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RoxieLips live sex chats for YOU!


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Date: September 29, 2022

One thought on “RoxieLips live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Has your husband ever been violent with you or given you reason to think he might attack you over something somebody else did? If yes, you need to protect you and your kids by leaving him, if not, tell him as soon as possible!

    Call your husband, tell him that you never want BIL to come over again, with or without your husband there. Tell him BIL came over, complained about his wife and then pressed a kiss on you before you could react, and left the house when he didn't get the response you obviously wanted. Maybe ask hubny to come home as soon as he can, so you can discuss this further / deal with this together. (If you are stressig about how to tell him, maybe write down what you want to say, or write down the bullet points you want to hit. If you are unsure about how he will react and need the time to tell him at your own pace without interruptions, maybe send him a voice message, or a text, before calling him. Oh, and maybe delete this post after you have decided how to handle this.)

    This is not your fault, you couldn't have seen it coming, but you need to protect yourself and your family from BIL trying to come between you and your husband. You and your husband also need to discuss how to handle this going forward, though that can wait until he is home. Do you go full nc with BIL, do you tell his wife, do you tell any other family members ( they will wonder if you just cut contact with BIL without any reason they know about).

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