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Pretty-babes live! sex chats for YOU!


❤, ❤ FUCK PUSSY ONE GIRL ❤❤ [377 tokens remaining]

Date: December 2, 2022

45 thoughts on “Pretty-babes live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. From his message, he didn't realize he felt this way until after the sex when you clung into him afterwards. The sex obviously meant more to you than him because of your past trauma and he isn't ready to be with someone like that. If you ever want a healthy relationship you HAVE HAVE HAVE to go to therapy regularly and work on yourself. I have been in your shoes, it hurts so much right now, but it will get better if you work on yourself.

  2. This I agree with. His boundary was crossed and then it seems like hers was too. That’s the end of it and that’s okay. There’s no advice to give, he’s just looking for someone to say she was in the wrong but really they both can be right.

  3. I’m gonna be honest with you, you could’ve stopped the post at him spending the night at another girl’s house. It’s one thing to go visit a female friend, it’s another to spend the night at their house, they’re most likely having sex. And even if they aren’t, he’s definitely still having an emotional affair with her. Him saying he assumed you’d be busy was a BS reason not to invite you, and not telling you he went to see her is a red flag. Him using your sister’s situation for sympathy points when he hasn’t even been there for you is disgusting. This guy is cheating on you and disrespecting you, you gotta kick him to the curve.

  4. Oh yeah, definitely, there are no fathers who raise their children or are good dads. Obviously. Go back to twitter.

  5. Honey no, this isn’t the way. Yes, you want and need to build a family for yourself. But it doesn’t have to be with the first dude you talk to!

    You’re 19. We were all 19 once. We all remember feeling like the most grownup person because we were adults. And then you turn 30 and realize “damn I was an idiot”. Every comment here comes for somebody who was you.

    You’re in college. Build a space for yourself in that community. Meet your peers, your colleagues, make friends. You owe it to yourself to build something beautiful, not settle for the man who shows interest in you.

    What about you? You’re skipping over an entire segment of your life where you learn about who you are, what you want, and who you want to become. Please, I beg of you, take time to experience your life. Don’t throw away a world of possibilities for an older man who has shown he isn’t a good husband or father.

  6. He cheated on you. With that woman, probably alot more. You now know he's a cheater and doesn't think it's a big deal.

  7. When you gift someone jewelry it’s not typically because you like it, it’s because you think they would like it. Why would you buy the complete opposite of what they asked for even if you liked something else better? That’s why I think OP is having the major issue with it, that and her partner knows he is dating a detail oriented person who has shown and told him repeatedly what she envisioned and would love. It’s just a little bizarre, not enough to reject the man but enough to question why it happened.

  8. Like until he recommits to you there will be no sex, cuddling or anything else that couples do. Because he really is enjoying reaping the benefits of having a gf without a title.

  9. He didnt say what you can and cant do, he just said he would feel unconfortable, and you diced to ignore it

  10. This.

    Why are you hitching your star to someone with such a lack of moral standards? I'd want nothing to do with a man who would just abandon an innocent child.

    What makes you think he won't do the same to you 5 years, or so, down the line when he decides he doesn't want to be a father?

    When someone shows you who they are, believe them.

    I cannot even fathom 2 people in their late 20s that are this immature.

  11. Internet mom here. It’s unreasonable to ask him to not follow any women. That’s your insecurities. I don’t think you are ready for a relationship. And if you were, it should never be with a man that calls you a dumb bitch. Ever. That’s not okay.

  12. It's not “can't”, it's “won't” and “doesn't want to”. He's perfectly capable, he just doesn't give a fuck. And why would he? There have been no consequences for him for not caring. He still gets orgasms when you get a couple minutes of unsatisfying thrusting. Stop letting him use you. Tell him this problem gets solved for more than a couple of weeks, or you're done. Life is too short and you are too young to commit to shitty sex forever.

  13. Wanting to break up is the only “valid” reason you need. There isn’t really any such thing as an “invalid” reason.

    But yeah, this all sounds like you escaped a total fuckwad, so well done!

  14. Poor Op's husband. He does not deserve this level of disrespect. She added her long term ex, chatted h8m up confesses life l9ng love for him, and vice versa…spends hours talking and “catching up” and adds her husband has kept her in luxury, soeked his ass off to provide, and csre for her and rhe kids.

    Op, you just had what amounts to an emotional affair in short order.

    You did not feel right about continued contact because it was the flirty emotional cheating before the physical cheating.

  15. I had a chuckle at the fact that this is the most fed up post I have ever read. The tone was so spot on.

    Possibly going to hell. I might see you guys there!

  16. I've been there all these years to get her out of the dark place and now when I'm in the dark place I have no one to help me get out of it. I'm never been so certain in life but now it's all crushed. How do I keep moving forward? I don't see a point in moving on

  17. What your husband is saying is he’s afraid she’s going to convince you to want the same. Reassure him this is not going to happen and that she’s in a failing marriage and needs a friend right now.

    Your husband is terrified of losing you

  18. It’s easy to be angry and lash out, but honestly this isn’t good advice. Her children should not be treated as pawns to give or take away from the other parent based on disagreements the two parents are having. That’s absolutely horrible advice. This is a big day, even if it’s an asshole’s big day. Forbidding them from going because he’s an AH is using them as a pawn. That’s not okay. Ever. I don’t give a damn if he’s been a cheating piece of shit (he has), if the kids are excited to go and OP was going to allow them to go regardless of custody schedule, barring safety and well-being concerns those kids should go to the wedding.

  19. Hi, okay: what you are doing annual reply above is justifying his behaviour. You are a grown adult. He is a grown man. There comes in an adult's life points where they have to let go of things and put themselves first. Just assuredly as there comes a time in a person's life where they have to get help if they needed so that they do not hurt others. You are in a vicious cycle. He is the abuser. You are the abused. he is not by any means going to change what he is and what he does to you: he has no motivation to do so. At present he can do anything he pleases and you will still be there for him. Willing to be abused and enabling his behaviour. You are the person with the key to end the cycle and to look after yourself. No one can look after your best interests better than you. You need to ask yourself why you want to pursue this relationship. The planet has several billion people in it, many of whom will not give you any pain or abuse. You need to shake yourself out of this and go find somebody else or better yet be on your own for a while. I do wish you well.

  20. I have tried to ask her about her fantasies, and what she wants to try or do. But it’s just plain old heterosexual sex, no variety. No toys, no foreplay. I get it; definitely seems like I’m whining, but I don’t want to miss out on experiences she isn’t willing to try.

  21. If she wants to go, she’s going to go regardless of your feelings on the matter. It sucks that she’s planning on essentially abandoning her family, but you have to focus on how you and your daughter are going to cope with this. You can try asking your wife how she thinks this is going to effect her relationship with you and your daughter, but it sounds like her mind is already made up and she doesn’t care about the fallout. Personally, I would make it clear to your wife that if she chooses to walk out she may not have a family to come back to and then make plans accordingly. I’m sorry this is happening.

  22. People always disguise someone's shitty behavior by saying the relationship isnt all bad and they love them.

    So because u love them they get to treat u like shit?

    She can Apologize sure.. but she did tell u to ur face ur being silly didnt she? That ur overreacting by being upset?

    That she got basically very hot and had other dudes who u know btw… touch her like she was a stripper performing for them?

    I don't get it. Does she need to explicitly sleep with someone infront of u for u to see it as a red flag and that she doesn't respect u.

    I wouldve never disrespected my husband like tht even when dating. Having someone's hands on u in a sexual way other than ur partners is disrespectful, crossing a boundary and yes it can be seen as cheating. The fact she is downplaying it and telling u ur being ridiculous is hilarious because ur allowing it.

    She will do this shit again. So good luck.

  23. The issue is that he refuses to just admit that. He’s surprised that his wife doesn’t believe he’s committing and is trustworthy when he doesn’t show he is. He should just leave.

  24. Yes and the sister seems to be one of the kind who also thinks that the solution to a crappy marriage is to add another child into that cesspool.

    That sister is something else. I don't want to know what is really going on in that marriage. Yes the husband is abusive but tbh. I wouldn't be surprised if they are both abusive to each other – the sister definitely sounds that way with her accussations and all the bile she spewing around.

  25. My concern is if I would be harming her at all entering into this type of connection?

    someone who is telling you this kind of relationship was harmful to them and you're dismissing that. So why lie? Why pretend you care about harming this girl? Other than being a troll, Why are you here?

  26. Why only considering? This man is a disrespectful liar.

    Don’t you think you deserve someone who is proud to be with you exactly how you are?

  27. Basically he is asking for permission to bang your wife with your permission. The fact that your wife didn't totally dismiss the idea and cut contacts with him tells a lot!

  28. Uch, race baiting. Let's break it down though. So, “white” is a stupid racist concept. Jew, slavic, Hispanic, though the first two are paler than me, Mediterranean, they haven't been considered white for very long. Same as the Irish. Like, you could mistake me for a Turkman or an Arab, yet, my ancestors have always been considered white, which is stupid. So your ex can identify however she likes.

    I would break down the other races too about how it's stupid to consider them homogenous wholes, but since they are tarred the same by “whites” it kinda can be unhelpful.

  29. I think he is the villain, hence it is him with the consequences.

    But you are painting the GF as the villan – she is right to feel insecure and set boundaries that involve your and his communication.

    All I'm saying is you should understand why. You don't seem to understand why, hence our back and forth.

    Having a birthday ritual is totally fine and Boone has an objection to that. But posting a picture of what looks like a date with a committed man….is a bit innapropriate.

    You were probably naive when you posted it….but now you know, it's probably not wise to go to movies with guys in relationships (even if they ask).

  30. I’m just gonna come out and say this: someone who only cares about themselves during sex can change and improve but only if they want too. He doesn’t want to because he doesn’t care.

    Don’t endure mediocre sex for the rest of your life. Break up and find someone who actually knows what their doing or wants to learn. Thank goodness you didn’t wait until marriage.

  31. First you’re not a sex toy and 2 people get sick, troubles which might hinder them from sex, and 3 she sounds like a nymph not a GF.

  32. Sir, you do NOT have a friend, what you have is a toxic fake friend. About the only excuse for a grown ass 25 year old woman to not have known that skating does common with a risk of injury would be a special needs adult of that age. Assuming she is not a special needs adult, then she knew there was a risk of injury, just like walking, running going to the gym are all activities carrying risks of injury.

    This fake friend you are allowing to punish you and emotionally abuse you is a real piece of toxic shit. No actual friend would do this. Please, for your own peace of mind and well being, get rid of this thorn in your side. If she brings it up again say “I am all done allowing you to abuse and punish me for your injury, and your days of using me as your own personal punching bag are through.” Seriously, this POS is not a friend, don’t keep trying with her. It will never get better just a whole lot worse with someone like this.

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