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Petite_lilive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat Petite_li

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Languages: en

Birth Date: 1992-10-20

Body Type: bodyTypeThin

Ethnicity: ethnicityEbony

Hair color: hairColorBlack

Eyes color: eyeColorBrown

Subculture: subcultureHousewives

Date: October 22, 2022

36 thoughts on “Petite_lilive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. A baby dog can be just about as difficult to handle as a human baby. The duration for how long it lasts is much shorter, but dogs also can't be neglected during their infancy. Doing so leads to a lot of behavioral problems and when they are young it is the easiest to correct behavior issues but also the easiest for them to pick up bad habits in a very short amount of time. Bad habits for dogs can often be dangerous either for themselves or the humans around them.

    Also let's just say for a moment that maybe a puppy is a lot less work than a human baby, if he can't handle something supposedly so simple as a puppy and not a “real human child” then how can he possibly be expected to anything meaningful as a parent?

    It is never unreasonable to ask for a partner to handle at least some of the housework, even if one partner is a homemaker/not working. You can call out of work or use PTO from a job if you need a break, a homemaker doesn't necessarily get that benefit. If they are sick they still have to cook, clean, etc while their partner is at work. I bet if the working person calls out sick they get taken care of by their homemaker partner, on top of them completing other household tasks, it must be nice.

    Something also has to be said about a lack of personal and financial freedom that comes from being a homemaker. There is a lot of self sacrifice that comes with agreeing to take care of someone else in any capacity, let alone as a full time job plus OT, with no actual money in her own bank account/wallet where he has no access to it. “You get everything handed to you” So we are assuming all of her needs are perfectly met simply by not working a job but it sounds like a lot of her emotional needs are being neglected. She just says he makes enough for them to online comfortably, I'd hardly say that's enough to act like everything she ever wants is just handed to her on a silver platter. Clearly he can't hand her nice treatment and emotional labor.

    I always thought being a home maker must be so easy blah blah blah but I'd rather work. I make my own money and don't have to rely on someone else understanding why I need/want certain things that cost different amounts of money, especially considering I have several chronic illnesses. I don't have to get approval and permission for anything that costs money etc. 9 times out of 10 there is a lot of sacrifice of individual needs when you have no control over the income because now you suddenly have to justify your needs to someone who should be on your side but instead wants to hold it against you because you have it “easy” and should be “grateful” for whatever crumbs you get all while demanding you handle everything on your own and put them on a pedestal without asking them to do much of anything for you in return. I'd rather be treated like an equal partner and a romantic interest in my relationship than a live-in maid/chef/escort. I would be willing to bet he always expects her to be in the mood when he is and expects her to be happy with minimal or no affectionate behavior too all while functioning as a stress relief tool for himself.

  2. I don't know what to do.

    Break up with him. That's what you do. He's holding the door open for you to leave, but you refuse to. You're easy to manipulate and he knows it.

  3. It’s understandable that he didn’t want to spend more time outside in crappy weather, you don’t online together and it’s your path so if you wanted it cleared do it yourself.

  4. I’m dealing with this now, I’ve been with my boyfriend for 6 months and he’s the sweetest. I dealt with a lot of toxic relationships before him and it made me realize how much trauma I have from never feeling safe in relationships. I’m in therapy now but I am still working on trusting and the self sabotaging thoughts.

  5. Reciprocate that energy with another gym bro and make him jealous. Then break up with him publicly at the gym ? I doubt that chick even wants to give him the time of day.

  6. You are an idiot if you are still with him. He’s willing to endanger the life of everyone on the road because his dumb ass can’t take an Uber or have a designated driver.

    With your aunt being killed by a drunk driver I don’t know how you can even entertain the idea of allowing someone to touch you or be in your life that willingly drives drunk and endangers so many lives.

  7. Exactly. I didn't know any healthy boundaries until way too late in life. I remember my friend who was studying for her masters in psychology telling me that I had a codependent relationship with my mom and I was like, “oh no!” Then I told my mom and she convinced me my friend was an idiot and the codependency carried on for like… 3 more years.

  8. I made that first concession just to highlight the fact that he works in a male-dominated field, saturated with a lot of intelligent, likeminded men, so his opinion is likely influenced by that—not to say that women are incapable of/unlikely to pursue a career in STEM, or that men should be granted a free pass to say whatever they want if they work in STEM.

    Saying that his commentary is seemingly inconsequential is just that. It appears to be trivial, because he didn’t outright say that every woman is dumb, inferior, etc., and nothing else in his past behavior suggests that he believes that, but the implications of what he said may be more troubling. That’s why I posted here!

    ETA: He’s wholly supportive of my studies in law school, so I don’t think he’s as backward or old fashioned as you believe him to be with the knitting major stuff haha

  9. A real eye opener is wasting your good years on someone not worth it, cause then you realize you don’t get that time back. OP will figure it out,

  10. I was gonna shake give hjm a high five and both times he opened his arms for me to hug him instead? i meant to say that

  11. Walk away, with your heart and dignity intact! He's a Sbag and he won't change an no one will ever compare or compete with his crush. He has proven this , so far.

  12. I’m sorry that was vague indeed. No not ask her to marry. But even asking her to consider it or ask her to give it more serious thought, and to expect answers, seems pushy. My words not hers.

  13. My brother once forgot his whole age and thought he was turning 28 when he was actually turning 27 for a whole year lol he's a knuckle head tho.

  14. Yes. There's not really much to work through when your partner was banging another person while you're in the next room/same building and was lying to your face about it and gaslighting you until they're painted into a corner.

    Her saying sorry doesn't change how messed up or manipulative this has all been. Respect yourself enough to want more than this from the person you love and who is supposed to love you.

  15. His relationship with her is more important to him than his relationship with you. This is cheating. Additionally, being so consuming by gaming at the age of 35 is immature and, to me, more than a little pathetic. This is your cheating gamer husband though, so what matters is what you think. What do you think OP?

  16. I handled all of our accounts and finances because that's what I worked in before I left my job. I know every investment, account number, and everything that could support me and my children post-divorce. I plan to rinse him over every penny with the help of my solicitor.

  17. So her mental health has continued to deteriorate and is getting worse, it sounds like she is not getting psychiatric treatment and is not getting therapy, she does not work and you seem to think that this isn’t a big deal. Yikes. Your wife should be getting psychiatric care for her violent episodes. Sounds like you are enabling her. She doesn’t need a computer, she needs psychiatric medical care.

  18. They can also be really uncomfortable, especially in the summer and some people are allergic to the sticky portion so….

  19. Don't set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm. If you're uncomfortable being used as an emotional dump, DON'T RESPOND. This is not your job. This is not baggage you need to be dealing with. Your friend can go ahead and take up that mantle, if she's so into it. Or the guy can get help from a professional.

  20. Read 3 paragraphs. She sounds like a bitch. She needs to get a life. Full ignore. If she directly messages you, respond with “stop talking to me” No further responses. You are 20 and can think for yourself. You don't need someone telling you to be ashamed for being you. 40 doesn't make her wise. A 40 year old dumbass is still a dumbass.

  21. A rush to commitment is usually one of the red flags for an abusive relationship. It doesn't sound like he's hearing or respecting your “No”.

    If you are “meant to be”, you can postpone moving in together until the 3 year mark without it hurting anything. Please be careful with your birth control.

    I'd probably dump him for thinking 28 is old and his judgmental, superior attitude. Right now it's directed at other people, but in time, you'll be the target of his harsh judgments.

  22. Soooo he cheated on you years ago and you decided to marry him anyways?

    And now you're bringing this up years later to redefine what he means by cheating? I'm sorry OP but I'm really confused here. Even if we all agreed that it's cheating, what does that do for you? You're still married to him at the end of the day, so it doesn't matter.

    Do you think a few reddit comments from internet strangers is going to change his mind on his infidelity?

    The truth is you married a unfaithful man. Trying to pick fights about it years later won't change the fact that you did that.

  23. OP, I am Horrified that you allowed this to happen. Next time you may not survive. Dump this loser before he let's his freak flag fly so close to you again.

  24. There are people who stay friends with their exes and people who don't. Both are valid. If this was a deal-breaker for her she should have communicated this before she became girlfriend. I believe that matters that are deal-breakers should be communicated in the early stages of getting to know each other so you can avoid incompatibility issues.

    Personally I would refuse to cut out friends because my SO asked me to, with no reason other than irrational jealousy. It is controlling behaviour and, for me, crosses multiple boundaries.

    If there was any reasonable excuse for her to be jealous (you and ex were flirting, ex was mean to her or mistreated her, you were being secretive or lied about being in contact with someone etc.) then that would be a different conversation. But demanding to cut ties with friends just because of irrational jealousy, that would be a hard no for me and opens the door for other unreasonable demands and controlling behaviour, like not allowing you to make new friends that are women, being jealous of coworkers, not allowing you to go to places where women she believes are attractive, and thus could possibly be a threat, will be attending and she can't come with you, etc.

    Scroll a bit in the subreddit and search posts under “jealous/jealousy” and “controlling” to see similar stories and see if you recognise other similar behaviours in your relationship.

  25. And it's also about being able to adapt your risk tolerance to circumstances.

    For example, if I'm alone and it's during the day in a populated area, I'm more likely to check on someone having car trouble.

    If it's after dark, or on a lonely stretch of road, or my daughter is with me, I'm driving the hell on because the circumstances are different and the risk is too high.

    If Boyfriend doesn't fucking get that you make decisions based on circumstances and not on a one-size-fits-all rule, he's missing a common sense chip.

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