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Puja_Raylive sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for on-line sex video chat Puja_Ray

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Languages: en

Birth Date: 2000-03-25

Body Type: bodyTypeAverage

Ethnicity: ethnicityIndian

Hair color: hairColorBlack

Eyes color: eyeColorBlack

Subculture: subcultureStudent

Date: February 10, 2023

35 thoughts on “Puja_Raylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. That is not something you mention to your boyfriend, not if you don't want him thinking about it after you say it.

  2. No, I was visiting my hometown which is about 4 hours from the city I currently live in. My boyfriend was in our current city when this happened, otherwise I would’ve invited him as well.

    No concrete plans, either.

  3. Who knows anymore. When I’m willing to put all this shit aside and have a serious talk he’ll just say it was a mistake.

  4. She did not apologize. I actually had given her this $1200 smoker / grill to borrow since i could t have it in my apartment and her response after talking to hun was that I needed to remove it within 24 hours from her place. I really just did not want to get involved with her again, so I gave it to her so I could cut ties and move on.

  5. Not sure if this story is true or not because you seem way too naive and easily manipulated. I doubt you ever even cheated. She climbed in bed with you and made you think you did. She also faked the pregnancy. You fell for it.

  6. You need to get out of this relationship. Someone this controlling is only going to get worse. Please be careful.

  7. A relationship is a form of contract with individual rules. It is cheating if this breaks said rules.

    (It probably is cheating, would be cheating in common sense and I would regard it as cheating)

  8. you are a piece of shit and predatory. you like hooking up with teenagers. you disgusting worm.

  9. Why don’t you say that you’ve been been eating a lot of high fat foods lately and you want to know whether she’s concerned about her health at all.

  10. She cheated on you, plan and simple. But your the one whom will have to deal with it not us…. Not for me…. Can you kiss her again after knowing that.

  11. I wouldn't say it was a “decision” to lie exactly, but you're not wrong. I'm really ashamed that I lied and while I do have reasons for it (based on past behaviour) that doesn't make it anywhere near ok.

  12. Sounds like she isn't interested in whatever it is you're asking her to do. Respect that and don't push it on her. If you need in person interaction, this isn't going to work. And, if this is going to work, you need to work with her to compromise on things you're both comfortable doing.

  13. How long is it going to take for you to realize that you will never be anything but shit no matter what you do? He is an abuser. Abusers always escalate. Abusers always make the abused feel like the abuse is all their fault. Paramount in your decision should be how you want your life to be. Do you want to be with someone who thinks you are shit. Or, do you want to be with someone who values you for who you are. If you choose to be happy, now is the time to leave him. Your decision. Best wishes.

  14. He looked pretty uncomfortable when he overheard me talking about this date with our other housemate.

    I can't wait till this thing blows up in the next 3 weeks or so and he tries to get my sympathy

  15. You deserve better. I could understand feeling a little bummed, but like others have said on here, if he was the one for you he’d make peace with it. Like waiting for a superhero, that bat signal goes off and you gotta goooooo. It’s important that whomever you’re with in the future has a fulfilling hobby and enjoys alone time and you can have a good relationship. Just not with him. You are doing amazing, I’m sorry you experienced so much stress after an already stressful day.

  16. no you are not asking too much and honestly from what i have heard doctors are screwing everyone left and right (I know its not ALL doctors and medical professionals) and given he had a crush on her. Come on, a guy doesn't have coffee with someone he had a crush on and rated 10 out of 10 just because he wants to have coffee.

  17. It’s on him to tell them that their comments are disrespectful to you and your relationship. So have him step up and do so.

  18. You speak of love, but realize that is just a feeling you have for this guy.

    You can have that feelings for any number of guys, and some of them you will actually be compatible with and have chance at a healthy relationship.

    Compatibility is just as important as chemistry for a successful long term relationship. So get smart.

    You want to see examples of people ruining their lives? Look at people stubbornly fighting to make a fundamentally incompatible relationship work. “But muh feelz” Fuck your feelz, they are a dime a dozen.

    Easy come easy go.

  19. I wish, i hope but part of me knows he probably wont, but ive also ben led to believe im the one doing things wrong time and time again even tho a part of me knows im not but it gets to the point where i feel like i am and i get confused on if my feelings are even real. Which is finally why i reached out to a community to help direct me and not just rely on his opinions of me

  20. He sounds terrible so don’t take this the wrong way but I think you should break up with him and find someone who: 1. Takes responsibility for things that are their fault and doesn’t blame you especially when it s completely out of your control and 2: Makes you happy

  21. You didn't fail or make him do anything. His mental health is making him spiral, and he is not okay, and he is probably flailing a bit if he's making a lot of big unilateral decisions.

    I'm sorry that you're hurting. You're going to hurt, and grieve, and then you'll pick up the pieces and move on with your life.

    Life is full of many loves. The one true love idea is a fairy tale.

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