Oral Strawberry, 22 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Oral Strawberry
Date: October 9, 2022
Oral Strawberry, 22 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start on-line video press there
Your fiancée is a huge hypocrite! Are you sure this is a woman you envision as a partner helping you pull 50% of every load between now and the end of your life?
Are you sure this is the woman you want to be the future mother of your children? This right here is an example of how she “parents” her (and your future) children. She's unreasonable, dismissive, and demanding.
I think you need to take a second and a third look at her! As a mother, a co-parent, and an adult role model, she doesn't sound like the best gift you could give your future children!
Yeah I’m pretty indifferent about them. If I have them awesome sounds like a great time. If I don’t awesome I can travel the world and be selfish. Either way I’ll be ok. It’s not even only the physical attraction part. Like it’s not just how much body fat she has or muscle mass, but it’s the effort too I guess. I want a wife that puts In effort. I guess maybe in my head I think i expect my future wife to put in effort in their appearance it’s just a touchy subject so I’m struggling on communicating things I expect from her.