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Ron and Alice the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Ron and Alice, 21 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Ron and Alice

Ron and Alice live sex chat

Date: October 9, 2022

21 thoughts on “Ron and Alice the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Is he telling you because he feels bad about an almost behavior and caught it before it was too late? Or cuz he's a blabber mouth and going to try with her anyway cuz I feel like one is forgivable and one is just dumb

  2. As a therapist, I would encourage OP’s gf to identify why exactly she’s uncomfortable with him watching porn. There may be more to it that we do not understand and by confronting the fear associated with him watching porn, they may be able to work through it or come to a compromise that works for both of them. But generally, watching porn together can be a positive way to connect with your partner on an intimate level. If porn starts to replace sexual intimacy between partners is when I believe it can become problematic.

  3. Unless he has given you any reason to not trust him, I’d say let it go. You know him best, so you know if he’s trustworthy or not.

  4. 1st. Don’t tell her. It’s done, nothing happened. It’s selfish of you because YOU did something bad, now YOU feel bad about it… let it go. Ignorance is bliss, let her be at her own misery level. You will, with time get over it. And sometimes when you think of it, the guilt will come and then it goes away again. Don’t make your own life harder right now.

    2nd. This “slump” in your marriage will be hardly fixable without therapy and complete commitment from both of you. Only you both can decide that.

    3rd. Your child is young, so young that THIS is the time to divorce if you’re going to. Being a pre-teen or teenager and having your home environment be always toxic and climax your childhood memories at your parents divorce; that is much worst than a little kid growing up feeling stable in regards to living situation etc.

    Good luck, do what makes you happy. I grew up with eventually divorced parents and I wish they had just been their awful selves from the beginning. My childhood was orchestrated around two adults drama, fights and eventual divorce.

  5. What?! It's abusive. Anyone should leave if their partner hits them. It's not about whether the hit hurts you or if you're bugger than her. It's about her control over you. It. Will. Break. Your. Spirit. Don't you love yourself and want to be respected by your partner?

  6. u/Certain-Yak-7951, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

    The right way to do it is to create a brand new Reddit account that begins with ThrowRA.

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  7. Any chance *he* did something wrong and realizes that he doesn't have the balls to fess up to it, so ghosting is the easier alternative?

  8. Yea. Exactly. So that’s what it means. Who cares what his motives are (though they were for sure creepy and nefarious). The result is you being freaked out.

    This man is not your friend. Tell everyone and get him away from you and people you care about

  9. Tell your parents to stop. They can have a relationship with you that is separate of your sisters. If they choose not to do that then that's them choosing to not have a relationship with you. You won't discuss their daughters again. Stick to it. Gray rock any convos about it. (google gray rock–it's a communication technique.) As for your sisters? Remove the family members off social media, block their numbers on your phone. No need to tell them or communicate. They hate you. They don't care. So embrace not caring in return. You don't mention doing things with friends so, join some local commerce groups, take up a hobby. Meet other people and makes some friends.

  10. You just say the following to her.

    “Hey gf, you seemed to get a lot out of that retreat and you know I think I need something like that. Can you send me the details as I might check it out and book myself in. Actually, I wouldn't mind booking myself in now – what's the name of it and I can google it and book it whilst I think about it….”

    And watch her reaction.

  11. Are you planning to go with a immediate gut response, or a logical thoughtful one. The difference in approach will lead you to different answers and justifications.

  12. She doesn’t know you, why would she invite you? And why would she accept your friend request? Again she does not know you.

  13. Dude I wouldn’t talk to you either, you’re a fucking predator. Statistically your daughter will probably have kids some day, I would never want your influence on my child’s life or even trust you around them.

  14. You’re right I didn’t realize they met first. Definitely should’ve been mentioned before they started dating. Yes you’re right about being a learning experience. I see it from his perspective and hers.

  15. Apart from whether oral sex is normal or not, it is your boundaries you have to stick with. Just make yourself clear on what's the actual problem in your opinion:

    Would it be a problem for you if he watched porn? Why?

    Are you turned of of new ideas in the bedroom? Why?

    Is it just oral sex you don't like?

    I'm not asking for information but those are all things you should ask yourself. When you're clear on that just talk to your boyfriend. You're together long enough to have a clear and open communication.

    Also remind yourself that wanting to try out new stuff is not weird and it might even have nothing to do with you. Humans are curious beings that naturally want to change stuff, if that wasn't the case nothing would have been invented or discovered (like electricity, cars, housing, etc).

  16. It's just very difficult to be friends with an ex, especially immediately in the aftermath of a breakup. So don't force yourself to do that, especially since it doesn't really sound like you've completely accepted the breakup. You and this person were just very badly mismatched to be a couple. Leave it alone. If he doesn't contact you to get his stuff then either donate it or throw it out. Move forward not backwards.

  17. Well said, i would also add that she is done with the relationship but needs OP to support her financially still. Its over dude, lawyer up and move on.

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