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NickyFowler on-line sex chats for YOU!


♥, Explore my body and then u can fuck me♥ IG: ​nicky__fowler ♥ Body tour & Fuck Pussy [284 tokens remaining]

Date: October 21, 2022

34 thoughts on “NickyFowler on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I don't know. Take it or leave it but this is my advice: You're not “the other woman”. He hadn't even asked her to be his gf yet. if you weren't making a big deal of the sex (you knew you weren't getting back together but FWP is cool) then he doesn't need to make a thing about it either. If it was me I'd tell him. hey-it didn't happen. Don't trip. end of story. If everyone talks and she finds out, that's really not your problem. Maybe she won't care because they weren't together yet (assuming they even get together now). Play it cool, tell him to play it cool. tell everyone else not to involve themselves. That's my advice.

  2. There's not going to be a way to talk to us and make this go away. You had sex with her when she did not want you to have sex with her. Disagreeing about what else she could have done to stop you more strongly will not change that fact. She thinks you raped her because she told you to stop and you did not, you had sex with her against her will.

    You totally, totally need to re-examine everything you do with other people leading up to the sex act. It's scary and it's hard, but you should be ashamed of what you did, and work to make sure it never happens again.

    Again. Pretending this didn't happen won't make it go away, and if you can get 30 redditor to agree that it didn't really happen, it still won't go away.

    This is why we use phrases like enthusiastic consent and constant communication. And, also, why it is important that sex isn't something that's done TO someone, a passive participant, but done WITH someone, an active participant.

  3. 100% this.

    The physical abuse, whatever it was, is in the past.

    Today, in the now, they have a child to care for. It's more work than two people can reasonably accomplish. OP seems to have some thought distortions around how much work there is and how much his wife's recovery is keeping her from being able to do things.

    After an episiotomy, it HURTS like a MOTHER for six weeks. It hurts to stand up, sit down, walk. It hurts to sit on.

  4. It is NOT normal to want to fuck people outside of your current relationship unless that's something you're both into which clearly you aren't. It IS normal to be attracted to other people for some, or to find people attractive. Me and my boyfriend talk plenty about pretty people we see outside or on the tv, but there's no desire behind it. “Oh her hair is nice” or “I like his facial features” but it's nothing more than an appreciation for beauty. I'd think about what you're willing to put up with and communicate that very clearly to him. If there's an incompatibility, it happens, and you need to think about whether the relationship should continue. I'm sorry you're facing this and best of luck ❤️

  5. Your BF is being rude and mannerless. When people give you a place to live, it’s not for you to judge them. If you don’t like how they on-line the onus is on the guest to get their finances together and leave rather than impose on the host to change their ways Personally I would tell him that if he finds living with them so challenging he is free to find somewhere else to live

  6. Hello /u/Coolpants_22,

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  7. But you knew he didn’t want to get married (i.e. it was verbalized to you from jump) and you were okay with continuing the relationship knowing marriage was never in the cards? That’s the difference here. OP knows his gf is holding out hope he will change his mind and it reads like he is cool with stringing her along letting her think that he will come around.

    Happy cake day!

  8. I just can’t comprehend a relationship that is totally accepting. Clearly I have some childhood issues

    Well, there's professional help available to deal with that in a healthier way.

    My concern is that you won't leave despite the excellent advice so many posters here have given you; I can already see your defense of him.

    It's the “he's a real wonderful guy, except for [insert major deal breaker here]”.

    You want that magical phrase you can say that will make him magically do a 180 in his treatment of and attitude toward you.

    There is none. Only YOU can decide how much pain you can take before you decide that enough is enough.

    I don't understand people that will accept emotional crumbs from others.

    There's a feast of warm, healthy relationships out there for you. But YOU have to pull your chair up to the table.

  9. Are you still going to be her best friend when she dates somebody else? No, see you don’t want to actually be her best friend do you? You want to be her best friend if it gets you back together with her in a romantic way so you’re basically being incredibly dishonest, I don’t see this working out for you, and that coupled with the fact that you have a bad temper, and have been abusive to her already in the past, if you care about her at all, leave her alone, get yourself some help, but leave her alone. What do you want? Isn’t a friendship plain and simple it’s manipulation.

  10. Don’t double text in general, but if you feel strong enough, especially if adding information, do it once.

  11. That was a really mature response OP! You’re one of the better ones that come on here lol. Another thing to keep in mind is that some men (not all) think you owe them a favor. I’ve been at a bar before with friends and went to get a drink, talk to a guy, he pays for my drink (after I say no) and then wants something for it-either my number or a kiss or something. I’ve told people I have a boyfriend, and they get MAD because why would I have let them buy me a drink? I didn’t- I asked them not to. It’s hard and exhausting to be a woman some times, and unfortunately we have to go through great lengths to protect ourselves.

  12. Starting a relationship and infatuation is always a 'high.'

    Eventually you come back down to 'normal.' Normal should still be good. It's not exciting and fun but it should be comfortable and healthy and happy.

    If it's not those things, ask yourself what the point of staying is. What are you getting out of it?

  13. Inside city limits, also at the time, I didn't know anyone in driving distance with a gun and couldn't afford gas, so I didn’t have that option. Now, even if I had that option, I'd use the vet.

  14. Honestly? If one of my friends came to me and said “I gave birth a year ago. I’m exhausted and touched out. My boobs hurt. And my husband is making me feel guilty for not putting out.”

    I would tell her to divorce him so she doesn’t have to parent an adult child. This is so much a moment of Grow The Fuck Up before you get discarded, moment. All of why his wife doesn’t want to bang him is completely predictable while having a child under 3 and yet somehow it’s taking OP, and so many other males who barely qualify as adults by surprise.

    If you’re not 100% prepared for a 3 year dead bedroom, and the rest of your life being not the centre of your partner’s attention more than occasionally? Don’t Have Kids. The idea that anyone can make it to this point without realising that’s in play? It speaks so much about what he’s like as a co-parent and a father.

    So dude, either step up as a partner and a father, or let your wife be so she can get on with it without you dragging her down.

  15. Guy here. There have been many times I've nearly gagged during sex, but I've always been able to hold it back or hide it. When you think about it, sex is pretty damn gross. I don't think it's abnormal for something to take you out of it for a second and realize that what you're doing is kinda nasty. It's normal and shouldn't be taken personally.

    Hormones and horniness are very good at overriding your sense of disgust. Make sure he's very turned on before he starts eating you out.

  16. Do you have friends that could go? None of my family went to my Masters graduation but my friends who came instead were fabulous.

  17. OP, you don't have a “this other girl” problem, you have a BF problem. Don't contact her because that'll make you look out of control & bonkers. You can't trust your bf because he isn't trustworthy? He trickle-truthed you about this girl, so of course you feel bad about it, and I'm not sure you should let go? You know there's more he's not telling you. It would be one thing if it was truly in the past, but doesn't seem like it is, given that she posts weirdo possessive shit about him on her socials?

  18. Try to get her into Burger King whoppers and if she isn’t into it unfortunately you must leave her immediately.

  19. I agree, she can get all that DIY stuff that she says she cannot do by offering free rent to the next guy, just try again.

    I wonder what my wife (then my girlfriend) would have thought if I accused her of freeloading when she didn't pay any of the rent?

  20. I mean women mature mentally sooner than men do. They could have a lot on common with each other. A 22 year old woman is about as mature as a 28 year old man.

  21. Due to previous issues in our relationship, I am currently in the process of fully rebuilding my trust in him. He was right there, and it’s something I’m making a conscious effort to work on too, but throwing it in my face like he did when I had not brought it up in the conversation at hand felt like another red flag.

  22. Have you expressed this all to him? Does he know that his lack of communication about big things is hurting you?

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