likely will not be open to them.

    You mentioned a lack of sex because of your guys’ jobs, was it mutual or was it you turning her down or vice versa? Women correlate a lot of things past and present in their minds and she may correlate the lack of sex to your attraction to her friend(s).

  17. You need to work out what you want at the end of the day. Sometimes we can’t have it all. He’s a really nice guy, supportive and loving etc, but doesn’t earn what you want him to earn. If you make good money then why can’t that be enough? Long gone are the age old days that we expect men to keep us. Women are perfectly capable of being the main earner.

  18. You acknowledge that it's not that bad and you want him to say that he's wrong even though he possibly isnt just to get a fake apology that he wouldn't actually ever mean seriously so you can feel better. Nice.

    Personally Id not feel better knowing that the apology would be fake but you do you.

  19. My husband works 12 hour days at a physically demanding job. He still does his own laundry and makes his own lunches and has from day 1. He's never expected this of me. He will sometimes make steaks for dinner and I'll cook the sides.

    There's no reason your bf can't do his own laundry and manage his online sales. Making him breakfast and lunch should be because you want to, not expected.

    His Mommy does everything and has his entire life. So he expects a woman to do everything for him. He's not going to change, because he's never been expected to. You have to decide if this is how you want to live the rest of your life.

  20. Question: how would she take it if your child did that after they were told to do something they disagreed with? Yes, eye rolls are disrespectful.

  21. The first time the parents were thinking about themselves, the second time they were thinking about their daughter. Compassion is key

  22. I'm so sorry. I was recently broken up with by my ex-fiancé after more than 6 years together because despite moving in together and proposing to me, he still couldn't see himself getting married or buying a house with me. Like thanks for wasting the prime years of my life.

  23. Well since the only way she could be pregnant and he’s not the father would be for her to cheat, yeah he is

  24. Even given that 95% of AITA posts are trolls these days I'm going these days I'm still going to have to give this story a B+ just for the effort. Most AITA trolls are people in purportedly desperate circumstances doing stupid things who, despite all that, write like journalism majors with basic “isn't this outrageous” story beats. This was a nicely played-out, engaging story until the motel scene where it went off the rails. But still, it was entertaining!

  25. “He thinks I'm being dramatic”

    Leave him now. There are two types of people in this world. People who care about you and people who call you dramatic.

  26. He says no man is out there getting his girl off for 15 minutes before sex

    Mine does. He understands that I need some warming up and that I don't get off from penetration alone (like a LOT of women).

    If he's rigid in his position tell him he doesn't need BJ's anymore, as the penetration should be sufficient for him.

  27. Communication is key here.

    See how his progress is going ect. But also do it and try to make the emphasis on if he's feeling better rather than when he's going to he “back to normal”.

    When he's feeling better the rest should hopefully work itself out.

  28. If he would so blatantly try to cheat on you with your sister who wouldn’t he cheat on you with? You might want to explore the possibility that he has cheated on you already.

  29. That’s why I said wonderfully generous; going against her preferences to accommodate her husband and child.

  30. My answer is I don’t think 1 month in is too soon to bring this up because it’s obviously important to you and there’s no sense waiting until 6 months in to bring it up. It’s a dealbreaker. Bringing it up on the 1st date even wouldn’t be wrong.

    I just also think you need to have a separate conversation with her about whether or not you’re exclusive. The fact that you’re not sure and haven’t brought it up gives me vibes that you’re unsure about her. That’s why I think you need to do some soul searching, decide if a serious relationship with her is something you want and go from there.

  31. FWIW, nearly all birth control pills are so low-dose these days that they need to be taken at the same time of day.

  32. I know sex doesn’t cross your mind, but it’s clear your fiancĂ© feels that sex is connected to his intimacy, and he probably feels like he’s the only one that’s attempting intimacy right now, which can be frustrating and disappointing for anybody.

    A lot of women’s libido’s decreasing with medical issues, aging, etc. is just blamed on women being women, when actually a lot of the time it’s a hormonal imbalance that can be mitigated with medical treatment. Please talk to your gyne about what can be done to help bring your libido back. But if it’s gone for good, please start to make sex something you actively think about. You and your fiancĂ© are both way too young to miss out on sex the rest of your lives

  33. It's difficult to know exactly why someone would behave this way, as everyone's motivations and feelings are unique. However, it sounds like this person may have been looking for a physical relationship without necessarily wanting an emotional connection. They may have enjoyed the attention and physical intimacy with you, but then lost interest once they realized that it wasn't going to be a long-term thing.

    It's also possible that this person was genuinely interested in a romantic relationship with you, but then changed their mind for whatever reason. Perhaps they met someone else they were more interested in, or they simply realized that they didn't want to be in a relationship with you after all.

    Regardless of the reason, it's important to remember that you deserve to be treated with respect and kindness. It sounds like this person has been stringing you along and not giving you clear answers, which is not fair to you. You might want to consider taking some space from this person to heal and move on from the situation.

  34. Kinda sounds like you two are growing apart and he's noticed it.

    I usually just sat at home and texted him about how much I missed him. He even used to say it was a turn off.

    This is the only thing you said that he said that was fair. If you're seeing eachother everyday, texting that you're missing him on his one night out is probably a bit much.

    But like… yeah. I'd sit down and have a long talk about whether he can handle who you want to be, because it sounds like you're making a lot of positive changes for yourself.

  35. I came to this post ready to tell you that you're not ready for a relationship or getting married but this is far worse than what I was expecting

    Give him an ultimatum

  36. You and your friends have some growing up to do.

    Your friends are idiots if they think apologizing is needy. Apologies are important as you admit your fault and that you respect another person enough to care about how they feel.

    You shouldn't have lashed out in the first place. You need to learn how to handle and communicate your emotions better.

    You also need to learn mindfulness: there was nothing in that conversation worth getting upset about. Like it was all in your head and then you flipped out on her. If anything, she wasn't putting an “expiry” on the question, she was probably moreso joking that your time is limited — which is true. Even if she was asking for a deadline for an answer about hanging out, her asks and the way she went about it is perfectly reasonable.

    I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't want to hang out with you again, and even if she does you need to respect her space. She is busy studying and has to process the mean and awful things you said to her.

    Honestly sounds like you either have some condition, or you need to seek counseling and learn skills/concepts like: emotional intelligence, effective communication, handling interpersonal conflict, regulating emotions, using logic before making brash and irrational decisions, etc.

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