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nene_sweet_mommylive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for live! sex video chat nene_sweet_mommy

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Birth Date: 1984-06-05

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Date: October 9, 2022

92 thoughts on “nene_sweet_mommylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. She was in a long distance relationship for years but recently broke up with him after a year of up and down/breaking up periodically. He would have been upset. I never messaged or met him since they were long distance

  2. Don’t get any more involved. She is trying to take it out on you. I think she has suspected he cheats, and there’s a part of her that wants to deflect and paint you as a liar in her head.

  3. sorry OP We can’t help because there is nothing left to save Anyone with an atom of self respect would have left but it os your life You hope this is not real and there is no pour soul living like that

  4. I see OP has abandoned this post…perhaps he knew condoms were the answer all along and just didn’t want to actually acknowledge it before getting bombarded with the obvious on Reddit.

  5. Why should she have to snap at someone who hits her outside of the sexual context in which she actually consented to?

    What he's doing is abuse. Plain and simple. She shouldn't have to tell someone not to abuse her.

    I'd leave.

  6. Yes Catholics get divorced secularly, but there is no divorce in the faith.

    If you divorce secularly, you cannot remarry in Catholicism.

  7. Bruh why even make this post if you are gonna argue with everyone telling you not to be DUMB and tell this woman feelings when she is MARRIED. Quit making an ass of yourself and just accept that the right choice is to just leave her alone.

  8. I was afraid of getting to this point….

    We already signed papers with the mediator and paid $3,000. What happens with that?

  9. When I asked him if C is going on the trip he said he doesn't know, because he haven't talked to her in private for a while.

    Ever since he moved back to country A, started his new job he took less and less time with C. And a month ago C have written him a long message claiming how disappointed she is with him (and their friendship), accusing him ghosting her and said he wasn't there when she needed him. I do find C's behaviour toxic and I think my boyfriend is enabling her by not setting firm boundaries with her. But I don't believe in a bit that they had fucked or ever will.

    C has fucked someone in the company who is at the same position as my boyfriend, funny enough she told my boyfriend the reason why she fucked the guy was because “it's a glorious thing to do when you are just an intern joining a company and able to fuck one of the directors” , then she played the victim said she wanted to have a relationship with that guy but he ghosted her. When I showed my boyfriend how disgusted I was with her behaviour, he just said “she's young, we all have done stupid things when we were young, I'm not here to judge her.” Basically he befriended her after her confession on this thing, cuz he felt that she trusted him to share such private thing to him.

  10. Well if not wanting you to hang out with men who actively tried kiss you while you were together is controlling then all men are controlling. Women as well.

    From your description it's naked to tell who is right here, but just from the earlier example I an leaning towards your bf.

    While “forbiding” you things may be controlling reality is it is just a deal breaker. You know your “friends” either tried to get intimate with you, thrown things at your bf or tried to convince you to break up with him. It's not acceptable for any person not just this particular partner of yours.

  11. Hello /u/Tothemooooonwego,

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  12. I've been barking up that tree. We literally live 5min from the local Vo-Tech and there's plenty that she could easily get into. I'd be fine with that. It's a path.

  13. I'm sorry, you're getting married in three days and you're making this thread why? What advice are you looking for? Do you really need someone to tell you not to call off your engagement for a pseudo-friendship with someone who doesn't really like you the week of your wedding?

    Grow up and stop disrespecting your fiancée. This other woman shouldn't be a bloody thought in your head.

  14. No I don’t currently have a car and there isn’t anywhere nearby I’d be able to get to in time since my apppintment is 5 mins after I finish work since I work from home

  15. As someone who has had an agent… someone approaching women for underwear modelling is creepy. There are proper channels to go through to find women who have agents and are willing to do this professionally.

    How long into the conversation did your husband blow up. Was it 5 seconds or 15 minutes? If he exploded instantly, that’s a him problem. If it was a long conversation of him repeatedly saying he didn’t like the idea, then that’s a relationship problem.

  16. Step 1:Stop trying to not hurt someone's feelings all the time.

    Step 2: Next time he starts taking like that, interrupt him and say, “Hey Tony, I really like you, but I really dislike the baby talk.” He will either stop immediately for good and your problems are over… or he will stop temporarily for a while then start doing it again, in which case you know that it's a personality flaw.

  17. Do we know that she made that ultimatum, or did the dad just offer to not be in the other kid's life if the wife forgave him?

  18. No. There is no coming back from this. Go with a friend to get your stuff. Get a police escort if needed. I'm so sorry he did this but this will never stop.

  19. Look. This is clearly something you’ve had lifelong issues with, and talking to your siblings about it is getting you nowhere. Maybe try seeing a therapist and unpacking all of this, because it seems like you need to do some serious introspection.

  20. Damn, that was heavy. Sorry for what you had to go through. Wouldn't wish that on anyone, of course. Though to be fair, they evidently interact with each other for the kid, and maybe I'm naïve but I didn't get that vibe. Granted i was reading from her point of view. Regardless, you opened my eyes to other potential outcomes I never thought about. Not the sunshine and roses I foresaw with her attempting to restart their relationship.

    Hope your life has drastically improved since those dark times. Wish you nothing but the best.

  21. You’re infatuated. He’s flirting with other people and you’re jealous. Is he flirting with other people to make you jealous, or is just unaware of how rude he is acting? Does it matter?

    He sounds like he wants to play games. It sounds like he is quite rude.

    This guy probably isn’t the one for you….

    The reason you can’t stop thinking about him is because you’re letting yourself think about him.

    I suggest that every time you find yourself thinking about him, distract yourself. Read a book, watch tv, clean, paint, game…. Anything that absorbs your focus.

    Don’t beat yourself up. We all develop intense crushes and go a little crazy sometimes.

  22. This is kind of overwhelming given how I'm not really thinking straight and there's so many comments it's very hot to read all of them and reply to all but I see a lot of people saying “misinterpreted the relationship” but I didn't, just a month ago I met her mom, she's said she wants to marry me, we have talked about kids, I think that's a pretty serious relationship and we had plans of moving in together soon. Also I see everyone making a fuss I took her ipad but that's just how we are, we both were broken from our past relationships so we don't hide anything, she's looked through my old photos even though I've said I don't like how I look and she still did. She would sometimes randomly just go through my messages and my pictures/following just to feel reassurance and I've done the same. She's taken my macbook before without asking, thats how we are we don't really ask plus I doubt she'd notice for a while considering she never uses it, it's been dead since december so she wouldn't have known or cared. Sorry if everything is out of order and doesn't make sense I just needed a place to put my thoughts into words and needed to hear other opinions I'll make a update soon we are meeting when she gets out of school.

  23. If she can easily cheat once, and manipulate her BF, she can and will likely do it again.

    Dont waste your time man, trust me.

  24. I am female. I am the wife. I have PTSD. I am triggered and am dissociating. This is why my comments are very much lacking emotion and seem off. Anyway.

  25. How do you know that the better school won’t leave her with a better education or with better opportunities? Your stance is that every single nurse has the same starting salary regardless of where they go to school? Here, anyway, all muses are not the same, and nurses can be specialized, and their specializations can impact their pay.

    I seriously doubt that your gf is a fool. If she has a strong preference for school #2, it must offer more than prestige. Ask your gf what the practical value of the school is.

    You could move closer to the school without moving all the way into the city.

    It sounds like you can afford it, but you just can’t see the point. Ask her to explain it to you.

  26. Yeah I agree with the other commenter. Not all women are like your ex but it's just unfortunate that you had to find out that this particular one is a piece of shit

  27. Just wondering, wdym “if I know I'm with someone”

    Have you not known you were with someone before?

  28. umm, fyi. McKinsey doesn't pay that well. I just turned them down. LOL

    That being said, I make 3 times what my husband makes and I do shoulder more of the bills, but he works naked and loves his life so all is good. I don't care as long as he is working and contributing.

    Rethink this relationship. Sounds like you might have to start taking digs from her which isn't cool at all.

  29. She’s literally taking care of someone else’s son instead of her own. He’s barely a legal adult, even at 22. She’s a predator

  30. Yup – ‘take her attitude’ and turn it into something sexy. A little role play. You don’t have to go full BDSM, just veer a little away from Vanilla. Like Vanilla+ or Mild Chili.

    If it works, it works and if it doesn’t you’ve not strayed far enough away for it to be awkward.

  31. Hours on end to literal days. Days, as in, with an “s” at the end.

    I’ve told her in the past, like one or two texts a day with an occasional conversation is all I want. I have a full time job that keeps me extremely busy and she does as well. So I don’t expect nor want to text or whatever all day long.

    But I’ll text her and assume she’s just busy and then find something else I wanted to show her or talk to her about and send that too but then it doesn’t get opened. It may not be opened for literally a day and a half. Which again, worries me because then I think something bad has happened. Especially with the shit weather we’ve been having lately.

    I’m not the type to blow someone’s phone up if they ignore me or don’t answer right away. I don’t like that crazy “clingy” borderline controlling thing. I’m not trying to be that at all. I just don’t know what to do.

  32. Yeah if your worried about concert tickets there’s no way your making it threw medschool. This guy does not want a woman with a career. You already have debt and in the next year or two years when you have dropped out of med school your gonna have a lot more debt. Say fuck off to medschool and support your man in getting into a job that can fully pay your bills. Or leave him and go try the whole doctor thing out. Go be an independent woman if thats what you want.

  33. If I was OP I would have been done. The fact she went through his phone and refused to show her. Is a massive trust issue.

  34. I know it's not the best decision but.. I do miss him, I don't love him anymore but I do miss him. A lot of the issues in our relationship would have been avoided if I just gave in and did what I was told, just say yes and all that so, for some reason, I still blame myself for how things ended up.. I guess I'm just lonely, going from 100 to 0 really took its toll on me and a part of me thinks that if we were friends I'd get at least a little bit better

  35. No, watching porn is not a normal thing, there are plenty of people who don't do that,

    don't let your boyfriend convince you otherwise

  36. A friend told me he once do this because he was ready to break up with his gf and didn’t have the courage to tell her.

  37. Yeah, I actually caught a link on your profile before you took it down. You do have an internet presence. I remember I was actually mean to you in the Furby community of all places because I didn't think the way you styled your Furby was appropriate (sorry about the way I handled that, even if my opinion remains the same). I bring it up only because I want you to realize (and anyone reading this) that you aren't BSing and that there is not really going to be an effective way to fully block this guy.

    You may need to take legal action if he continues to contact you after the breakup. Everyone will say “restraining order” but that's not how it works. Don't respond to anything he says and keep everything. Even screencaps of call logs if he makes fake numbers etc. You'll want to keep everything in its original state, get screencaps of them as well, and keep it as organized as you can. Print it all up once it's gone on for some time, or the first time he makes a threat against you or anything else (or anything that can be construed as a threat), and bring everything to your police station in person. Call ahead and make sure it's the right one for your jurisdiction. You'll be filing for harassment. The actual charge will vary depending on where you live, but they'll talk you through it. They will also help you better understand an order of protection and what's required for one where you live, and where you'd file for that.

    You might not need that info, and I hope you don't, but you should have it. I think he will probably try to be in contact but you'll be ok. Let enough time pass and you'll realize you've rid yourself of a parasite.

  38. You can't. You'll both drown so do what you need to. Mental health is too important for you to be more worried about someone else's who isn't taking things seriously.

  39. 6 months ago she was a virgin, too, and grossed out by the idea of sex. I guess the 40 year old isn't with someone 20 years younger for anything but her beautiful mind.

    I want more stories from this person

  40. You have nothing to apologise for. It sounds like he was looking for a one night stand and not a serious relationship, especially with him still processing his breakup.

  41. Dude, step back. She has a lot going on in her life. She may not have the bandwidth to go on a date. Maybe offer to get some food and drop it off?

  42. Agree.

    I wouldn't call someone a slur because that's just not a thing I do. It has nothing to do if they were awful or not.

  43. He assumed you would abort. He booted you out of his life without a second thought.

    He's not their father, he's a sperm donor with regrets.

    INFO: Is his name on the kids birth certificate?

  44. Time for the dress to have an unfortunate accident. Get a seam ripper and undo the seams just enough that they stay together… until she puts it on and they rip. And then she has to dig a dress out of her closet last minute

  45. Time for the dress to have an unfortunate accident. Get a seam ripper and undo the seams just enough that they stay together… until she puts it on and they rip. And then she has to dig a dress out of her closet last minute

  46. A part of me wanted to just go to bed and forget about it but he can always sense when something is weighing on me and asked me what was wrong so I told him. In itself yes this doesn’t have to be a big issue, what bothers me the most is how he acted after

  47. Then it sounds like you guys should find partners that are more suitable to your sexual preferences. I understand you have no desire to have sex without being prompted. But it will inevitably impact his self esteem at some point leading to him possibly feeling undesirable. Sex is an important part of a healthy relationship and a healthy sex life is always a two way street. Don’t get me wrong, I feel for you so much. I cannot imagine what your experience has been like, it’s heartbreaking. But I think it still helps to try to view it from the other person’s perspective. Remember when you did have a libido, imagine if your partner didn’t have sex with you for over a year and then after that never made an effort to seduce you ever again. I understand there is love between you two but I can just see this leading to increased frustrations down the road. Best of luck with your situation, hopefully you two find happiness.

  48. Hiding something so big would destroy trust for me. He lied for a YEAR to you. Maybe it’s just me, but I would not be able to look past that.

  49. Thank you so much, I appreciate your kindness! I just want to do right by him, and not have regrets.

  50. I see. Thank you I just don’t know how to tell her that she is controlling me and tell her to stop because I know it’s going to upset her and whenever she gets upset I just blame myself and try to fix it because I’m so scared of confrontation. I don’t know what to do

  51. That’s a great analogy that I’ll remember and use in the future. I wish I had a real award to give you. Please, take my poor man’s award ? ?

  52. Then tell him he's too controlling. That you will wear what you want snd you are breaking up with him

  53. Who am I to judge your life? You are asking for advice. The age gap is irrelevant, but his age is relevant as I went through this last year. Pills helped, and slowly getting medical issues under control is a plus. We are now back to regular intimacy.

  54. She was sitting in front of me, I couldn't see her feet at all, but she laughed and looked at the person who said the funny thing. Couple days ago she asked me if I wanted to go to a church event that is going to happen in a month or so. I said I was going, but got no reaction at all, I was really confused.

  55. I have. My parents were extremely abusive. Which made me run to my first ex. I still have the scars from him and cannot wear a bra due to the scars on my breasts. My husband of 15 years? Still looks at me the same way he did on our first date . My husband waited 14 YEARS for me to fully trust him about my parents. My husband NEVER in our 15 years has yelled at me, struck me, or cursed at me. We have a problem? We calmly talk to each other and make decisions together. We still cuddle. Every morning in fact. Still hug, still laugh. Still love each other as though we are still in the honeymoon phase. Your not ready to leave him. That much is clear. But he won't change. It's going to get worse. Hopefully not to my point of your breasts covered in cigarette and lighter scars. Good luck. Your going to need it.

  56. I'm not the husband, you all experience the same mentality on these subreddits, you know what I'm talking about, it's insane how few balanced opinions there are considering this influences peoples lives

  57. There’s a lot going on here. Based on what you wrote here, it seems neither of you are emotionally stable enough for a healthy relationship right now.

    I’m really glad you sought proper help when you were thinking of self-harming. I hope that you are now in some kind of ongoing treatment? Because while it’s normal to miss your partner when away, what you’re describing is more like dependency — being unable to take care of yourself when not in her physical presence.

    That’s not love, and it’s not a role she should have to play for you. Your girlfriend can’t be responsible for your mental health and physical wellbeing; you owe it to yourself and to her to take care of your body and mind.

    For her part, it sounds like she is projecting her past relationship experiences onto you and making you responsible for how others have treated her in the past. That is also unfair and unhealthy.

    And it’s not your responsibility to convince her of anything. Stop explaining and justifying and pleading. You are both adults (technically), and so should be able to have rational discussions about these things.

    You’ve explained why your mood seemed off, and she doesn’t believe you. If it were me, I would tell her that if she doesn’t trust me, she shouldn’t be with me, and leave it for her to decide what to do here. She’s dragging this out into a never-ending fight that will just go on and on.

    But you’re also too unstable to be able to approach this rationally. You feel that you will fall apart without her, so you’re willing to do anything to stay with her — no matter how toxic and self-defeating.

    My advice is to step back from this relationship and work on yourself. Ongoing therapy, and please speak with a medical professional about healthy weight loss. Severe calorie restriction is generally not recommended.

  58. She’s not choosing you. She’s adding you to her list until she finds the one she wants.

    Why are you so desperate? Are you building yourself with your career and physical fitness? Or are you searching for easy?

  59. For clarity: Shes not giving me shit over that. She's giving me shit because due to my wife's brother replacing my witness my wife had five people attend, and I only had three.

    Its just shy of six years she's been banging that drum now.

  60. If she got a job she’d probably end up with a “work husband” and going out for secret drinks claiming she joined a gym or something. Just sounds like a shitty person.

  61. So in theory 4 ladies went to the guys house and only the engaged one hooked up / cheated?

    What do the other ladies , not the cheating one , have to say.

    If they all stay silent about the cheater this is a poisonous friend group and you have to be expected to be treated the same as the other betrayed spouse.

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