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Romajones on-line webcams for YOU!



Date: October 30, 2022

3 thoughts on “Romajones on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. fried rice is not a side dish with the Korean BBQ and the different types of Korean fried rice don't have corn in them

  2. You really need to be discussing this with him. If you can’t communicate now what does your future together hold.

  3. Any relationship should be a partnership, with open communication especially about how each person views money. If she is expecting to live! a lavish lifestyle with you paying 100% of housing, food, utilities, cars, and insurance then she is not on the same page as you are. It's all most like she wants to work to save her money, while your money is used by both of you, this is called what's mine in mine and what is yours is mine mentality.

    If you aren't on the same page living separately where your finances are concerned, you will never be on the same page married as you will never be good enough at making money. By this, you will not be able to save for your future because you will be spending it in the here and now for her. Why, because she will guilt you. (had an ex who did this long long ago)

    I would suggest you start working with a financial planner to save for your future, your future family and children along with setting money aside for their education.

    Followed by discussing this with your fiance to discover if this is a cultural belief or just how she views your relationship where you are a giver and she is willing to take what you give. I would also add, does she expect to stop working once you are married?

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