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Roxy the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Roxy, 24 y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Roxy

Roxy on-line sex chat

Date: October 16, 2022

24 thoughts on “Roxy the hard live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I don’t mean to be rude when I say this but you are not smart and mature. You are just an easy target.

    That is what they all say, “ oh you are so smart and mature for your age” but they don’t really mean that.

  2. You need some serious therapy op, for youe own good, your behaviour is toxic and controlling and probably will ruin every future relationship you have. Now that you have seen the consequences of your insecurity and lack of trust you can work on them. Good luck

  3. No offense but 8 drinks isn't a few imo. You should monitor your alcohol intake, alcohol increases anxiety the next day, you may be able to have just as much fun if not more without it.

  4. i would suggest if there was any drug, it could have been ketamine as mixing it with alcohol can make you very, very sick, but i do think this is solely alcohol related

  5. Honey, a good therapist can help you navigate your feelings on this. Your girlfriend shouldn't be left in the dark while you decide if she's worthy of your love or not. It's okay to grow and change, it's not okay to let her keep living with the illusion that you want the same things still.

    Why would you consider this coworker a friend? You're calling her one but only to disguise your true feelings. You said it yourself, you like what she's doing.

    You're 19, you will experience heartbreak in your life, you can't run from it. All you can do is make sure you have a solid foundation of self love to fall back on. A good therapist can help with that.

  6. As a man, casual sex is much, much harder to come by, unless you want to sex other men. Then it's easy peasy. However, for women, so long as they have a pulse, and are willing to sleep around, it's easymode. This isn't to disparage women, it's just kinda the way it is. The point is, unless you're rich and handsome, it's much harder to find casual partners. Sounds to me like your girlfriend knows this and just wanted to get some strange. Sorry, dude, but cut it off.

  7. Hi, OP. I'm a 60 yr old dad of a 24 yr old son. My belief is that a parent's primary role is to raise their kids to be respectful, productive, and independent adults. It appears your parents did that with you.

    You can absolutely love and respect your dad without living under the same roof. In my opinion, that should be your goal rather than granting his request for you to move back in with him. You also need to keep in mind that one of the reasons why you two get along so well now could be because you don't live in the same house. Spending time with his son is something to look forward to and treasure. Seeing his adult son for hours every day could very easily diminish that over time. Worst case scenario is that your relationship devolves back into what it was years ago.

    Your adult life is not your dad's to online, OP, especially when his request affects your gf/partner. I suggest you gently but unambiguously let him know that as the productive and independent 32 yr old he raised you to be, you cannot and will not move back home. Like I said, you can love your dad without living in his home.

  8. Also, be aware that the partner who is always thinking you are cheating could be projecting. Maybe she’s expressing a bit of guilt there?

  9. Wow. Im screenshotting this because your friend is so on point and it’s an excellent argument.

  10. It really depends on the type of vasectomy he got. A non surgical (just a cut and clamp) has a higher chance of re connecting then a surgerical (removal of part of the vas deference). I would check with the doctor to see if “life found a way”

  11. Fight fire with fire. Your silence enables her. Speak up.

    Every time she shows up say “oh god the pathetic high school bully that hasn't grown up, get out of my sight, you disgust me”

    Every time you see your cousin tell her loudly how disappointed you are in her crap taste.

    When your family tell you to be reasonable tell them she bullied everyone at school and she isn't going to do it here. You are drawing a line in the sand, it stops now.

    If she runs out crying, follow her laughing at her crocodile tears. Tell her to get the hell out and fake cry somewhere else.

  12. I really want you to sit and think why you thought getting a dog with this person was a good idea. You obviously didn’t know very much about what he’d be like as an owner when he got you into the situation. Now you’re on the hook for an animal you love, don’t own, and feel a sense of obligation towards—-all why getting clarity on why this dude is a terrible choice for a partner.

  13. I'll share a snippet of my tale because it may help. I was the boyfriend in this scenario. I cheated on my then husband. I knew it was wrong. I momentarily made excuses that he didn't pay attention to me. I wasn't attracted. Whatever. I made several bad choices that ended in me being a shitty person. I owned up to what I did and have since made amends.

    Your boyfriend is unapologetically making hurtful choices towards you. Save yourself the stress and time and think if you really truly want to be with someone who does this to you

  14. op – sincerely, your bf sounds like a dickhead.

    that you are flagellating your self FOR DOING NOTHING WORNG!!! with phrases like “i cant excuse my decision” etc.. scream that this guy is an angry asshat who is clearly emotionally abusive and emotionally manipulative.

    He isnt a safe space. He's a nasty pasty who doesn't want to see you happy, or to have any choices in your own life.

    Enjoy your beautiful beautiful dog.

    Leave this truly nasty cruel bully of a bf on the curb.

    Dont date your bully op. Thats what this guy is.

    Please choose you and your own goldneness!

    And look into some kind, curious, supportive therapy if its an option, to unpack why on earth you think you deserve such a controlling partner. You deserve great stuff op, not what this man is.

  15. OP specifically says in the first sentence that her husband knew these guys from their wedding and that she slept with “some of them”. Also, these weren’t friends husbands, these were the friends. I definitely think it needs to be discussed. Because if not, something like this happens and it can be relationship ending. This applies to if OP was a man or woman too. At least that’s my thought.

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