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Naomi King online sex chats for YOU!


Are you ready to present your lesson? if you fail you will feel my ruler, but if you succeed you will see how naughty your teacher is #bigboobs #squirt #bbw #anal [2222 tokens remaining]

Date: October 7, 2022

130 thoughts on “Naomi King online sex chats for YOU!

  1. they’ve never been aggressive or violent towards me at all , also confessed to hurting animal when they were younger it’s a lot to take in.

  2. Believe us all when we tell you that they are insane.

    So let's expand this issue of yours out and put it to like this.

    So say you find yourself unable to reconcile her past with your present and you break up with her. You are now in her position to the person you are looking for. You have been with her and now your body count is one.

    So by your logic, why would the person you are looking for – someone who is chaste like you were prior to you dating – want to be with you? You are by your own standards no longer chaste. You are no longer a virgin.

    You now have a body count of your own.

    So imagine the girl you want – someone who has never been with someone prior to you – is supposed to think? She wants someone special to be her first, but for you it will be your second. To her that is not “special”. You have been there and done that and OMG you have done it multiple times! How gross will that be to her?

    You have had your special moment so it – whatever you do with some new chaste girl – will not be special to you. Only her.

    See where the logical fallacy is in your thinking.

  3. No grown man would tell his friends he cheated on his wife and caught an std just to make them feel better about their relationships!! And if by chance he did, then he purposefully told people something that could potentially hurt you and your family if you found out…it makes no sense.

    You need to get test asap.

    Then you need to decide if you are staying or leaving!

  4. What about Op's niece what is she getting from the father what is he doing for her why is she being punished because her dad's a deadbeat.

  5. I’m so so sorry you’re going through this. The best thing for you to do right now is to not gaslight yourself into thinking this behavior somehow isn’t infidelity. Cheating in recent years has expanded past the physical act, if I remember correctly, the definition of cheating is “if you think it’s cheating, then it is cheating to you.” I know some people try to refute this, but it really is true. If your partner willingly does something to cross a boundary you have, even if it’s emotional rather than physical, that’s not okay.

    Some people only define cheating as physical, some define it as emotional, some consider porn cheating, and they’re all valid, it’s up to the individual.

    Also, may I add (if I read it correctly), he’s getting defensive and going “oh you must be cheating”. That’s a HUGE red flag. Cheaters often misplace their own guilt for their actions and try to turn things on their partners. Not to mention deleting messages. If he’s not cheating, or at the very least being dishonest, why would he have the need to delete things?

    Again, I am so so sorry this is happening to you. It’s happened to me too, and it sucks so very hot. Things feel so bleak like you’ll never be okay again, that you’re broken or worthless. But I promise you that’s not the case, your worth is not tied to this man and his actions. Things will hurt for a while, but it will improve with time and if I may suggest, therapy for yourself. Therapy is so good at untangling so many things, and I can say my experience with it after having this happen to me was my savior.

    I’m wishing you all the best, I apologize that my response is so long.

  6. My mom was disowned for 4 months for marrying a Jew (she was roman Catholic). Her mom eventually realized that she was the bad guy in the story. Either your parents call their bluff… Or you make a very hot but necessary sacrifice for your future happiness.

  7. i really do appreciate that. it’s just sad. we were.. or at least i .. was excited to see him in a week after a year of not seeing eachother. thought honesty was the right thing .. but ig not.

    i wanna send the receipts but i have a feeling he’ll continue ignoring me & won’t respond.

  8. Insanely huge red flag. Shouldn't have given her the first, but here you are. I would just talk to a lawyer and negotiate custody. Once you have your exit strategy plotted out, I would sit her down and have a deadly serious talk about your future together. If she is 40 a pregnancy carries extreme risk, for her and the baby. And her forcing you to have a kid or she is going to leave you over it is the most psychotic conclusion I could imagine coming to in the given circumstances.

    Good luck, and consider adoption.

  9. Forget about him. Your dating history is your own business, but he's not a jerk for not being into you. Find someone who IS into you.

  10. While you're correct that an undetectable viral HIV load is not sexually transmittable, a person who doesn't disclose the fact that they're taking medication for an extremely serious STD is:

    a) probably not super disciplined about their personal health habits

    b) still intentionally withholding critical information that their sexual partner has the right to know.

    This doesn't quite cross the boundary from reckless into “this bitch needs to be in jail for intentionally infecting somebody with a potentially life-threatening illness,” but it's so reckless that it might warrant some jail time for the sheer selfishness of it.

  11. I know this is going to sound weird but sometimes a physical reminder helps and touch is a love language for him obviously. I think a way you can let him know politely that you need a break from physical touch is to give him a comfort item. Buy this I mean if you're feeling like you've been touched too much and are getting overloaded grab a squishmellow stuffed animal something like that that he likes make a show of hugging that object. Then give him the object and say I love you I want to give you the physical touch that you need but I am overloaded so here is this (you can even name the stuffed animal or whatever) filled with my love please hold it until I'm ready to return. Again I know this sounds weird but it gives him a physical reminder that you can't do the physical touch as much as he can but you are working on it too it gives him something too physically touch that you have made a part of you like I'm handing you this to show you my love and make it something that he enjoys touching and sometimes just having your presence while he's touching the object will probably help

  12. Thank you for this. I did ask him before why he gets so defensive and he gets even more mad because he says he’s not. There’s been multiple periods in time when I get scared of telling him how I feel

  13. Hello /u/Aominoe,

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  14. You’re projecting something onto OP that I frankly don’t see. She gained a huge amount of weight over a very short period of time, apparently related to alcohol consumption and is depressed. OP has said NOTHING about her appearance and has been specifically looking for ways to communicate with her in a way that seems to indicate to me that he cares about her health. She may not want to discuss it but as a partner in that relationship she should. Some boundaries are fair, but “we can’t talk about this obvious problem” is not a boundary, it’s demanding that OP on-line in denial. OP explicitly states that he is saying it is not about her appearance, and it is about her health, and all his comments seem to indicate to me that this is his priority.

  15. You have to. If she doesn't want you, she doesn't want you. That's not an invitation to try harder, it's not an invitation to try and change her mind.

    Thats how people end up with a restraining order. Leave. Her. Alone

  16. Wow people are being way too nice to you about this. Yes, you are being heartless. I hope you are being there for your husband at this time. He clearly has an immense amount of guilt over something that’s not his fault. I empathize with the guy and all you can do is sit there selfishly thinking he’s cheating while he’s distraught that someone that CARES FOR YOUR KIDS was in a head on collision.

  17. Indeed. Came up in many other contexts, people we knew,books and movies, new of politicians doing it, etc., and my feelings towards cheating were very clear. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

  18. I would have been fine with it had she been completely honest. Chill before you start taking shots big man.

  19. Well he didn't die on that hill in the first place. Years ago, he choose to go nc with his child. If he wants to make it right then he should be prepared for the consequences as well. Instead like op said, he wants his cake and eat it too. Probably knows that the wife will leave him.

  20. Google what sex therapists suggest on-line, this isn’t an easy fix, same issue comes up day after day on here

  21. Most little boys learn to lift the toilet seat before they pee. Does he not do that?

    Three options for him:

    start lifting the seat

    start sitting down while peeing

    be single

  22. Having seen the update……

    OP, I don't think anyone here would have been hoping for a messy breakup. That isn't really what this Sub does. Instead, there are lots of people here who have been through or seen lots of similar things and they comment based on that. And it's amazing how often the same / similar things keep happening.

    So, as I had said earlier, she basically said she was stressed and needed time alone. I picked that out of all the possible excuses as it's one I've seen on this thread and in real life.

    I cannot imagine any therapist saying that a great way to strengthen a relationship is to run to a hotel and lie repeatedly to your partner. Honestly it all sounds like a story.

  23. I am going to set the slapping on the side for 10 seconds. We’ll be back to it:

    You are correct, she is responsible for waking herself up and her anger was misdirected

    The only answer to the “you a w becoming your father” comment, knowing what we know, is: “then I will free you that burden and leave”

    She slapped you in a moment of anger. Case closed, period; la comedia e finita.

    What you describe is an abuse situation getting started. She herself told you if the tables were turned she would leave you. Do the same.

  24. Breakups are breakups. If your relationship didn’t work the first time, its more than likely not going to work a second time. You both need to move on.

  25. Break up.

    Like I could go into detail if you really need me to about why, just ask.

    Cheating is lying, lying is cheating, doesn't matter what the act is, if it's an act you have to hide and lie about, it's cheating. If it wasn't you wouldn't have to hide and lie.

  26. If you are unsure of the future of your relationship I would say there is no future relationship. All your points seem like valid points, unless you want to bring these to your partner and see their response/if they’re willing to change or work on these. It just seems like you two aren’t compatible.

  27. YTA, but mostly because you took it too far while drunk. Sticking to your own boundaries is fine, but dont look down on someone for a 6 year age gap. Thats still pretty normal.

  28. When people tell you who they are, believe them. Not only did she cheat, she appears to have little remorse. This will happen again. People get away with what the can get away with.

  29. First try telling your partner that unless he wants to be a part time parent he's going to have to find a way to get his family out of your place. If he can't/won't do that then you will need to leave. If you do though just make sure to file the paperwork on child custody/visitation/support. You need the custody agreement codified so he can't just take off with the baby one day. You need the support decree because it's his responsibility to help pay for this child you both created.

  30. I appreciate that. She’s literally my best friend so not talking to her every day after 2+ years of doing that is really very hot. I wanna be all supportive but I don’t wanna make things difficult for her, because her making this decision to end things was extremely very hot in the first place.

  31. I hope you have in writing how much money you lent him – if not, try to get him to sign a contract about it now.

    Sorry, but that guy is NOT relationship material – at least not for you. He only gave in and apologized because he was scared his mealticket would leave. Move back to your family and dogs (dogs are nicer than most humans, anyway), and take him to small claims court for the money he owes you, unless he agrees to a payment plan. And NEVER mix money and relationships ever again.

  32. I really hate the idea that just because you are with someone or love someone, you are no longer allowed to be attracted to anyone else. It's not reality.

  33. Omg I know, so true! She may have picked up on it better if it was just a fair weather friend. But in my life experiences, whenever you are alone with a guy, whether it’s a BIL, sister’s boyfriend, friends bf, when they start the whole negging while telling you how great you are, always expect a come on,and shut it down. Sooner you shut it down, the quicker they get the hint not to try, usually at least. She can’t ever be alone with this guy if his wife still wants him.

  34. Don’t defend yourself over such a stupid accusation at all. It’s not you, period.

    You should be much more concerned about her mental and hormonal state. Appeal to her parents that she needs medical attention and make sure she gets some.

  35. That is not close family, first of all. But what is more important is that the bride and groom are not on the same page.

    It is fine for them not to marry but when this guy denies his future wife's request because he loves his family we need to be honest about his priorities.

    I'm not marrying him. You're not marrying him. I am offering my perspective. I encourage you to do the same, rather than coming at me. I don't know you!

  36. Find someone that you can actually meet and see. Long distance doesn't work for most people. It's not a real connection

  37. I think they do this on purpose. I think the theory is that women who feel bad about how they look will buy more clothes, cosmetics, etc. So the fashion industry does whatever it can to make women feel bad about how they look.

    If OP's wife indulges in some shopping therapy now, that's a win for the fashion industry.

  38. If this were me, and I am speaking ONLY for myself and not OP’s wife, I would get an abortion.

    Of course this is an emotionally-charged situation with many complex variables, but I would say that an abortion is the best choice for someone who A) has access to one and B) does not want to raise the child.

    I respect this woman’s beliefs and am sympathetic to her situation, but from OP’s comments below I also see that she herself is hesitant to put a baby up because she suffered underneath the foster system. That tells me then that if she cannot come to terms with raising the child herself with OP, risk allowing the abuser to raise the child, or give it up to an uncertain system, then the next logical conclusion would be abortion.

  39. Because your grandpa treated you like crap doesn't mean you are. We are all special in our own ways.

    Just remember you make an impact on other individuals lives no matter how big or small. Don't dismiss his kindness.

  40. Could you at least get a hotel or air bnb? Or just go by yourself?

    A week of staying at someone’s place and being expected to interact 8-10 hours a day is a LOT.

    I can handle a couple of hours with my fam or my partner’s fam but every waking hour? No. Especially if it’s just chaos and not an actual thing like a dinner or an activity.

  41. He wanted someone to marry/show off, and he wanted someone to abuse. I literally, physically, gagged.

  42. If she's poly and you're not, then it's time to move on.

    You're already not satisfied, so why do you put yourself through this? Let her go.

  43. How to approach it?

    “I’m breaking up with you because I want to explore polyamory and I understand this is something you are not interested in as a monogamous person. I realize our relationship is based on monogamy, therefore I must leave it to explore this lifestyle”.

  44. Exactly! Avoiding exposure to triggering content is a pretty reasonable boundary imo. I turn off anything with animal abuse in it, even if it’s just for a couple seconds. Too painful to even think about. Cheating seems to have the same effect on him, that boundary should be respected.

  45. Your family and you may well want to relocate. This is no joke, and the man is trouble, you know that now.

    Staying only gives him more opportunities to kill you. He will threaten your family and will continue to do so as long as that lets him retain power over you.

  46. Oh ffs she said “idk if I want kids”. She might not but she also might just be having second thoughts. Childbirth is life threatening and scary. Even people who actually want kids have moments of apprehension.

    OP didn't even bother to have an actual discussion before he flipped out. If they talked about kids 5 years ago, it wasn't a real discussion. Thats the stage where people say what they envision for their life. Unless they actually sat down and looked at their finances/how to raise them- they didn't really talk about kids.

    Whats with people like you holding people to what they said as a dream in their 20s? I've dreamed a lot of things. None of them have weight until they become goals- which requires doing work. If he wants kids so much he should already have looked into the logistics.

    Wanting kids didn't make him lash out. OPs vindictive personality did. He's in this thread claiming kids aren't a dealbreaker. He's being manipulative just like he accused her of being.

  47. This is wild to me, if he doesn’t care enough to respond to you after days that just means he’s not thinking about you…

  48. Her purposely making sure you never go to any parties with her, every single week is super dirty in a 2.5-year relationship.

    If that happens again, I highly recommend not telling her and going. Just act surprised and be like “I didn't realize this was the party you were going to”. Then you may even be able to see what she gets up to before she notices you and whatnot.

  49. Yeah, that’s not how courts operate. He kindly won’t be on the hook for child support, but the fact that his two teenage step kids have shitty attitudes will have nothing to do with it.

  50. Ah. My bad for that assumption, just based off of his avoiding talking to you it made it seem like he may not have been totally honest about their relationship status at the time.

  51. Dude changed his own life for the worse. OP had nothing to do with his choice to have unprotected sex. She also made the choice but she didn’t force him to make the choice. Stop blaming women for the natural biological thing that happens when unprotected sex happens, or sometimes even protected sex. It’s gross and misogynistic. He also might see this as a positive.

  52. She can have friends, just not people that flirt with her. The fact that she ignores your concerns about him and refuses to establish boundaries should show you how little she cares about you. I don't think this is even a fight worth fighting. You have told her more than enough times how you feel about him, so she knows it. If she goes, you should break up with her, without any negotiations (keep in mind, do not tell her that beforehand).

  53. These are super obvious attempts to gain control and power over you through emotional manipulation. Is he insecure? Probably. Seems that way. But here’s the thing… All abusers are insecure. Every single one of them. It’s the very thing that fuels all abusive behavior. So identifying his being insecure is NOT a mitigating factor you can use to dismiss or excuse this, it’s more blaring red siren.

    Don’t date insecure men. And don’t think you can fix it or help them through it or reassure them enough to make it go away. You cannot. In fact the more you try to please, reassure, or sooth their insecurity…the meaner and more abusive or controlling they will get.

    Drop this guy.

  54. in general men are direct but we tend to give elaborated answers to women to keep the sex going, so basically he doesnt want you and this wont change. whenever a man wants something he goes for it . understand this you are free sex thats it nothing more

  55. To be honest, there isn’t a way to do this without seeming insecure, because you are being insecure. That doesn’t mean it’s wrong, it’s just the truth of the situation.

  56. I follow, yeah. And with that context it seems like he may actually be telling the truth. One point in his favor is that if he were going to tell a lie surely he'd come up with a better and less nonsensical one than this, so the messy implausibility of it could potentially be a sign that it's true.

    With all that said I think the best advice I can give here is to give him a chance to prove to your satisfaction that he's not up to anything. Because the best case scenario here is still that while he didn't do anything wrong his work friends are cool with potentially blowing up his relationship by screwing around with pranks involving sex workers, so him establishing some boundaries at work seems like a bare minimum necessity.

    Be open to the possibility that he told you the truth, but don't trust blindly and keep your eyes open for any other warning signs.

  57. Thanks so much! Sounds like you will raise the kids according to both traditions and not strictly jewish? My boyfriend wants a strictly jewish home and no Christmas or anything like that.

  58. He’s not a friend he’s a creep if not a predator. Waiting for a chance to take advantage.

  59. We already talked about it in the past – he sees no problem.

    He just says that I should accept it and he doesn't want to hear about it.

    THIS is what “grow up and listen to her” is about. Someone hasn't been reading both of my comments.

  60. i just dont understand why he wants to keep spending time with me and have me meet his parents if he doesnt want me… i just dont get it… its so confusing

  61. i just dont understand why he wants to keep spending time with me and have me meet his parents if he doesnt want me… i just dont get it… its so confusing

  62. Do you need someone to tell you the same thing? Because I will. Friend, it is okay to evaluate your relationship and conclude that it is not helping you attain happiness, even hindering it. Screaming has no place in a respectful and loving relationship, and the fact he thinks he can yell at you like a disobedient dog (not that one should scream at their dog unless they are, once again, trying to eat racoon poop) signals that not only does he not sees you as an equal, he does not see you as someone with whom he wishes to continue a relationship. One does not scream at a person they wish to keep in their life.

    From experience, I can tell you that being single after an unpleasant relationship is one of the most wonderful feeling ever. Ever. The liberty, the absence of eggshells underfoot, the sudden time to do things you want instead of being a servant to an ungrateful and ungenerous asshole. You are going to feel like you are breathing with your entire lungs for the first time in years.

  63. All you can do is offer momentary distraction. She's right, you don't understand her feelings on this. Just because you're able to “grow apart” from your family doesn't mean she is. This is process and there's not much you can do to make it go any faster.

  64. Well, you could write more than one paragraph. I mean, starting with a “Hey” seems appropriate, just don't end with it as well. (You know, by having it be the one and only word in your message. xD)

    As to the timing, I don't think it is the timing, it's the content. That's why I advise starting a conversation. Back when I was in the dating market, I would scan the woman's profile or feed for interesting details and then be sure to ask about them specifically. The point is to show that you're paying attention to more than just her body. I don't mean to keep hammering on this point; it's simply that Instagram is, by nature, a shallow place, and you'll want to try to move past that. =)

  65. No! It can’t. I’m so sorry. And I don’t have any sexual trauma history and I hate hate HATE everything you just listed as well. I don’t think men should EVER touch women like this. It’s disgusting.

  66. Off the bat, if you're here saying you just need to focus on getting yourself right, that's fair enough, but that essentially means you need to break up in order to do so, which is fine.

    Regardless, we need more context. What are her expectations? What are yours? How does she want to receive love? How do you? How do you give love? How does she?

  67. Yeah I think anyone would be frustrated. There's two possibilities here – she's not interested and making last minute excuses because she doesn't know how to turn you down, or she really is this disorganized and forgetful in which case you're going to be frustrated by this mentality the entire relationship. If it was #2 I think she'd make an effort to reschedule/plan another time.

  68. I’m curious, you said you were 26M. Is this a same sex relationship, or did you mean to put 26F? (I only ask because it will help me tweak my response to be more appropriate to whatever orientation you and/or he identity as).

  69. It wasn't nice. I feel bad but not really. You can't be mad at the person you're constantly throwing pebbles at when a rock comes flying back your way.

    That's the thing, she didn't want some of my time. She wanted all of it. I make room for at least one date night a week and make sure that at least one a month is fancy where we dress nice and go out. I always make time tontalk to her about her day when i'm cooking and we always eat dinner together. She took the bulk of my time. But I like my “me time”. And she didn't appreciate me taking that time or enjoying it. She just didn't have an equivalent. When i'm on my own enjoying myself she's just watching shows or browsing social media. So I got fed up. I tolerated it for a long while. But I'm over it.

  70. Right? A fucking 45 year old literally acting like somebody 30 years younger. How immature, especially since OP has apologized for her actions.

    Sarah deserves to on-line in misery, which apparently is a theme for her since she's been stewing on what an upset teenager did to her more than a decade ago. OP's dad is just fucking pathetic, picking a random woman over the child he helped bring into the world. They don't deserve any better than who they ended up with.

  71. At the end of the day, the most important thing will be you and your SO. Do what makes you both happy and enjoy your day.

    Not wanting the toxic part of his family to spoil this day will not mean they are not important or that they would not be welcomed. It only means this day is about the two of you on your journey forward.

    we all make choices and when his family chooses to be this way, you must make the choice that works for now, at this point in time.

  72. i’m kind of the same way. it’s very hot for me to know he’s home and be at work. i used to get very scared of him going to the gym and me not be there – i literally would go, workout for like 30 mins and then watch him play basketball (that’s all he ever does). but it caused serious problems and we both knew it wasn’t healthy.

    you kinda just have to force yourself to do something about it. for me, it was being okay with him going to the gym if his brother went. then he started going by himself and i just stopped caring. of course i’m extremely sad not to see him, but it actually helped our relationship grow stronger with trust and in love.

    i actually left my job about 2 weeks ago and he works 8-12 hour shifts. so he’ll work and then come home and immediately go to the gym for 2-3 hours. IT SUCKS. & at times i count how many episodes i can watch before he comes home, but you literally just have to think WHAT can i get done before he comes home?

    i know it sounds really very hot and far away, but you literally just have to take the first steps and then start training yourself to think about everything differently.

    this is very unhealthy- i know from experience- & it’s so very hot for him as much as it is for you. he doesn’t want to see you being sad. he doesn’t want to see you relying on him to be happy or feel happy. you’re his girl and you just have to be able to pick yourself up and get thru the hot stuff

  73. Had nightmares about me cheating on him or leaving him, which has led to him barely talking to me over text.

    Has gotten sad(?)/distant if I don't reply quickly enough.

    I feel like he'll end his life if I leave him. I told him this a few days ago, and he said that even though he wouldn't, he'd have thoughts about it.

    Tries to make you suffer when he has emotions he doesn't like. Punishes you with the silent treatment when you don't reply on his timeline. Implies it would be your fault if he did self-harm.

    That's manipulative. That's controlling.

    YOU ARE NOT BEING UNREASONABLE. Get away from him.

  74. I forgave him multiple times because I thought he would change. He said he’ll change. I think He is trying. I’ve never been like this any of my previous relationships. I would’ve walked away if this had happened to me in my other relationships. But idk I can’t just walk away from him. I keep wanting to try and fix things

  75. You don't need to be together to be good parents. If you stay and for 18 years that kid sees nothing but you two showing animosity towards each other its going to fuck it up worse than you not having a father figure in your life.

  76. No this is not normal. And he's not ok.

    He likely targeted you knowing your history so he could get away with abusing you more easily.

  77. This seems like a mismatch. Please don’t stay with her just because she moved with you. Offer to move her back to where she came from. It appears to me that you would hate your life if you married her.

  78. She needs to look on-line and see if there is a way she can find a camera detector. If the man is going through her windows into her house, then he probably already put cameras all over inside that she doesn't know about. He already knew his wife went to confront her because he tried to do damage control the same day.

  79. She needs to look on-line and see if there is a way she can find a camera detector. If the man is going through her windows into her house, then he probably already put cameras all over inside that she doesn't know about. He already knew his wife went to confront her because he tried to do damage control the same day.

  80. Get out now.

    You shouldn't being do this much and “changing your entire lifestyle” for a woman you've only been with/known for 2 months.

    She doesn't have to put in any effort because she's got a built in nanny/maid/. You're doing it all, playing a role you deff shouldn't be playing this early, and she's taking full advantage of that.

  81. Get out now.

    You shouldn't being do this much and “changing your entire lifestyle” for a woman you've only been with/known for 2 months.

    She doesn't have to put in any effort because she's got a built in nanny/maid/. You're doing it all, playing a role you deff shouldn't be playing this early, and she's taking full advantage of that.

  82. Exactly! OP's partner thinks communication is conflict – and I think he's wildly wrong about that. I'm thinking that OP's partner's parents' relationship isn't as healthy as OP thinks it is, as it's being presented to OP as being – I think it's actually a very unequal, one-sided relationship. And I'm thinking OP's partner is using this unhealthy relationship as a pattern and goal for his and OP's own relationship, in an attempt to make it similarly one-sided in his favor. And I think OP is rightly pushing back about that, and is being – I hate to use the word gaslighted because it's so popular here on Reddit, but…

  83. it’s complicated, we aren’t dating anymore but still on-line together, i have wanted to get back with him but doesn’t want it but we do everything as a couple he just doesn’t want to date me, he told me “we’ll take it slow and see where it goes” but i have been here for over a few months and any argument we get into hell remind me that this is why aren’t ever going to be a couple again…

  84. I've never really understood when people wipe all memories of a past relationship. To me, it signals a deep emotional immaturity. Deleting their number an unfollowing them on social media? Absolutely. But needing to “protect” yourself from ever being reminded of the past is a red flag for me.

    So, in my mind, she violated your privacy over her own neuroses and expects you to replicate how she handles breakups. Just an overall no from me

  85. If I were in your shoes I wouldn’t continue to be her “special” friend. I would just continue being friends with her and find my own girlfriend who I could have a physical relationship with.

  86. I mentioned some as not all are in USA (I'm more familiar with USA than say Canada or European countries)

  87. He says those things because he knows HE can't do better. He wants you to feel as insecure and dependant on him as he feels on you.

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