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Roseliine online sex cams for YOU!


Roseliine Public Chat Channel

Date: October 6, 2022

5 thoughts on “Roseliine online sex cams for YOU!

  1. You have the right to be upset. You don’t write off his feelings he shouldn’t try to invalidate yours. Who’s in the worse situation shouldn’t be a competition. You should just support each other. Have you talked to your doctor about your thyroid? I know with PCOS sometimes thyroid issues can pop up causing weight gain.

  2. It is fair to be taken aback and surprised by seeing that call, just not expecting of that. And because of that, it’s fair to seek answers. Because it was a year ago, she may not remember because it honestly wasn’t that deep. I suggest just having an open convo about it if you need to get off your chest that it bothered you seeing their name come up on the phone, but full trust is still in your partner and you’re just discussing to get through this and over it. Because in this situation, it seems like its not a thing unless you make it one. Or unless somehow she’s been doing stuff behind your back but nothing makes you think such besides this small detail. Therefore, I say talk through it. It’s not a big deal

  3. Pretty sure I’d wonder more about why it was kept a secret for so long. It would cause mistrust. Like is there more going on, and I’m just finding out now about the kiss? Something like this needs to be shared with OPs husband.

    It’s like if your partner cheated. Not that OP did, this is on BIL. Would you want to on-line with them continue to build your life knowing they aren’t loyal then find out later? His brother betrayed him by doing this and he has the right to know.

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