Ostin x Kevin x Tim x Marsel, 21 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live! video press there
Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Ostin x Kevin x Tim x Marsel
Date: October 4, 2022
Ostin x Kevin x Tim x Marsel, 21 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live! video press there
I'd be so mad too ?
Jeez Louise is everything alright at home? No I haven’t dated a 30 year old lol but even if I had I’m not fresh out of school, I’ve had 7 years of working full time, 4 years living alone and looking after myself etc etc etc, a lot more time doing adult stuff and experiencing things than when I was 18 and still at college (UK) college
One would think he would game and then want sex when he was done. But gaming is a bigger thrill than sex. Now that’s what I call a major league addiction. You need to do you. And wherever that takes you so be it.
why are you dating a 20 year old lmao
Yeah whether it is or isn't, he feels controlled by this. I guessed it and on you confirming I can also immediately see why.
So he's seeing family or friends, doesn't know how long he will actually be and if he ends up an hour or two later than what he said, despite it having no impact on you/you not needing the car, you'll be upset at him and it'll cause issues.
Everyone here is leaning the other way, but honestly people don't want to be out having fun and having to update their partner every hour. Sometimes you don't actually know, but give a rough guess. If my rough guess wasn't right and my partner kept getting upset at me for just hanging out with family or friends for longer, I'd default to saying 'idk' also to both be more accurate and avoid problems. Men usually just want an easy life. But neither me nor my partner need to chase the other one up. If my bf was at his parents catching up and said he'd be home at 6 and it was 7.30, no I wouldn't be annoyed or upset. I'd assume he got carried away and was having a nice time, and I'd get a message when he realised/was on his actual way.
Then he would come home happy to see me and tell me about his day/night, and not like he didn't want to come home to an upset gf because he spent longer with his family. People rarely go to spend time with other people for fun and actually go “ok I'm going to leave immediately after 1 hour.” They usually don't actually know, and making them give out a time estimate for when they'll stop having fun and leave is kind of difficult.
I know everyone is saying the opposite but like how you're not his mum and shouldn't have to do all the chores, cook for him and clean his clothes, he also doesn't want to have to update you constantly like his mum either. Do you get anxious when he's out/doesn't reply or update you?
If you're totally happy by yourself, are your own person with your own hobbies and also want him to be, if there's nothing he needs to rush home for and nothing planned and you don't need the car? why does him losing track of time at his families when he's having a good time upset you? That's what your dad and him are implying is controlling. Not just the wanting to know when he'll be home. People don't devolve I their answers unless some sort of conflict or issue they want to avoid has caused it.
…. 35 year olds.
Bloodflow is a key factor to erection. But if you wanna please your girl, learn to use your tongue and fingers. Know where the clitoris is. Start from there. Surprisingly, women orgasm not by penetration with the penis.
I didn't say I still want to be friends with benifits I just want to retain the friendship, maybe I could have structured my post a little better to make my intentions clearer.
You sound incompatible together so break up. Don’t stretch this out and do it with tact.
ACAB and yes that includes your dad
But I think he’s being friends with her not from a genuine place and it’s jarring me.
If she dumps you which I would if I were her; it’s time to work on yourself. You can’t let yourself be that controlling and jealous
It was merely adding in the information. I did not cheat. I wasn’t sending explicit pictures or DMing guys on instagram. I wasn’t physically or intimately involved with anyone else. The only people I communicated with are friends, family & coworkers.
he asked me for a hand job, i told him no because I wasn’t feeling it (i wasn’t feeling sexual)
Does this mean he would be fine getting a massage with a “happy ending” (a hand-job) because he thinks it's part of the massage? This is very weird take.
My god woman, leave this idiot!!! He's extremely dangerous to you, himself, and everyone else on the road. It is one of THE scariest control methods narcissist's use. I fear for your life!!! Please watch Dr Les Carter or Dr Ramani videos to know what kind of a monster you're with. Do not have children with this man… imagine how scared your children would be in the car if he drove like this. He is totally a control freak!!!
Yes, I'd like to talk and come to a fair agreement on boundaries
I would find it very weird to say that your hobby is animals when in reality it's hunting… I was definitely imagining something much cuter, like raising chickens or something
He’s a lying asshole who has cheated on me in the past and I’m upset and need advice.
My advice is don't be THAT wife… again. He initiated contact with a woman he's never before mentioned when or how he met, while in the privacy of his truck, off his work phone to have a personal conversation where he omits your existence in the details he's using to try to relate to her. Dude is totally putting out feelers trying to set something up. Had you not mentioned it to him, what are the chances he was going to come home and tell you about it? It might have easier to clarify this situation if you waited to mention the pocket dial until you heard what excuse he was going to try to give you tomorrow to go meet her. Then hit him with the “ARE YOU REALLY NOW!?!? I thought you were going to go see X and get the deets on her recent trip” and gauged his reaction from there.
OP, I'm so sorry you're going through this. Bi Polar is intense and NOT a failing of will power or character, it is a real condition that hi-jacks your logic and motivational avenues and makes you act in ways that are definitely “not you.” Try to remind yourself of that: You're not dealing with logical maliciousness from someone who doesn't care about you, you're dealing with someone who is doing their best with a really big hurdle. There are reasons people end up in hospitals after episodes, and the treatment itself alters your sensory experience of life and has trade-offs. Imagine the compassion you would hope for if you were ailing like that. It's really anxiety-inducing dealing with mental health issues that affect everything from emotions, to life logistics like money and relationships; and that's totally okay. Your feelings are totally valid. But they're just feelings. There are a LOT of anxieties and fears running around your head right now. She told you a LOT about how she's been affected: she's really going through it. BREATH DEEPLY, and name it: you're anxious.
And… I bet you're anxious about more than just this… she dropped a bomb shell, the treatment that has made your whole relationship better isn't working for her anymore, and this will be a life long journey, if you have kids they'll be prone to the condition. If you zoom out, there you're worried about the health of your relationship, but it's much bigger and more complex than whether she hasn't crossed any specific boundaries.
Take a deep breath, remind yourself that you want a strong relationship and you're willing to work for it, and that's going to take some patience and resiliency at the moment. You can contribute by handling your own anxiety until couples therapy starts. Get a personal therapist, increase your physical activity, cry if you need to, be nice to yourself and LOOK FOR THE GOOD, until you can get professional help.
I have a spouse with bi-polar. You truly cannot ask a forum for advice and trust the answers, because Bi Polar is a complex nuanced confusing condition. You're not talking about someone who can intuit, translate, and then share the perspective of your wife: and that's what matters, what you guys MEAN to each other, what you FEEL, and WHERE YOU WANT TO GO TOGETHER. Yes, spending the night at someone's house might be weird… but you're dealing with someone who is going through something really intense. If she feels like the world is “unreal,” or she's depersonalized as a response to the numbing she's feeling, it's very possible SHE doesn't understand her actions, and random things are giving her a sense of calm or comfort so she will seek them out even if it's irrational.
Be so thankful that she is taking an active roll and being open and honest and trying to involve you in her healing because she TRUSTS you: don't respond to that trust with accusations and distrust, I cannot imagine anything that would help with. (Serious- think about it, run yourself through your actions all the way, if you find out something maybe happened, are you going to confront her while she's going through this or sit and fester on it until you explode screaming?) She clearly wants things to get better WITH YOU, together. She is conscientiously addressing it and observing her shifts. That is a gift. Work WITH Her, handle your anxiety, have compassion for what she must be going through, try to help her feel better, trust the good and LOOK FOR IT. She CANNOT keep the morale afloat right now: take on the burden. I'm not saying it's going to be perfect, I'm not saying you're not going to face some tough truths, but don't let an Internet forum decide what your medicated mentally fiancee is communicating to you with her actions.
Good luck, this is going to be tough but every relationship is and the reward of putting the work in is everything you ever wanted. GOOD LUCK
The positives you mention are just ways for him to exert his power via money
Yeah if you don't trust someone to the point you have to go snooping it's probably best to end it, but finding all the rest definitely proves the distrust was earned.
What you should do is find yourself a partner who’s not a hypocritical jerk.