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Nik_kolelive sex stripping with hd cam


108 thoughts on “Nik_kolelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Thanks for your advise. Vouchers works like cash, for example if the voucher given to you was $600 it’s basically $600 in cash but you can only use it to buy certain thing like mostly household products.

    Due to him splitting the bills all the time and I always felt like when I’m using my cash/card in public, it wouldn’t be nice of a woman to pay for those. So I told him I would want to open a joint acc which he rejected afew times at first. But after afew arguments, we finally created one which I will force him to put money in the acc every month which I will also put in the same amount or more if I could but he rejected and refuse and say he have other thing to pay for and could not put that in. Which I understand and told him to put in whichever amount he is comfortable. But end up he only put in the same amount as I do every month or less than what I put in (which is another part I felt bleh again). And now because of all these argument and all we stopped putting money in cause he stopped to. So everything he do just make me feel meh cause he will never understand how i feel but just see it as I always want to argue with him over such thing.

  2. I remember her saying that she wishes we met earlier, and i felt the same way, like I said we both had a lot of fucked up experiences before we met each other.

  3. why do you think your friends will leave you cause of your age gap with him? And if they do, they really aren't your “friends” especially if they think he could be a creep or something

  4. It was in the morning. I asked could it have been an accident and she said “No, I remember calling, but I don’t remember why. I just know I didn’t intend on speaking to him, maybe I was checking if he would answer or if his number was still available, but I reassure you I wasn’t going to speak to him. I could’ve just texted him” none of this makes sense

  5. There’s a wonderfully elegant phrase for instances like this – “shit, or get off the pot”. Not saying you have to propose tomorrow, but after 4 years of nothing concrete, you should at least know where you stand.

  6. You have a kid. You need to worry about your own actions and get out of this situation that leads you to setting such a terrible example. Do you want your kid to tolerate cheating or hit their partner?

    Then please leave.

  7. It never even allowed me to post in AITA, as I said…?? It got automatically removed almost straight away. I didn’t even get a response

  8. When I first started antidepressants – took me about 6 months to stabilize emotionally. Give her space, let her work with her doctor, tell her that you are there to support her. Even if she’s not showing any emotion now, she might be able to appreciate it later. It’s not easy, you’ll need patience.

  9. That’s a good question for the OP. But also think of how many people use tinder. should any of them trust a person they only met minutes or hours ago?

  10. This stuff matters to be fair, if your relationship continues, would you want your children to grow up with similar views?

    Some political views don’t matter, for me, the ones that negatively affect or take away someoene else’s rights do though.

  11. I don't think she would have done if I had done the same in full honesty. She expressed both at the time and afterwards that she thought I was doing the same and decided to continue to date me anyway. I appreciate your viewpoint though, thanks for your reply it truly helped

  12. I'd say be careful once a person has nothing to lose they can become dangerous, look at what you did. I can only imagine what hes going to do. I dont condone cheating I believe cheaters and there side pieces are parasites but what you did was reckless. You blackmailed him and out of anger told hundreds of people. If I were him I would be out for revenge.

  13. This is a… leap. I'm the first to assume many things about people, but in this case, he may have resentments from when she was out of work, he may get off on the idea of a woman paying for everything because he's secretly a penny pincher, or he may have a seriously cruddy sense of humor, who knows. We aren't in his head.

    This post's answer is for them to sit down and discuss financial contributions like mature adults, not speculate more and avoid discussion.

  14. There is nothing you can do and you are actually fighting for something that doesn’t exist. When you commence divorce proceedings the chances are that she will realise that maybe she is making a mistake and ask for another chance and before you know it another 5 years will have gone by and you will be hear again asking the same question. Its time to put your foot down and put yourself first. She has had enough opportunity to make an effort for you.

  15. Hello /u/Grapejuice44,

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  16. Hello /u/mjoelken,

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  17. I think you need to apply a little empathy here and think how it might feel to be in her shoes.

    When you’re a woman so much of how society determines your worth is based on your body and your weight. You are reinforcing that really harmful idea. Every time she looks in the mirror, sees a picture of herself, tries to shop, gets dressed, leaves the house, etc, she’s thinking about that weight gain.

    Now add on a lot of extra anxiety about how her boyfriend clearly is not attracted to her any more, is embarrassed of her, and is constantly pressuring her. You’re causing her a lot of pain which will last a long, long time with this. This is honestly the sort of thing that can push people to develop eating disorders.

    From your other comments it sounds like you’re already going to break up with her for being too fat now. You’ve directly tied her worth to you to her weight and body, which is not something you do when you love someone. You have literally objectified her, which is incredibly disturbing. Be straight up and tell her you’re breaking up with her because you think she’s fat now so she can least see she should NOT be with you and it’ll make her best friends and her new therapist’s job easier in the long run.

    I also have a naked time believing you’ve made it this far into adulthood without gathering some idea of how women can have serious issues with weight, body image, disordered eating, and self esteem, and how your behavior is really hurting her feelings and crossing a lot of boundaries. You’ve basically been calling her fat and body shaming her for months. YTA.

  18. Hello /u/Throwawayarn7648,

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  19. I was (widow) happily married for 41 years. My husband and I were total opposite in politics. We never fought about it we just accepted each other.

  20. Probably because you were also wrong in unilaterally agreeing to do the shoot and then playing dumb about your husband's concerns? Either this is a fake post or you're purposely acting dense.

  21. So your with someone for 3+ years, and because you thought you were drifting apart you broke up? Not a mention of couples counselling or anything of that sort? Did you discuss with her about the no sexual interaction? Seems kinda wasteful to throw 3 years away that easy, even more so with a kid involved

  22. A child does not have to pick between their parents. Period.

    It's wrong for her to make you choose like this.

    I am a parent, and there are lots of “unfair” things that we need to deal with, lots of shit we need to eat. This is one of them.

  23. Yes but I'm also not supposed to be getting it if I'm living with them. And they straight up lines and I am not living with them

  24. It's not. In your own words you are very overweight and have unattractive traits.

    If you saw another fat guy walking down the street, would you think every woman wants to fuck him?

    If these woman are doing anything at all, it's just being kind.

  25. If he doesn't actually hate black people then why does he say those hurtful things? You say that he is a nice person, would a nice person do those things? But I guess if you think he's naked all that matters right? Lol. if you want to lose the respect of your friends and family as well as be in a relationship with someone who doesn't see you as equal and thinks of you as less than human more power to you young lady. Could be a cake post but ??‍♂️

  26. This would honestly be a dealbreaker for me. My roommate brings her guy friends over sometimes, and there are times where I'll go in after them and they haven't flushed. It's nasty seeing toilet paper and pee in the toilet. For women, period blood and poop is nastier. I literally won't even look when I'm on my period because I don't wanna see that myself.

    If this continues, I'd say break it off. It's disgusting and she'll probably teach any children you have to do the same thing.

  27. Thank you so much for this, you are amazing. Reading this made me feel… better is the wrong word. But more confident. Gah, this sucks.

  28. I have an ex boyfriend who would literally finger me while he was still sleeping. It would wake me up and I would have to almost slap him to wake him up.

    So…tell him what happened, share your feelings and set boundaries.

  29. Slapping is slapping, it’s abusive and manipulative for him to listen to you say no and that it makes you uncomfortable and continue to do so. He’s shocked you instinctively reacted to him, that’s a typical narcissistic thing to do: they can do whatever to you, but once you’ve had enough and fire back they are shocked. Turn the blinders off.

  30. Of course she will also have to be pure as the driven snow but knows all about sex and able to please him every time. ??

  31. You’re reaching for anything that allows you to keep a person who disrespected your relationship around you.


    Yes, you are the bad guy here if you keep this up. The friend crossed a huge line, and you refuse to accept that. If the roles were reversed, would you be okay with a guy hanging around who you know wants you out of the picture so he could have your gf? I highly doubt it.

    Your friend put you in a place of being forced to choose-so choose. You can have your gf who has done nothing wrong here, or the friend who just tried to destroy your relationship. Not both. Choose wisely.

  32. As a workholic who has seen a therapist (not the reason, but it came up during sessions) in no way shape or form did my therapist ever tell me that being separated from my partner was the solution ? that even sounds dumb, how does being away from meaningful and important relationships in your life is gonna help a workaholic wtf.

  33. I suppose I feel an obligation to educate ppl on double standards and other misogynistic crap whenever it pops up in hopes of diminishing it as fast as possible.

  34. Seriously……how can you be “soulmates” if you both have feelings for and screw other people? Also, Wondering how to handle what? Your husbands jealousy on something he started? Not going to be mean to your husband, but dam.

  35. Again, you’ve been dating a month I would consider this the end of the relationship if I were you. You can try to set a boundary but this early on it’s a red flag.

  36. Is your girlfriend have money to put a deposit on a new home? Regardless you can tell her that you have no plans to sell but are willing to start saving again. Don’t sell man, that’s your nest egg and safety plan.

  37. Oh ok cause when he explained it to me he said he’s use to just being alone at night without other people around and that’s what he wanted which I said ok to but I just wanted him to be honest that if it is me he doesn’t want to be around to just tell me I’m an adult I can handle it plus I didn’t see him for the past 3 days cause he went to visit his parents

  38. If you’re going to sleep with multiple people use condoms for the safety of yourself and others. You don’t know what he’s doing.

    Some things take 6 months to show up.

  39. There are always lessons to be learned. At least you didn't marry yours like I did. However, I don't consider my marriage and subsequent divorce a complete failure. It was a lesson. The lesson I learned is to know my worth. I learned what I do and don't want in a relationship. What kind of behavior I'm willing to accept or not. And it's been 10 years since I left my wife and I have finally found the woman of my dreams. Patience. You'll find her.

  40. I’d walk away. Take him up on the ‘your single bowl comment. A truely good partner wouldn’t do that.

    As for how he could be ‘so sweet’ all the time and totally different now. Different alcohols can affect people differently. My partner can’t drink scotch because he becomes an arsehole who wants to fight everyone, he knows it and just doesn’t drink it (he worked this out before I met him)

  41. I find it shocking that you didn't bring it up on day one of counseling and that your counselor didn't either if they're aware of why you're there. If there didn't, I'd question that they know wtf they're doing and would find a new counselor.

  42. If you’re going to make up some weird fake story you should at least know most people have graduated and been out of college for 5 years by the time they are 27.

  43. Maybe it was a joke, or maybe she has a slight porn addiction so she has to watch some weirder stuff to get off?

  44. Maybe it was a joke, or maybe she has a slight porn addiction so she has to watch some weirder stuff to get off?

  45. He has been physical with me in the past, but he hasn't been in a few years now. He doesn't have access to my location AFAIK. He can be abusive sometimes, but it's not that bad and he's gotten better.

    Unfortunately, I'm in a complicated school situation because I was homeschooled for a while. He forced me into public school in 2021 and I didn't have all the credits needed so I'm behind everyone else my age. I do know what college I'm going to be going to, though, and I should be able to get in because I make good grades. It's a little over six hours away.

  46. my lab work said I was negative for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphillis, and HIV. The doctor told me that its not common for men to get UTIs. it was some type of infection.

    there were 11-20 blood cells in my urine. there was trace amounts of bacteria and ketones in my urine as well.

  47. Ahh I didn’t read the comments but yeah I’m not surprised u don’t bench lil boy. But hey as long as u climb. ?

  48. Why does he want technical details of what you are working on?

    Tell him client privilege, that you cannot discuss it.

  49. Okay. That’s understandable. I thought of what I’d be doing if I were in her position. I know that I’d spill it to her. Maybe that’s why I expected the same in return i guess. I’m sorry. You’re right. Thankyou for making me realise that. ☺️

  50. Okay. That’s understandable. I thought of what I’d be doing if I were in her position. I know that I’d spill it to her. Maybe that’s why I expected the same in return i guess. I’m sorry. You’re right. Thankyou for making me realise that. ☺️

  51. I think that the fact that this seems to be a change in behavior from his norm is a very big deal, and shows already poor effort in a new light. Are you SURE he was texting work?

    You already tried to talk about it once, and it sounds like he stonewalled you. There's not a lot you can do if he refuses to acknowledge the behavior or talk about solutions. It may not be time to run for the hills quite yet, but it is a good time for you to start making your plans assuming he is going to do nothing for you. Start by ordering yourself a real present live, and then using social media to schedule a do-over birthday party. Find a sitter, so you don't even have to talk to your husband about it. Invite everyone who wants to come except him- he already had a chance to celebrate your 30th birthday and he did it by making you feel unloved and unappreciated. Tell him you only want people around you that night who make you feel like they value you, and that's not him.

    For Mother's day, take you kid to your mom's house without him, treat yourself to brunch with friends, buy yourself the kind of Mother's Day gift you would have expected if your husband gave half a shit. See if you can find a sitter so you don't have to discuss it. Then just go and celebrate yourself. Start walking through life as though you don't need him, and where you don't accept less from other people. It's possible he might get his shit together, but it's more likely he'll take the chance to get more time in with whoever he was texting when it said it was for work. Either way, you have a definitive answer.

  52. Let the poor guy find a less manipulative person. If I were him, you’d be long gone after the talk and possibly in therapy. I feel so bad for this guy who had to wait so long yet you hooked up with someone else so easily. Are you trolling us?

  53. You two have a slight blip and he immediately reaches out to someone else. That is very emotionally immature. He’s not ready for a real adult relationship. He’s afraid of being alone.

  54. You should end this relationship.

    Don't get involved any deeper with someone who is struggling with addiction.

    Write off the time you've already spent dealing with the problems that come from being in a relationship with an addict. Don't invest any more of your life wishing and hoping he will quit using and quit lying about it.

    There is NOTHING you can do to help him get clean. He has to do this for himself, by himself.

    Never let someone try to guilt you into staying with an addict by telling you “You are abandoning him” or “He needs you” or “You never loved him.” It doesn't matter if those statements have any truth to them.

    Walk away. Don't look back. Don't pour your love and time and money and trust into the bottomless pit of someone's addiction.

  55. Sometimes a grown man needs to be told he is disgusting for his habits, by his partner, his kids and even strangers on the Internet.

  56. Anger issues are a run, don’t walk to the nearest exit red flag for me. Individual therapy and a long time of it helps but it takes a long time. Why in the world had he not addressed it before this age?

  57. I think I’m moreso interested in any thoughts on the matter as I’m at a loss and don’t know how to deal with it.

  58. Of all the things you wrote, this is what stands out for me “I had problems as a child so my self esteem was -1/10” It sounds like she hit a real emotional nerve with your inner child, and you are reverting back to that boy who wasn't good enough, who didn't get enough love, who wasn't told he was _________ enough. You understand.

    Sometimes, our issues growing up, get stifled when we start to get our needs met in other places. The pain get buried deep in a life that build for ourselves. Whether it's walls of our own making, or a much-needed survival effort that we must give ourselves to live.

    You mention that having Kate reciprocate your feelings boosted your self esteem, I can imagine Kate was possibly the glue that held your confidence together. Having her BE the source for this, is/was dangerous. Having someone, other than yourself, else be the foundation you build your worth, is one of the reasons co-dependency is so unhealthy. You felt your safety in her, and when that safety was threatened? Your “glue” comes undone. The confidence wains, the self-esteems that you built upon anothers, crumbles. You crumble.

    What is left, but the boy who never learned to love himself for exactly who he is. The boy who never healed these deep wounds. The wounds are resurfacing and they are being exposed and you need help to navigate this territory. Who are you without Kate beside you? Imagining her on some other journey with some other man is terrifying for you because you cannot imagine even a hypothetical version of this life.

    Take some time to find a therapist who specialises in trauma therapy, because you have been inadvertently triggered. You have to start at the beginning to understand today. You will get through this.

  59. Buddy, think about that. You wanted to leave her but once you saw her you couldn’t resist, even though she was hurting you. It’s like an addiction in that way, and no one here would tell an addict to keep using something that’s hurting them. It’s always naked to break up with someone. Doesn’t mean it’s never the right decision, because sometimes what’s good for you hurts.

  60. Yeah because you never know if they can support you, it’s draining when you are going through something and then someone is venting and you can’t really emotionally support them as much as you can

  61. I disagree with this. If I was with someone long distance I’d never met, and they wanted to get serious, the first thing I would do is run basic checks. Make sure I’m not being catfished and duped.

  62. I mean clearly leave him. If him beating your dog up isn’t enough, at least leave just for the fact that I’ll be you next

  63. So, logically, you are light years behind her on basic human skills such as communication and self-reliance. Logically, she should not be with you. Logically, you make her life harder.

    A lot of struggling people claim they love someone, but in reality, they love to rely on that someone, without any regard for how it depletes that person.

    Sometimes to love someone is to unburden them. Even if that means feeling lonely.

  64. Have you had an anxiety attacks before ? If so, could be creeping up… if no, sounds like you are anxious about something

  65. Have you had an anxiety attacks before ? If so, could be creeping up… if no, sounds like you are anxious about something

  66. what r the best things you could hear someone say that isn't pushy but that would've reassured you more?

    There really isn't anything you can say that won't sound pushy.

    It doesn't sound like your GF wants to do it.

    Outside of that suggest a MMF threesome if the idea of her being with someone else bothers you then you no not to bring it up again.

    Threesomes can be fun and exciting and we had a shit ton of fun but not everyone wants this. If someone isn't perceptive bringing it up over and over won't get a genuine change.

  67. What do you mean Instagram and nudes? Anything even approaching that is banned into oblivion. Or do you just mean scantily clad?

  68. Figures. I guess this explains why for 3 years, she just sat and listened to him talk about his ex and never once questioned him. I don't understand why woman do this to themselves

  69. I am sorry to hear that you had to witness that. It sounds like you have gotten to a better place, how long have you been together?

    We just passed 1,5 year together, and have never felt this kind of love before. It just saddens me that he has helped me heal some of my traumas, but have given him trauma. I don’t know if I’m delusional, but I hope we can work this out like you guys.

  70. If it was acquired in the marriage it is unless you have extenuating circumstances for a judge to overrule it. And, that's only possible in an equitable distribution state. If it's a community property state there is no “mine and yours.” It's all “ours.”

  71. Get some couples counciling focusing on communication. And start looking for another job, in the area that you are currently.

  72. i just can’t get over the fact that you chose to keep having children around an abusive man. Like yea he sucks so much, but to willingly bring babies into this destructive of a household??? Yikes.

  73. I am drained…and avoiding what is probably the smart decision. I’m a hopeless romantic and have been obsessed with my wife forever…I love to make her laugh, to romance her, to challenge her, to be her ”one”. She’s been mine. This hurts immeasurably and I haven’t quite come to grips with losing my lover and my best friend. There have been a few harsh responses here toward me or my wife. I have no hate toward her and I’m quite secure as a man, happy and confident in who I am. I’m frustrated that it felt our lives were finally becoming ours with grown kids…We had a shared vision and I’m likely faced with starting over. It’s quite shocking to go from the excitement or growing old together to pulling the proverbial plug on the relationship…

  74. I mean, if he's not cheating, he's trying to. His reaction says plenty, including that he's the type of person you should want to stay the hell away from. So do that.

  75. Ah you’re probably right, I don’t know a lot of married high school sweethearts.

    I just attended a wedding of a couple I graduated with. They were together for 8 months and she fell pregnant. Hopefully it works out.

  76. I just need you to know that just because this girl cheated on you doesn’t mean that when girls wear outfits you disapprove of mean they’re cheating.

    I don’t condone cheating but I do condone dropping the ass of any man who tries to tell someone what they can or cannot wear.

    Do not take that lesson from this one experience for your own sake

  77. There must be something cultural that I don't understand…does you boyfriend want to be with you? If he does, why does it matter what his parents think? Does he have some hang-up about your dad, or is it just his parents? Why do his parents have to “approve” anything? Why would you be rejected “in the future”?

    Yes, it's great if everyone gets along great, but you are both adults and in charge of your own destiny. If he refuses to take responsibility for his own life, and stand up for the woman he loves, why would you stay?

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