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Nora22xx on-line webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 3, 2022

54 thoughts on “Nora22xx on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. How old is the youngest kid? If she’s breastfeeding her li I do is just gonna be naturally low. 2x a month in that scenerio isn’t sexless, most people, men and women are pretty exhausted from taking care of their babies anyway.

  2. Ugh. It sounds like he is backing out slowly and putting off making a decision like everything else in his life you listed -job, dog, sports.

  3. Op commented that he does want to have sex with her at some point. Definitely agree that they are completely incompatible, and he needs to stop lying to himself and forcing sexual conversations on this traumatized girl.

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  5. I don't think he sees them as people, really, which is a whole other layer of creepiness on this creep sundae. Doubt he'd do this in front of the people in their usual town.

  6. He could have told her. He told her about the apartment as if it was theirs, kept that lie going. He did indeed blindside her, and is making excuses until the place is ready so he has a place to stay for free. This isn’t simply “some people don’t work out”, this is being cruel.

  7. Tldr; stop mentioning weight it will only demotivate. Accept that all girls will gain weight as they become women. You will too, just a bit later. Only if she totally devolves into never doing anything and always eating shit should you say anything. And even then, therapy is the way, not telling her to go to the gym. And last but not least, say you're sorry and that you have had a change of perspective and you'll learn from this.

    Holy shit I can't believe my eyes. I don't know how tall she is but if she is anything close to 160cm (5'3) then that's bordering on underweight. She's at the age where some weight gain is almost inevitable and nothing she does (except unhealthy dieting) will change that. Us men need to understand that womens bodie are different and while us men can more easily control our weight, it isn't the case for women. Im not saying we have total control either but based on the fact that they have a vastly different hormonal cycle alone, we can already say that it's way different for women. I'd say you gave to learn to appreciate a woman despite a change like that. 15kg sway will not make a difference in the long run. If you think you'll be able to date 20 year old girls your whole life, then maybe you can keep that standard but man you're delusional if you think you'll be dating 120lb girls your whole life. What if she gets pregnant and gains that inevitable 15kg (35ish lb)?

    But if you're certain that that will always be your preference and you'll never settle for anything else except models then that's your choice and I'd suggest you leave her for your and her sake. Can't see you having much luck finding a lifelong partner with such high standards when you will inevitably gain a couple pounds or wrinkles yourself.

    By pointing out her weight and pushing her to do more you'll only make her feel worse about the thing that she's already aware of (her perfectly normal and inevitable weight gain as she becomes a woman). You'll gain it too at around 27. Me and all my friends sure did and I doublt that you're any different. The sooner you realize this, the better. It might save you a good relationship. And to top this off, if you don't mention her weight and just let her do her, she will always be more motivated to do sports than if she's constantly being bombarded with negative and demotivating comments from you.

  8. I would not tolerate this type of thoughtless behavior from a man I'm dating…I would talk to him about it, but if there's no change, you should leave tbh…he doesn't seem to be making an effort for you, and that's not ok…

  9. As someone already said, it was the beauty standard before that because light skin was associated with not having to work outside in the sun.

  10. I wouldn't say you creeped him out. I honestly don't exactly know what he's thinking or what is going through is mind. Maybe he's not into “the chase” though you probably aren't intentionally making him chase you. If he's still active on Bumble then he could be seeking easier dates. Again, I don't exactly know.

  11. He hasn’t just suddenly started to talk and think like that , either OP hasn’t picked up who he really is in the past , which is why she is shocked by the text.

    Of course the text was a mistake , he’s made the captain obvious comment , I mean what a lame comment he gave in response.

    I really don’t see the point in trying to tell someone how wrong this thinking is. I’d never say that if I was in a relationship and if

    Think the biggest concern is that in some way OP thinks it’s her fault or she is weird.

  12. Simple. Follow the behavior.

    If the intended message is “Better treat me right – I have options,” you'll know, cuz he will treat you as the lesser of two equals. I'm afraid you'll have to sherlock out whether his claim – that a list of women are “interested” – is real, a deliberate lie, an exaggeration, or a delusion. To make an educated guess, look back at other eyebrow-raising statements he's made since you've known him, and how accurate they turned out to be.

    If the message is only intended to justify not shutting down flirtation – he's saying plainly he won't shut it down – then I'm afraid you'll have to sherlock out whether it's just an ego-build for him, or something in which he's at least as active as passive. You'll have to ask him what “being nice” means, and hope his answer is both profoundly honest, and something you can accept.

  13. Nah you want evidence bc if she starts trying to poison mutual friends against OP or make shit up about him to family/in general he can slap it down in black and white and prove who the POS actually is. Cheaters are also liars, you really think a cheater won't try to twist it so they're the victim? Bc 90% of the time they do.

  14. How exactly are pictures of women posing with guns anti to women's rights and gun reform? They're just pictures. For someone who says they're chill with porn and doesn't monitor your BF, you sure monitor and fuss over his habits a lot.

  15. If you don’t leave him you’re going to be miserable for the rest of your life,that’s for sure. Textbook manipulator and ass tbh.

  16. He lied about being okay with you getting another cat, not like you need permission (buy all the cats you can afford and want), but then turns around and says get rid of one. If he is insecure about your attention to the cats or whatever, that’s his issue. I know a p*$$y you can get rid of and it’s the boyfriend.

    Like would you trust him to be around all your cats if you were to be hospitalized? Or even to be alone in your apartment with them if you are working late? I mean, I wouldn’t trust someone around them when he is acting the way he is.

    My ex got jealous of the attention I was showing my dog when I first got him. Like that jealousy and insecurity isn’t a good look. Honestly if he cannot get over the animals, you need to get over him because these cats are clearly important to you and you will end up resenting the boyfriend if you got rid of a cat for this little baby.

  17. Why are you in a relationship with this man let alone having sex with him? He thinks he has total control over your reproductive rights, and it’s insanely creepy to bring up abortion every time before sex. It’s sounds like a kink for him at this point.

    Now not only that, but he is completely clueless about safe sex practices and basic female anatomy. He’s a moron and a control freak. Also in future if a man insist on hiding when putting on his condom that is a huge red flag. Protect yourself; they could be doing something stupid like your boyfriend, or something nefarious like poking a hole. If he’s too immature to have you see him put a condom on, he’s too immature to be having sex.

  18. I get what you’re saying. I didn’t assume it was directed at you with the context you provided. So how did he respond?

  19. Allowing him to apply a 2″ sticker to a non-visible location is bad? I should stop him from making his boss feel accepted?

    It's the little things in life.

    You've likely never lead a multi-departmental team of 100+, but sometimes consolations or exceptions have to be made. There is ALWAYS extenuating circumstances.

    Coming down on my guy for putting a 2 inch stick on my radio is NOT the right thing to do.

    FOR CLARIFICATION: he did not do so without my permission

  20. There are 4 star resorts right next door to 5 star resorts and the only difference is one is a little fancier. It’s not a difference in safety.

  21. Oh, I thought safe haven was totally anonymous, not lawyer time. Go to the fire station, put baby in the heated container, and walk away.

  22. He didn't message first, she sent him visual messages first. What is relevant is what did he reply. If all it was, was “you're adorable” then that's just a meaningless compliment and certainly not enough to consider cheating.

  23. If you haven’t had a conversation about it why would you think it’s going to happen? Most people talk about marriage before a proposal. I know movies make it sound like it’s always a surprise but that’s usually not the case, perhaps the circumstances of the proposal are a surprise, but most people discuss marriage and engagement before it happens.

  24. Well, I figured that one out and two lines are used to be a show like that. I could name that tune in five words. Never open up a monogamous relationship by the time you do that one of you wants to cheat and then this case I would say it is you. But they don’t want the cheaters name and so they figure if they can get the other person involved with it. They won’t feel so bad and be a cheater, and they don’t have to entirely lose their person. But many people are destroyed at the mention of opening a relationship that they’re in love with, so keep that in mind next time you want to suggest it. I suggest you break up and go do what you wanna do.

  25. Part of that fear of losing someone is killing them so they feel like they're maintaining control of that person. Whether it's killing children to keep them from the other parent, or a stalker killing their obsession.

    Abuse always escalates, this second incident was already an escalation to the first.

  26. She makes YOU feel badly when you go out or talk. She doesn’t care. I can appreciate that you don’t want to be unkind but sometimes you have to set healthy boundaries for yourself instead of setting yourself on fire to keep others warm.

    Being a people pleaser is a very hot behavior to break but this person adds nothing positive to your life, only negative. And you’re having to tiptoe around even when you aren’t with her for fear of her reaction.

    Sometime when I’m in a bind, I reframe it like “what would I tell my friend if they rolled this out to me?”

  27. Well if she is kissing one guy after another then it tells a lot about her, like it's not worth to date her seriously. Keep it casual, no big deal

  28. That's a really tough one. I lost my parents fairly young (I was 18 when Dad died and 26 when Mom died), so here are some things I wish I had done differently:

    Asked more about their childhoods/lives before they were parents Asked about the weird family stuff that now I'll never know! Even simple things like family recipes. And related, just fill in gaps. Like my dad's nickname as a kid was Butchy. Why? Be more present and mindful. This has been a lifelong learning process. I'm distracted, I'm thinking about a million things at once. But slow down, enjoy being with them. Keep making memories: do stuff together. Game nights, movies, going to a museum, cooking together.

    And I stg this is the biggest for me:

    Get your parents to label photos! I have inherited so many boxes of photos and I have no idea who is in them or what year they were taken.

    You might also find it helpful to keep a diary or a journal. When you are 28 or 38, you might be interested in looking back at what you were doing at 18.

  29. You should quit trying to be her therapist. You aren’t qualified and it enables her to keep on going without the help she really needs.

  30. What you’ve done to him? Hell, no. That’s him all up in your head. His behavior is not normal and not okay. I mean, for starters he’s a pathetic whiny crybaby, but the temper is really frightening. And who wouldn’t wish their wife a happy birthday? I always call my sis for it and it wasn’t even my child she gave birth to.

  31. Just tell her that you think her birth control is messing with her health too much and if she can’t find one that doesn’t work then you would rather use condoms. Be honest but nice about it.

  32. Your “lesson” was unnecessary. We women have to navigate a disproportionately dangerous world on a DAILY basis. We HAVE to. She has been going through this world with few problems, and it seems like any she encountered, SHE HANDLED HERSELF.

    Don’t try to wrap this as some kind of “valuable lesson”. The only thing you taught her is that you will compromise her safety and security in YOU to prove some kind of point. The LAST thing we need are our most trusted people “demonstrating” these dangers. Everyone’s already said it, but YOU betrayed her trust. YOU became the bad guy we women and SHE tries to avoid while we online our lives. And you did so VOLUNTARILY under the guise of a “lesson”.

    I doubt you can come back from this. I hope she leaves you, and I hope you’re able to grow from this somehow. You definitely fucked up.

  33. Don't go lmao. But fr he sounds either brainless or selfish. Not getting his gf assistant a fan? Not offering to do something nice for you after or pay you? Why are you with him exactly?

  34. I've felt left out by some people and/or looked down on (essentially not really been really welcomed into the group properly), before me and the partner got together. My partner hung out with them before and now after we got together


    You aren't included because you decided not to go?

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