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Nicole the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Nicole, 20 y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Nicole

Nicole live! sex chat

Date: March 25, 2023

26 thoughts on “Nicole the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. your ' friend' thinks rape of a helpless creature is entertaining. I would immediately cut off all contact and consider reporting this to the authorities since I think it may fall under animal abuse content and he clearly enjoys it.

  2. Guess what? If you don’t fight for at least shared custody, your kids will eventually think you love your bio kid more than them. Take off your rose colored glasses—your wife is being extra nice to get what she wants, not to accommodate you.

  3. That is true. I am having a hot time forgiving myself for it. At the same time, i feel bad about how things are the way they are. We used to be such good friends and now that I've seen how she is, i keep thinking whether is it all in my head. Am I being too critical?

  4. You are a horrid person. You are making him so miserable that he goes somewhere to cry alone before he comes home because you are a fucking lunatic. You need professional help. It’s absolutely sickening and disgusting what you are doing to this man.

  5. Everything before you were exclusive (man I hate that term) with your BF isn’t cheating, though probably not the smartest thing to do.

    The messages afterwards – especially if they are how you describe (I miss you) are cheating, regardless of if you meant them as such or not.

    You need therapy – if your first reaction is to grab something to hurt yourself, there is something wrong. So find a professional therapist to help you.

    I’d tell your bf he has 2 choices, he can watch you delete the messages, and block Steve on everything, or leave the relationship. Him reading the messages again is only going to hurt him more.

  6. Yes. She just says “Well now you know how I feel and you know how I feel. We both think it’s ourselves but it’s both of us and it’s up to us to make it work”.

    I’ve just never had a girl not care about oral or foreplay. That’s always been my fallback and if she hates it, it makes me question if we’re truly compatible.

  7. Its finding the strength to face it to accept, to take that next step and all the fear and practical steps that go along with that My children play a big part in my worry as they grow older become more aware of the tension atmosphere etc I certainly dont want them to think this is normal I do love him though and the thought of hurting him and seeing him crushed breaks me. I'm just stuck and letting time go by me ..

  8. I think you’re being unreasonable. I’m a 46f and I don’t consider porn. Besides that porn is fake. The only way I would have a problem with porn is if he preferred it over having sex with me.

  9. The same argument goes for any opinion, spoken or gesticulated. If you’re unwilling to risk someone not approving of something g you donor say, you cannot communicate honestly and instead would be required to censor anything anyone you talk to might not be ok with. Including things they might misinterpret. Or intentionally misinterpret.

    But in any even, at least now I do understand why you made the comment. It’s ok to agree to disagree about it.

  10. Because you doing it would prove it works and would reflect badly on her. Shes not looking out for your interests, she's trying to avoid a guilt complex.

  11. Of course as a huge DBag, you’re more concerned about talking with her than your wife… soon to be twice divorced Guy.

  12. That is fair. I've come to realize I have my mom's nose and she is a main source of my childhood trauma. I think I never liked it because I knew what she was doing was wrong.

    I was talking with my therapist about just having the projection taken back some but I like the overall shape. So, we are working through that.

    I feel like I need to separate my trauma from changing my nose before I decide on it. Maybe it will never happen because of the time it takes to process these things.

  13. It's his business and his staffing issues. I say you should butt right out.

    Now if not hanging out with you enough is the problem, you can work that out or break up. But I don't think you need to meddle in the running of his business.

    Either he'll learn to be a tougher boss, or he'll go out of business, eventually. Not your business.

  14. Ew ? isn't he embarrassed that he doesn't clean himself properly? Doesn't he want you to be attracted to him? Wth

  15. Very common when you et together so young. Most people continue to grow an mature well into their 20s, and soem do not….or you both mature and jsut end up evolving different directions. 10 years is nothing compared to trying together unhappily/settling for another 60 years. You didn't waste 10 years, you grew and mature based on experiences with your partner and had 2 kids together. It's called experience. But if you stay you likely will ste that time if you're no longer on the same page. It's too bad but it happens very frequently. Don't stay for the kids. You and they will be much better off with separated parents that are happy than parents that stay together but are not happy. Not saying leave him tomorrow but I'd take a good hars look at yourself and your relationship and if you can see yourself together for another 50-60 years.

  16. If you don’t on-line together, it’s not valid. You’re not her probation officer. She doesn’t have to report to you. If someone asked me this, it would be a red flag that they are controlling and I would dump them.

  17. Have you managed to pick well yet?

    I REALLY do not want to go through this again.

    Lots of people are saying therapy so I won't continue to harp that point. I will simply share what worked for me. I have learned to pick better partners with time and experience. Maybe the things I've learned will be helpful to you.

    My first partner was abusive. I learned that if someone is mean to you, it's time to walk away.

    The next relationship wasn't super great but they weren't abusive. This time I learned that if they don't prioritize time with you or neglect you, it's time to walk away.

    The next relationship was a bit better, I even felt very safe at least to start but eventually we grew apart and couldn't survive a real crisis (loss of a loved one, serious illness etc). This time I learned that if they continually dismiss your feelings and refuse to share what they are really feeling until well after the disagreement (weeks or months), it's time to walk away.

    The next relationship was a bit of a back step where I was treated as a walking sex toy but I learned that one that when someone's actions and their words repeatedly don't match up, it's time to walk away because they are lying, either to themself or to me.

    Now after some experience (and therapy), I am in a really healthy relationship. I have learned that in order to have a healthy relationship I need to speak up for my needs and refuse to let people treat me badly. A good rule of thumb is if I would want my mom, sister or daughter treated this way I refuse to accept it for myself.

    Additionally, I have learned that when a relationship is healthy no-one needs to rush to the next step and you take time to actually talk about the naked stuff. I have learned that even when we disagree we stay kind to each other because we treat each other with respect and try to always act like a team.

    The longer I spend not letting people treat me badly and refusing to settle for crappy treatment, the easier it has become to connect in healthier ways.

  18. “I've been asking him to talk to his friends more and seek their advice…” play stupid games and win stupid prizes. You thought he was being unreasonable and that his friends would talk sense into him so you didn't have to keep arguing.

    Ita time to move on. Find someone more compatible.

  19. What do you mean by you are trying not to breakup? If that is the natural trajectory of the relationship then it is. The way you wrote, it clearly shows he is no longer equally invested in this relationship. Why would you want to be with someone who just tolerates you instead of celebrating your love?

    Also, unsolicited advice : 5 years of gap is not a huge gap if you are both in your 30s or one of them is in late 20s because your mental development is not that drastically different but I can’t imagine what an 18 year old and a 23 year old even talk about, so I personally would recommend dating someone closer to your age.

  20. If you have not signed a lease in over a year then no one is on a lease, you're now just paying month to month.

  21. Wait for the trickle truth. You don’t think that you have the whole story do you? She cheated on you no matter how you slice it. She might’ve backed out at the last second. She waited around with this guy till all her friends were gone. She had bad intentions. If you don’t have any kids I would divorce her. Ask her to take a polygraph test. Just to see her reaction. Let me guess. If you objected to her going on a girls weekend trips, you would be controlling and insecure. Fuck that.

  22. Hate to say it, but she may need more than just therapy. You probably need therapy to deal with her problems and how they are affecting your life.

    Are you able to get your own place to on-line? You might need to at this rate.

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