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Rubiamoral on-line sex chats for YOU!


Take off shirt , ❤️welcome to Rubiamoral’s room ❤️ [Multi Goal]

Date: October 6, 2022

32 thoughts on “Rubiamoral on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I have to disagree. I myself am 21 and play Apex a lot, one of the kids I play with quite a bit is 13, he's a pretty good kid and plays the game very well and is quite mature about it. There are 30 year olds that I've personally played with that aren't as mature as some of the younger people in game. No I don't talk to this kid outside of the game world, if he's on when I'm on I'll send him an invite. It's not about the age, especially in the gaming world. Obviously some people have a cut off, mine is 13, I won't play with anyone younger. And that's mainly for skill purposes. Sometimes I play to win and a little kid isn't gonna get me there. Anyway my point is, it's okay to be friendly. There is such a thing as too friendly though. Like I don't know this kids actual name, I only ever have known him by his gamertag and it will stay that way. That's probably the part we can agree on. Is that any kind of gaming friendship between an adult and a minor shouldn't go beyond the game. If it involves telling each other personal information then it's not appropriate. Honestly I have a headache and I'm writing this in the backseat of a car with motion sickness so I'm sorry if this doesn't make any sense?

  2. Don’t settle for less than you deserve. Every red flag you ignore in the initial stages becomes a massive problem later on. Don’t offer justifications for the actions of others, take them at face value. Everyone is more than capable of being equal domestic partners if that is what you expect out of a relationship. If you let your expectations slide or push them to the side for a shiny new relationship, you will be disappointed every time. Don’t hesitate to leave a relationship that isn’t working for you. Your don’t owe anyone your time, energy, or compromise if they aren’t the one for you

  3. You lied to your girlfriend about the nature of your relationship with your girl best friend…what did you think would happen?

    She feels betrayed and lost; the only thing you can do is own up to it and see if she’s willing to trust you again.

  4. Someone is lying (odds are the GF) and they are doing a shitty job of it because they are young so they lack the experience to make it believable

  5. You need to sit her down and explain all this to her.

    Like tell her you want an adult to adult conversation, not just a father to daughter one.

    Explain that you were a teen and just couldn't manage more money until you were older, the exact same way at 25… as an actual adult… that she hasn't saved any emergency fund at all in case something like her car breaks down. Sure this isn't ideal for her, but if you didn't have her then she literally wouldn't exist in this world, and you'd rather she was here than not. You cannot change these circumstances, they are different for your small kids that they were for her, but that's just life which changes constantly. There's literally no way it could have turned out any other way at all, and she us resenting you for a situation nobody can control or change. She will also go through all these changes herself.

    Most peoples parents cannot just hand them a grand a half out of blue, but she is expecting it.

    She got a mac book for Christmas, they got promised a Disney trip. So if she's not willing to sell her mac book to pay for her car, why should two small children who've not done a single thing wrong or for her to directly resent give up their gift for her? It's not even yours at that point to give, it's their gift. Why would they do that for her when I'm betting she never got them anything or has ever done anything for them?

    She's resentful for her situation being so different, but nobody was helping me pay my bills at 25 or for my car or anything else. Its fairly normal for most adults not to expect these things. She needs to accept that your situation has changed, and that's OK and doesn't mean you wouldn't have done those things for her if you were able to at the time. Now she is a fully grown adult, not a wee kid, she needs to learn that you help where you can but she's ultimately reasonable for herself at this point in life.

  6. Your parents will understand. In fact, they will think even worse of you if they find out you're being manipulated by a cheater and a liar.

    One day when she goes out for work, get your stuff together and just leave. Go back to AZ.

  7. Well, if the answer never changes, it shouldn't be draining. It's the same, “yes, I woukdnt rather be with anyone else” which if this is how you feel then you shouldn't have a problem saying it. Ik I don't. It's the truth and I don't mind saying it several times a day if I need

  8. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but even if she were cis, wouldn’t it be impossible for her to breastfeed if she wasn’t the one who gave birth anyway? I thought the pregnancy hormones were what stimulated milk production.

  9. I know you said that he is often enabled by your future in-laws, but what I would suggest is having a very serious sit down with him. No coffee, no beer, no pizza, no chips, just 2 men on a porch or balcony or whatever. Look him dead in the eyes and tell him you being so on the level with him about this is a show of good faith that you are going to take him at his word and that no matter what he does, you will be marrying his sister and he gets to decide the tone of the relationship for the rest of your lives. Tell him in no uncertain terms that if he can't look you in the eyes and tell you he can put away the family jester bit so for one day so the most important day of you and his sister's life can be beautiful and everything you have both dreamed of, then he is welcome to not be a part of it, but he is not welcome to show and make y'all's day about him.

    You are both grown men. If he can't accept putting himself second for your fiancee for one day that plate is better eaten by someone who respects you. If he can't respect a serious boundary as a grown ass man, then he shouldn't be allowed to approach the fence.

  10. He could be saving for a house for you both or flush money. One says commitment the other says exit plan.

  11. Yeah… perhaps you're right. Im just a very communicative guy and when there is a lack of communication I start to worry. Ill need to give her some time and ponder at my own issues, and see if I can fix anything myself. Thank you

  12. It varies. But what’s not normal is for him to tell you “you don’t love me because we aren’t always having sex” that’s manipulative and abusive.

  13. I think the bigger issue here is that you have expressed something he does hurts you, and instead of showing empathy he has told you it doesn’t matter. Regardless of whether or not his family and culture does those things, he’s deciding that his way is right and that if you are hurt by it it’s your own fault and he’s blameless.

    That doesn’t sound like a very supportive partner to me.

  14. I actually really appreciate hearing this coming from someone older. May I ask why? Did you prefer your maiden name? And if he wanted to take your surname back then would you have agreed?

  15. He’s a kid, he’s 20 years old. You’re over 30. What did you expect from a young man this age? A serious courtship and relationship? He’s immature and short term needs driven. He worked on you for a week, had sex, got what he wanted and skated. Move on. It’s for the best.

  16. Do you really want to deal with this bullshit? Both the mess and the fact that he lied to you for so long? You have the option to say no, here. People end relationships with people they love all the time because of bullshit other than whether they love each other.

  17. She replied that all white people have racist tendencies, and that I should take the back seat since I was white.

    What frustrates me more is seeing her be prejudice towards brown/south Asian people (ex: someone with brown skin will cut her off driving and she’ll say “stupid brown drivers” or something along those lines) without facing any consequences.

    Your girlfriend is RACIST.

    Don't date racists.

  18. Sounds like he has doubts. The relationship failed for a reason, he might be struggling with whatever it was. The two of you need to have a serious and honest conversation to both clear the air and see if it's worth another shot. I'm not surprised he hasn't responded, though. Accusations like that will only serve to push him away more.

  19. Ok. When you are healed, and it seems things are getting back on track. Everyone is recovering from the loss and such. You two need to have an open conversation about how to tackle your mismatched libidos. Pretend it's not a thing will continually create havoc in your relationship.

    It's ok to have a lower labido, it's on to have a higher labido (as long as you don't act like a dick) but proceedings forward like it's not going to be a problem is nieve.

    So have an open conversation about how you two can tackle this difference in the relationship. Leaving it unsaid is really not an option.

  20. There’s a few things here. First, let’s discuss your friendship. That was my first concern but it seems like it’s a non-issue. Still, realistically the past is exactly that; the past. No matter what, if you’re to pursue this you absolutely need his blessing if your friendship is important to you.

    Second, since you touched on it multiple times in one way or another throughout the post, understand that her Instagram following and/or that she generates attention in person is irrelevant. She’s attractive. People are into her. That’s simply a reality. If you were to enter into an exclusive monogamous relationship then you’d have to trust that she’s not going to cheat on you.

    Finally, there’s the real issue of the age gap. You’re both legally consenting adults, but as you yourself pointed out, you’re in different life stages. That she’s working and you’re in school would normally be enough of an argument. But just causally toss in that you’re leaving the continent and suggest that being similar and having the same birthday means anything?

    Do you slowly get to know her better? For what reason? The answer is leave it alone because it makes no logical sense that goes beyond the impact on your friendship. Good luck.

  21. So either you break up or he needs to be in counseling and taking actual steps to fix this and you need to be ok with working through this with him. Personally I think this is a fundamental incompatibility and that you should break up.

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