3 thoughts on “Natysmith online sex chats for YOU!”
Thank you for your help and encouragement, it means a ton. She mentioned to me that she is anxious-attachment (and just got diagnosed with BPD might I add), I am the complete opposite…very avoidant so I hate to say it but I'm desperate to kindly get this chick off my tail. The LAST thing I want is someone with a ton of emotional baggage to attach themselves to me and drag me down even further.
This is super very hot because I see her like 60% of the time I hit up my gym (which is every day lol), so I'll keep you updated on anything that happens. I made it a promise to myself to keep it short next time and cut the convo off after a minute. Let's cross our fingers she gets the hint…
It's possible. But I always ask what I can do to do better, what she likes, prefers, etc, and I listen. She's never told me she wasn't satisfied, and she knows I can take criticism. Outside the bedroom I make more mistakes (hell, everyone does) and I'm forgetful sometimes, but I do my best to pull my weight around the house.
Thank you for your help and encouragement, it means a ton. She mentioned to me that she is anxious-attachment (and just got diagnosed with BPD might I add), I am the complete opposite…very avoidant so I hate to say it but I'm desperate to kindly get this chick off my tail. The LAST thing I want is someone with a ton of emotional baggage to attach themselves to me and drag me down even further.
This is super very hot because I see her like 60% of the time I hit up my gym (which is every day lol), so I'll keep you updated on anything that happens. I made it a promise to myself to keep it short next time and cut the convo off after a minute. Let's cross our fingers she gets the hint…
It's possible. But I always ask what I can do to do better, what she likes, prefers, etc, and I listen. She's never told me she wasn't satisfied, and she knows I can take criticism. Outside the bedroom I make more mistakes (hell, everyone does) and I'm forgetful sometimes, but I do my best to pull my weight around the house.
I would think a woman would have a healthy respect for the word no.
Are u one of these teenage boys whose in their sexist women hater phase cause what was the point of that sentence