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27 thoughts on “pinklipsmilflive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I think you followed your gut and it’s right. Also this man is 9 years older than you. How did you guys meet? I always have pause in relationships where one person is in their early 20s and other person is nearly 10 years older. There is a power and life experience differential that is too easily abused.

  2. When she dumps your ass (that’s if she is real and that’s a big IF) then that’s a shit load of weight lost with no effort required.

  3. He’s a MAN no matter if you can’t accept it. And he can choose who he wants. No one is twisting his arm. And I’m not socially delayed just because I like the same things he does. There’s nothing wrong with liking the same music for example or liking the same certain sports. People of all ages share hobbies. You’re literally making up traumas because you just don’t like the situation. Just because society hates on such romances, doesn’t make society correct. At one time mixed race dating was frowned upon too. IDGAF what yall think about the age gap. He’s beautiful and an amazing person and it’s ok to find attractive men to be attractive. I find older and younger men to be naked.

  4. You are an adult in your own right. You do not need anyone's permission to spend a few hours out with a friend. Granted, it's going to cause issues in your marriage. It might even blow it up. However, you have to think about it like this: Are you willing to spend the next 50 years living the life that you are living right now? If the answer is No, it is up to you to change the status quo and deal with whatever fallout comes.

    Is this a hill worth dying on? It would be for me.

  5. You maybe right in that I wasn't ready to be a husband. I act like a kid. But I want to understand her and be happy together.

  6. Stop opening the door if she shows up. Stop going to her place. Have partner let her know that due to her disregarding boundaries multiple times, you all are taking a time out from aunt and will revisit the relationship at a later time.

    Your partner should be dealing with HIS family. And if anyone gets mad, tough shit. You’re the one who is being “harmed” by her behavior not the other way around. But people who are boundary stompers like that typically throw a fit when they get shut down.

  7. I think you just need to sit him down and talk about it. Probably make the agreement, “whoever suggests the date should pay, that way we can make sure each of us is comfortably able to pay for whatever the plan is. We both need to be putting in effort, and like I said our dates don’t need to be elaborate, but I don’t want to be the only one planning or paying for things. Is that something we can work on together?” I’d probably rethink the wording to be a bit more supportive, maybe mention you know money is tight and you don’t want to put him out etc, but at the core, that’s the idea you need to convey.

  8. You've told him how they make you feel and he doesn't stop?

    Leave tbh. He sounds toxic and who tf does that anyway. If you really want to stay I would be much more firm with him and tell him to knock that shit off or you're out.

  9. i agree with you that an live only relationship cannot compete with a real world one but we already decided that this summer we're going to meet eachother. She also just told me that she wants to marry me one day and that i am the man that she always dreamt about, she also told me that she feels really bad for liking someone else while we were dating.

  10. she does laundry, dishes, sweeping/mopping, and cooks. I do trash, litter box, make the bed before I leave for work, and fold the living room blankets at night before bed.

    if you seriously think you're doing equal housework, switch places with her for a week!

  11. The issue isn't the job it's you being a lazy, greedy child.

    NEWSFLASH plenty of adults work 40+ hrs/week and clean their home, make their meals, and do their own laundry. What do you think you'll be doing when she realizes how much you're scamming her? And by making her pay 60% of the bills while claiming 50/50 and making her put less in savings; refusing to be an actual adult partner and split the housework more evenly you're a scammed. The AUDACITY to try to say she's a gold digger. What a child you are.

  12. Yep, I met one of my best guy friends on a dating app and we started out as a fwb thing. Mutually agreed that wasn't working and it turned into a close friendship, because we deeply care for each other, just not in a physical sense. Since then we have shared rooms and even a bed, but nothing has ever happened.

  13. Watching movies with kids is not being a pedo, but dating someone under 18 when you are an adult is. I find it naked to believe that you didn’t know that. How do you accidentally date someone who you know is under 18?

  14. What on Earth makes it immature? We do the things we like together, even if you believe the things we like to be immature that doesn't equal the relationship being immature. He was upset about something and communicated it, and I'm trying to find the best solution. What do you think couples are supposed to be doing? because to you: going out isn't enough, meeting my parents isn't enough, planning trips isn't enough, talking and enjoying their company isn't enough.

  15. Honestly resentment is usually a point of no return for a relationship. That and this man is approaching 40 is jobless and wants you to be his mommy. On top of that you’d probably be happier if you weren’t dating this bum.

  16. Yeah I was wondering this too. Did she really say she refuses to contracept nor allow him to contracept either? Or did she just say that she will not be using hormones, putting a metal implant through her cervix, or having major abdominal surgery, which is absolutely fair, and he’s like “so we can’t use any contraception??” I can’t use hormones and the copper IUD is miserable for me, so my boyfriend used condoms until he could schedule a vasectomy. No problem.

  17. my friend didn’t want me to try coke. my friend has only done coke once. he just said that my boyfriend was controlling because he said he doesn’t want me to do it.

  18. He doesn't have to pay rent yet he is broke every week? Tell him to get his act together financially. He isn't a teenager.

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