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Ryslana-Sweet live sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 23, 2022

42 thoughts on “Ryslana-Sweet live sex cams for YOU!

  1. No, I said it correctly. A GIRL. That’s not a woman yet. A 23 year old doesn’t know much of anything. Are you attracting them or are you offering to go on dates and pay for everything. I’m surprised she even slept with you at all but like you said she’s an escort. She sees a $ when she sees you. Don’t hurt your own feelings

  2. I would have a privste conversation with your mother

    Explain that you understand your husband has been through things no one should go through, but why is she using that as justification for his physical abuse of her grandchildren?

    Make sure to use that language. If she comes back saying what he is doing isnt that bad ask her if that is how she would have handled the situation? If she thinks physical abuse and emotional abuse are effective parenting styles. If she acts like youre overreacting explain to her that you will say this to her once and omce alone.

    You are not going to have her enable and excuse the abuse of her grandchildren. That youre now contacting authorities over this which by the way is in part due to her validating his abuse and making it clear to you that both of them are too dangerous to be around your children unsupervised. She can have a relationship with him but if she ever excuses the abuse to these kids again she will find herself losing both her daughter and her grandchildren because she obviously cannot be trusted with their wellbeing.

    Your husband is past the point of forgiveness for now. He wont listen to reason and literally doesnt care about what he is putting his kids through.

    Speak tl police asao and have him removed from the home. If social services find out YOU are not safeguarding your children from him then you can lose them too. So get on and protect your kids before schools etc find out and you have to deal with supervised visits at best too.

    Its your job to safeguard them. So do it.

  3. He was love bombing and future faking you. A decent man does not talk about marriage at 3 months, nor propose at a year. A proper proposal is usually at 2 years, it takes that long to figure out if you are in a good relationship.

  4. How about older men get tired of dealing with divorced women with children so they rather date women before all the trauma?

    Why not ask a man instead of speaking for them.

    -As a 30 year old who has dated younger women (of legal age).

  5. Ummm they are washing their hands, using the toilet, not being obnoxious….supposedly OP can here water dripping, this is NOT the neighbors fault & didn’t deserve that extreme scary reaction, I would’ve been freaked out…

  6. ALLELE I know, another gene form. I'm using casual terms in a casual forum.

    I know all of that, what I'm saying is that appealing to a generation back mutation is where your statement is odd.

  7. OP I think a good option would be to talk to your therapist about maybe having your parents join you for a session and your therapist can help you break all of this to your parents. God knows if they are any kind of parents to you they're going to take it very hot and they might need a therapist to talk to.

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  9. u/sourpatchkid86, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  10. This is all very odd. Why haven't you seen him for nine months? Why do you feel so pressured and stressed when you're with him? Why does he just have sex with you and leave? Is he even really your boyfriend? This doesn't sound like any kind of healthy relationship. I would not want him to come back.

  11. u/LoudMountain6978, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  12. Does your family show affection and love or is this a new thing for you?

    Are you secretly hating your boyfriend and wish you could break up with him but his family would be sad?

    Break up if you don’t want him to be your boyfriend. Make them sad don’t spend the rest of your life with someone out of obligation or guilt

  13. Fuck the two of them bro! Like ghost their asses FOREVER, I mean even in the future, don’t ever give another moment of your existence to these people. if you see them in the streets, act like you see glass, look right through them. Don’t bother ever confronting either of them, to be fucked up on that level, they won’t have any remorse and they are not even worth the confrontation. If it comes up with other people, let them know you’re glad the trash took it self out . your old friends may not forgive you for dropping them for a horrible person, even still, apologies to them. Try to pick up some new hobbies, use your gym Membership, pick up a good book, go outside and do things. I know it hurts buddy, but block those losers and get on with you life.

  14. It seems strange to me that you HAVE to get off to be able to physically go to sleep each night.

    So you’re saying if you didn’t cum you literally would not be able to sleep? Have you even tried? I think you’re just addicted to masturbating tbh.

    It’s fine to have a high libido but to feel like you MUST to be able to sleep is concerning.

  15. That's not normal or okay. If this were me I would end it, it seems very toxic and dangerous. No matter who you date your past is YOURS you can choose what to discuss and what to let her know because it's a privilege in a relationship to know the past of a person. You don't go digging or calling people that's not okay.

  16. Exactly, that is a major concern of mine that she hasn’t ever dealt with this and has passed this on to my fiancé. She will absolutely be living through us in this case and I’m sorry to say but she has done a lot of damage emotionally to my fiancé that he is still dealing with and struggles with. I can only imagine how she would treat a child.

  17. It’s possible he can change? Sure. But I don’t think there is any coming back from it in a relationship. Glad you’re getting yourself out of that situation. Don’t look back girl.

    My ex and I had a rocky relationship that got really heated and brutal at times. Never once was he physical with me. There’s no excuse.

  18. It’s not ego I don’t think your understanding correctly I’m just super nervous and insecure about approaching someone I like. I just feel like it won’t go well.

  19. It wouldn’t have been a problem at all if she had just shut the fuck up.

    For the record, you didn’t tell her to do anything. You asked why she won’t. At most you were offering a suggestion. At best, asking a rhetorical question about her motivations in order to understand her better.

    What she was doing was annoying and calculated to get a negative reaction. Well, she got one. Don’t enable that shit.

  20. It's difficult to say exactly why he has not responded, but it's possible he may have been caught off guard by the use of the word “smitten” or he may have simply been busy. It may be helpful to have an open and direct conversation with him to express your feelings and clarify any misunderstandings. If he's not receptive or responsive, it may be best to respect his boundaries and give him space.

  21. Look the best revenge is the revenge of moving on and just living your best life only headaches and future problems will occurs if you go down that route no doubt what he did was shitty and you should have left him st that moment but don’t let yourself also be known as a cheater. Just because your getting revenge doesn’t make it any better a cheater is a cheater at the end of the day no matter what moral stance they want to try to stand on. Let karma handle him don’t put yourself to his level and why do you think you cheating would have any effect on him if he was willing to hurt you to your face the odds he cares if you cheat is slim to none and you would be risking your own name and reputation

  22. She’s not a very good girlfriend… if I found out my boyfriend got a black eye in a bicycle incident, I would rush over with ice packs, snacks, drinks, and Tylenol and insist we relax at home. I would really sit down with her and tell her that her focus on her image instead of time spent with you or others is really hurtful.

  23. Well last night I just went on my phone like he did and didn’t really talk to him just because I didn’t want to, he asked “are you okay” and I just said yeah. He just didn’t talk to me again after that, put the football on and fell asleep, the guy couldn’t care less. Or I bet in his head he reckons I’m just moody, that’s it

  24. That’s the part that’s maybe confusing me the most. She made a tongue in cheek comment about “not seeing each other more than once a week” & also had a conversation with me a good 3 weeks ago that she’s scared one of us catches feelings too soon if we see each other too often.

    I don’t know whether that was her insinuating she thought I was catching feelings or whether she was scared to fall again (as she just got out of a 6 year relationship 4 months ago)…

  25. My husband, asked me to be his gf, after 1 date. LOL.

    He was aware I was dating around, and he doesn't want that, so he asked for exclusivity after 1 date. We've known each other for maybe a little less than a month before he asked me out.

    With an ex-bf, he asked me to be his gf after 3 dates. But we were good friends for like years, b4 he asked me out.

  26. This might be the time to give him that gentle push towards therapy.

    If he likes them, it might be wise to give him a puzzle. Not too easy but not too difficult either. It’s very hot to do a puzzle when you’re tipsy.

    Also, what kind of job works 15 days a month?! I would love one of those!

  27. I wonder if its a combination of scoring big as you said, but also wanting to “catch and tame” an, in their eyes, an unobtainable woman. Like , “I was able to lock down this amazing woman, now I'll have an even bigger ego boost to bend her to my will.”

  28. I am sorry but I don’t see how you resent your boyfriend for other people liking him. What others do and how they feel is beyond his control.

    From what you explained it’s not like he was leaning into her behaviour. And was visibility uncomfortable. Do you want him to be cold to any girl or guy he meets excepting you ?

  29. You're jealous, under a lot of stress, he's naive and had bad experiences with open relationships, and together your solution was “maybe we should fuck other people?”

    Sounds like maybe you just need to acknowledge that you should break up. Regardless, this is a terrible idea

  30. I understand the atristery. But knowing where her other tattoos are and that response bugged me out. I understand it's art that a lot of people want to show off. I'm not trying to win some argument with her; I'm just double checking my feelings.

  31. Nope. This is your thing. You made it clear from the beginning. His need to be in constant communication with you while you're away (for your own mental well-being) is a huge red flag.

  32. Previous comment gave great advice. Just reduce your commute some days by staying the night. This doesn't have to be all or nothing right now, just take smaller steps and try it out. Nothing is changing in your life at this exact moment that requires you to make such a quick change: you're not losing your apartment, you didn't just start a new job or lose a job etc.

  33. It’s wrong because he’s fabricating scenarios to hit you in order to appeal to his mom? This is not normal behavior

  34. I'm glad to hear you are a survivor. Like I said, I feel very, very fortunate.

    Like pretty much every woman, I've had people try that crap with me. Trying to tell me what to do or what to wear. Pouting. Being a man-baby if they don't get their way.

    They only try it once because they are not in my life to do it a second time. I'm a one strike, and you're out kind of woman when it comes to certain offenses. Life is very hot enough without dealing with that kind of horseshit. I must say that some of them have been very shocked at my response – which tells me they have been successful in the past. Disgusting.

  35. I don't believe this is a conversation you personally should be having with Blanche but a conversation you need to have with your boyfriend and then him laying down boundaries with his friend

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