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Peach-princess18 on-line webcams for YOU!


39 thoughts on “Peach-princess18 on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Sure there is. She could be a Vanderbilt or a Kennedy or some other famous family and she doesn't want people judging her on that.

    Or, she could be related to a notorious family or criminal. Dahmer, Bundy, Gacy, etc etc.

    She could also come from an extremely wealthy family and doesn't want to date anyone who is after her money. I wouldn't want to, either. And it's nude to tell if they know about from the beginning.

  2. I can see both sides of this issue.

    On the one hand, domestic violence is abhorrent and I can understand you wanting to put a stop to it. On the other hand, I also see your friend's point. You never know who's armed these days.

  3. I don’t think you can sit there and claim that you only have eyes for her, then turn around and text your buddies that her friend would be good in bed… That beyond crosses simply calling her friend attractive.

    And then you say that this isn’t the first time that this has come up as an issue? So you were already in a place of building trust back in the relationship (which btw probably contributed to the decrease in your sex life, it’s really nude for some to be sexually attracted to a partner they don’t completely trust or respect) and then you decided, instead of building your relationship back up, you’d turn to porn and ogling her friends with your misogynistic buddies.

    Please leave her alone. You’re sad that you’re facing the consequences of your actions. But she’s dealing with your betrayal, the insecurities you’ve probably created for her, and the friendship that you’ve very likely strained through no fault of either of the women….

  4. Hello /u/Laughing-Hyane,

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  5. She definitely wanted to hook up. She is sending mixed signals. She's afraid of being bi or straight for whatever reason. Maybe she was hurt pretty bad by a guy and is afraid of anything other than hookups, but she definitely has an attraction to you.

    I'd tell her she needs to be honest and communicate clearly with you because she's sending mixed signals. You did the right thing given what her words were.

  6. He doesn’t get to control what she does. He’s a tool. Ditch him. Hang out with her. Remember his behavior

  7. My parents have been raising a stink lately about them not being able to see their grandkids. They accuse me of favoritism towards my MIL over them. They're absolutely right.

    Tell them, they're right, you do favor your in-laws. Frankly because they're kind, they express gratitude, they are kind to their grandchildren, they're hospitable, and most of all don't act entitled. Meanwhile your parents whine and complain constantly, which your in-laws have never done once. So you believe they need you straighten their act out, stop complaining, and show more kindness and hospitality. Because so far they've been acting like trash in comparison.

  8. See my post above this. Similar situation happened to me. You handled it well man. Don’t let that guy around again. When people show you who they are believe them. Hopefully you can get on the same page with your girl.

  9. My ex used to try to penetrate me while I was sleeping. I woke up in the middle of it one time super upset and told him I felt violated. He did it a few more times even tho I expressed I was not comfortable with that.

    There's a reason why he's an ex now.

    If you guys don't have this understanding then talk to him and see how he reacts. In my personal experience it's a red flag for someone to just try to use any of your body parts for their pleasure without your awareness.

  10. He just didn’t reply to that ONE text? Or all your texts? If it’s just the one text, I think you’re reading too deep into this. If it’s been all your texts, then you have your answer.

    There is too much missing context to the situation and it will be impossible for internet strangers to know what’s going on in your dudes head.

  11. Dooooo it.

    Don't let her (or reddit) tell you that this is a YOU problem. Bring it up in a funny way to her. Her reaction will tell you more than anything else.

  12. “When some people meet, it's not the right time for them. It wasn't the right time for me six months ago, but it is now. If you're still available and still interested, would you like to meet up soon?”

  13. my point is- if I was a dude I’d want proof. I know that because I basically bullied my daughters father into getting it. It would have made 100000% sense to me for him to want proof.

    So you would want your spouse, who you've planned with on getting pregnant with, accusing you of cheating without any evidence just because you got pregnant as planned? That's a nude no for me and many women.

  14. But you just said not trusting your partner and wanting to be sure they not chest Is okay. So if man like the man here can hire someone to find out if his wife cheatet, so should woman. I think you have a great idea. And we need way more private investigators to have all the man followed just to make sure.

    Man have it easy, they just need a paternity test, but woman dont have that security. So PI all the way.

    You are great,and you have great ideas.

    I would have never throught disstrusting your partner, accusing him/her of cheating and lying was okay, but you opened my eyes.

    Thank you

  15. I don’t even understand why you got back with this guy in the first place. You must of known his sister was best friends with the ex, so it’s safe to assume she would be in your lives somehow?

    He doesn’t respect you or your boundaries and never did. Don’t know what you expect will change if you stay.

  16. Please op listen to this answer. Extra points for you if he can’t/ won’t keep it as spotless as he demands.

  17. Good on the grandparents, if my mom did some shit like that I wouldn’t be able to hold myself together like the kid did

  18. Hello /u/Acrobatic_Poem_1990, we've seen an influx of posts related to specific influencers and have made a decision to remove them.

    If your post has to do with a significant other who's ascribing to a “high value/low value” standard, please note that while it's your partner's right to do this, it's just as much your right to opt out of such a relationship. Changing them is unlikely to succeed, and advice on past posts about this topic mirror this conclusion.


    -Relationship Advice mod team

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  19. You are an Adult. Your family is not going to rescue you from this.

    No one is going to come to your rescue.

    Rescue yourself.

    Sit down with each family member, or a couple at a time.

    Explain that gf is a mean and manipulative bitch and she hasn't changed. She came into the kitchen and told me that all of you are going to chose her and fucking fake ran out as if she was upset.

    When she calls me names or “jokes” about me I need you to be an adult and help shut her down.

    Next time she is at an event use these phrases whenever she talks:

    “Leave me the fuck alone.”

    “We aren't friends so don't direct your shitty words that you call jokes at me.”

    “Stop being so fucking immature and don't talk at me. I don't care.”

    “Why don't you fuck off to your troll cave.”

    “Fuck off.”

    “Go away.”

    “More trash coming out if your mouth. Nothing has changed.”

    “Still trying to relive your best years back in high school I see.”

    “Still the same trash you were in high school.”

    Do not hold back. Hit her in the face verbally every time she talks at you.

    Then walk away. Do not say anything else or argue or debate.

    If she follows you anywhere… make sure you have a drink with you and throw the contents at her (not the glass). Seriously. At this point you have to nothing to lose.

    “Whoops I tripped and spilled my drink.” I'm so clumsy. (Seriously pretend you tripped at her. Never ever say you meant it.)

  20. maybe give it some time so that you can properly process what is happening.

    i think it’s important you realize you don’t have to act now. gather the evidence, postpone a reaction.

  21. So what’s weird is that i’ve been working as a stocker at a grocery store for 3 years as the only woman on my team and he doesn’t take issue with it. I asked him about that, he says “well you don’t ever see them outside of work you see this guy outside of school” lmao.

  22. Clearly her heart and mind are incompatible with your heart and mind.

    You dodged a bullet. It never would have worked. Move on.

  23. And, she shouldn't profit off of him which she will be by not paying rent that she's already paying. Essentially, you want to force his mother into making her a joint beneficiary of her gift to him.

    What happened to the strong and independent?

    They should just keep separate places. This is going to ruin their relationship. Money always does. She's not his wife.

  24. Yeah, being with someone you love or are still in love with who don't seem to be interested in you any longer is so destructive…I did it for – I don't even know, 12, 15 years?! Now I resent them in a way for not telling me to fuck off out of their lives and hoping things would get better in the end and still, it feels like they are in my heart like nothing happened.

  25. Tell him you lost feelings for him and can't see it changing. Say you're sorry but you think it's best for both of you to go no contact for a while. (keep the details vague)

  26. Everyone experiences and processes trauma differently.

    You cannot and should not fault her for taking an approach that you wouldn’t.

    There are consequences and ripples that she is considering that are important to her sense of stability. Ultimately, it’s her choice about what kind of relationship she wants to have with a family member. It is her choice about what she wants to share with the rest of the family about him.

    Part of being a supportive partner means respecting her wishes, even if you don’t necessarily understand or agree with them. You have to trust in your partner’s judgment.

    After all, the last thing you wanna do is mimic the same kind of monstrous behavior that robs her of making a choice.

    Nobody’s telling you that you have to like the guy. And you are more than free to voice your concerns to your partner in a private conversation. It’s healthy to have those talks, actually. Right now, she needs to know that you have her back. And having her back means respecting her wishes.

    To put it simply, it’s important for her that you are cordial. And if it’s important to her, that should be important to you. At the end of the day, that’s what matters.

    Otherwise, if this is something that you can’t handle, you don’t have to be in this relationship.

  27. Point out that if he did this to a co-worker or other student, it would be considered sexual assault.

    Tell him to stop sexually assaulting you. Sorry, but you have made it clear a number of times that you do not wish for him to keep doing it. So he can fucking stop doing it, dude. There is absolutely NO reason that he has to do this, biologically, psychologically, or emotionally. He is not listening to your concerns, nor is he listening to your absolutely clear NO.

    NO is a complete sentence. There is no room for negotiation. STOP, GET OFF, DON'T are all complete sentences as well. My youngest understood these sentences, and they they meant exactly what they were communicating at 3y/o FFS. Your 18 y/o BF can do the same.

  28. There is no solution. This is why women sleeping with multiple men has history been frowned upon.

    It's not a matter of empowerment or personal rights, it's a matter of how YOU want the man YOU settle down with to FEEL about committing his life to you. Do you want him to feel in his heart that your sex/love belongs to him or do you want him to feel like he was the last guy to sit at a table after the party is over?

    Every woman has this choice.

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