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–Olivia–live sex stripping with hd cam


2 thoughts on “–Olivia–live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. It'll hurt, you'll keep seeing it but it will get better in time. I did get back together with a guy who “cheated” (tried yo), huge mistake! I was obsessed with her, comparing myself to her, I couldn't get any of it out of my mind. Don't be like me, don't repeat my mistake. If I blocked the motherfucker instead of confronting him, I'd get over it in a few months and be able to move on with my life. You're too young to waste your time on a guy like that. Go have fun. Best of luck!

  2. I'd leave one last text:

    Hey, if you want to see me again, let me know. See you around.

    Then, carry on with life. You may find that someone 80% as passionate but 10,000% more reliable is a better match.

    Really, a couple decades of solidly good really beats 1 day of absolutely amazing.

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