#Rick | x_rick22_x |cb @ | #Alex #stepbro | 22 tk – play | cb @, 27 y.o.
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Live Live Sex Chat rooms #Rick | x_rick22_x |cb @ | #Alex #stepbro | 22 tk – play | cb @
Date: October 9, 2022
If you want you could try having a conversation with her explaining how much having a cat means to you and asking her to please reconsider.
The downside of this is that even if she agrees what happens if you bring in a new cat and it takes some time to settle in (and annoys her with meowing or lord knows what in the meantime). Then she would make both of your lives miserable until you returned it or moved out.
My heart really goes out to you. I have almost always had a cat and they improve the quality of my life beyond measure. There was a year or so when my last cat had died and my boyfriend (now husband) was adamant he would never on-line with a cat due to bad experiences with cats in the past (cats in bad environments with little care).
He eventually changed his mind when I wouldn't shut up about cats (not begging him, just talking about them a lot or reacting with joy when I see one or gasp… get to pet one). I let him pick out our rescue and he's a huge fan of cats now.
So I'm sorry you're going through this and I hope you can find a better living situation soon with someone who treats you with respect and kindness.