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Date: October 7, 2022

44 thoughts on “Nattashawild live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. You are definitely sulking. College is difficult at times. Buckle down and study. Quit worrying about making friends and partying. Pull up your big boy pants and realize this is an opportunity most people would be incredibly grateful for, and use it to further your career possibilities. Or, drop out and get a job.

  2. She doesn’t need her boyfriends permission to get guy’s contact info. You don’t need her permission to dump her lying ass. She ditched you to have a girls night out and got the numbers.

  3. Of course your really into her, live! relationships are great for that because you can choose what to tell the other person and the only thing they can see about you is what you choose for them to see

  4. Get prenatal paternity test before you accuse her of anything. There are cases of infertility diagnosis and yet those people managed to concieve. It's a numbers' game, like contraception. Nothing is 100% sure unless tested.

  5. Is this fake??? While understandably you can be upset he withheld this diagnosis you are way over reacting and if anything possibly be abusive to him. Pretty much referring to him as a monster in your post and comments because of his diagnosis. Unless he has been abusive to you in some way of mentally or physically theres nothing wrong. Clearly if all you can say is he lies sometimes and you guys bicker then literally nothing is wrong and you are being weird.

    You are not any sort of medical or psychological professional so quit subverting every semi negative thing he has ever done to him being a narcissist. You are googling all this shit and acting like its proof he is horrible when you had to look up what it is and now you feel like an expert on what narcissists do???

    I personally feel like you are way out of line and over reacting when you don’t bring up any actual serious issues he has caused. You are the monster.

  6. Hello /u/Gloomy-Shop-4820,

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  7. Distract yourself and distance yourself.

    It sucks but you have to the right thing. She doesn’t have the same feelings towards you. And that is okay. You can’t force someone to be in a relationship

  8. The concern here is that she has shown a pattern of ultimatums which is not healthy for a relationship. It's actually a red flag as it is controlling.

    I can get behind the alcohol or her Ultimatum if the drinking is excessive (your post does not come across as you drink excessively).You gave in and now she is pressing for the dog to be rehomed.

    Forcing you to get rid of your dog is just going to breed resentment between you two.

    Keeping him could possibly do the same.

    You can keep your dog and just break up with her and still be a father to the baby. You'd still need a solution such as a dog walker though or doggy day care but it would remove the controlling/manipulative GF.

    If you go this route I'd suggest you consult a lawyer immediately and say nothing until after you have found a new place to live! (unless you own the place). Don't forget the DNA test JIC, (I am very pro DNA test).

    If you do the doggy daycare route/ dog walking you need to have a good amount of money to afford it and your child.

    As the price of doggy daycare or dog walking isn't accounting for any vet bills you may incur if he is attacked or he attacks or if a dog gets sick and contagious and your dog gets sick.

    That means you'd need to either create an emergency fund for him or get him doggy health insurance, possibly both (if you haven't done so).

    As a side note: just because the dog isn't hers doesn't mean she couldn't have taken him for a walk.

    If she is going to use the “not my responsibility” card there will be many things that occur in your relationship (should it continue) that isn't technically your responsibility.

    It would do her well to remember that.

    This is already screaming dysfunctional and the baby hasn't even been born yet.

  9. My advice is to delete both of their socials, take out their phone numbers from your phone, and simply forget where they live!. The song you chose, Puedes Conrad Conmigo, was a terrible choice, but you should never have even contacted your previous ex. No wonder your new ex thought you cheated or was trying to cheat.

  10. Oh gosh OP I know how you're feeling. I recently found a love letter from my bfs ex (from about 14 years ago). I don't know why I read it. I shouldn't have done it. I thought it would be just cutesy crap from a 20 year old but no, it was raunchy ?? and my dumbass read the whole thing. So I saw it all in black and white. It wasn't even that it was particularly good or adventurous sex. It was just a strange read. I should have stopped as soon as it looked like it was about to turn, but nope, like you I pushed on lol. Anyway, afterwards I'd get this weird niggly feeling everytime we had sex or he said he loved me. We usually have a totally sound relationship but this letter shook me to the core. I don't think you are being a little bitch, I think it's a jarring situation and abit disheartening. If you keep the lines of communication open then in time you will get over it. It doesn't mean he was better, it was obviously the spontaneity of it that made it a memory. You can capitalize of that information and bring some spontaneity into your sex life with her. Experiment with new toys, sex games, new places, role play etc. It will eventually get out of your head.

  11. Is there anyway you can move in with your grandparents, your dad, or an aunt/uncle's place?

    Sorry to hear you are having to deal with that man child and your mom not standing up for you.

  12. Ah okay, that's something to look forward to then. And he def does like the emotional intimacy with me which I love about him because I want that too.

  13. Wanting to have some time to yourself is completely normal. Spending ALL your time with anyone is eventually going to start to get old once the newness of it fades.

    As a fellow introvert, I get it. Just tell her that you need some alone time to recharge and that it has nothing to do with liking her less, you just need to unwind for a bit.

  14. I don’t understand this NEW boundary with certain people. No one can get married, engaged, pregnant or give birth anywhere near the time of a family member’s event ( wedding, shower or birth)! People are not going to put their lives on hold just to please your ridiculous wife. They announced their engagement 2 weeks prior to your wedding. The WRONG way to go about it would have been to announce it at your wedding. Families travel from all over the world to attend weddings and part of the appeal is to catch up with other seldom seen family members. Even if it was a month ago, certain folks were going to want to see the ring. Just stop it! No wedding guest has-to stare adoringly at any freakin bride for 5or 6 hours to attend a wedding! If folks had a good time and you were gracious hosts, your day will be remembered fondly. If the bride was a pouty crybaby, not so much. Get. Over. Yourselves. FFS

  15. It’s always worthwhile to communicate your needs clearly to your spouse, and have her do that too, and listen to her. I’m sure you are both not entirely hitting the mark.

    When you’re guiding her, why do you feel like it’s being blunt and hurting her feelings? You don’t have to criticize her. I’m sure there is a way to mechanically explain and show her what you want. She must be open to listening to you as well.

  16. Wow. I mean seriously you should end your relationship and keep watching porn because clearly this is a level of maturity beyond your capabilities. Like this was genuinely so pathetic to read it makes me sad people like this exist.

  17. My breasts have drastically changed with two kids. They are also changing as I age. My partner told me he loves my breasts. For a long time, I didn't believe him. Huge and milk-engorged, or smaller and more floopy… He pays the exact same attention. I've been thicker and therefore fuller, and I've also been borderline emaciated (illness related). Same attention. Wouldn't we all prefer to have a say in how our bodies look? Of course! But we don't. And I can tell you, testicles are just as prone to gravity as breasts, so take comfort in that

  18. I’m glad you read this comment OP. I mean this kindly, but reading this as a Jew, all I could think was, wow she knows nothing about Judaism. I find that atheists raised in predominantly Christian societies tend to see the world as religion=Christianity, and apply their narrow understanding onto all religions. That said, it’s on your bf that he never took the time to talk to you about his connection to Judaism and how important it is to him.

    Personally, I agree that asking you to convert is a lot, and most rabbis would probably talk you out of it considering that you’re not actually personally interested. Circumcising a baby is also something that’s tough if you aren’t both on the same page. However, it sounds like you two need to sit down and talk about what Judaism and all of these things mean to him and why he hasn’t spoken up about it before.

  19. Same. But unfortunately there are legitimate people in this world who don't respect themselves even an ounce so they stay in relationships like this.

    What would she even need to chat to someone she cheated on her partner with about?

    And to hide it?

    But OP is gonna stay and have a miserable marriage because he's trying to hold onto this chick that keeps disrespecting him.

    I dont even know what he wants us to say…

    So OP what do you want us to say?

  20. Yeah I honestly feel a bit bad but I do see a bit of myself in OPs gf. I previously dated a guy who was like this, didn’t take initiative in dealing with problems and overthought everything to an agonizing degree. I let it turn me into kind of a harpy until I realized that I had become a bitch, and I broke it off with him.

    Certainly don’t have that problem now. My fiancé would’ve been in that dumpster with me (and we wouldn’t have run out of gas in the first place).

  21. You removed yourself from a toxic situation. You have a right to do that without explanation. If he is falling over the edge that’s on him to manage his feelings. You removing yourself does not make you a bad guy in any story.

  22. Sounds like an emotional affair already happening, you gotta put your foot down and speak up. You have to confront him, you do not deserve that type of disrespect, you deserve so much better than that, confront him and make him see your pov because what he's doing is cheating, you have to tell him to cut contact with her otherwise he's going to lose you and for what? Some girl that sees him as a second choice considering she went back to her bf in the first place, he's stupid and you deserve more

  23. How long have you been together?

    Regardless, with no other context, I wouldn't suggest it's unreasonable for both of you to communicate your plans to each other. That's pretty standard for a relationship.

    But I ask how long you've been together because it'd be very different if you're early into dating compared to having agreed to be in an exclusive official relationship. You'll have to let us know.

  24. Stop wasting your time. This guy isn't serious about change. He's serious about manipulation. His actions anc words prove he is a crappy partner. When people show you who they are believe them. Find a partner who wpuld never use tinder while in a relationship. It isn't hard to find. Dump this conartist

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