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S A R A H live! webcams for YOU!


Lovense in pussy PvtOn!! @ANALSHOW [Multi Goal]

Date: October 4, 2022

45 thoughts on “S A R A H live! webcams for YOU!

  1. That's fair. I don't have any idea why she would like, except maybe embarrassment in the moment. You could bring it up again and she if she still denies it.

  2. Nah it's not just the way people talk. You're dating a sexist piece of trash. Who has cheated on you to boot. You won't fix him.

  3. You go talk to a divorce Lawyer then you nut up and follow through because this is terrible for your mental health and a partner who threatens to leave to brow beat you is terrible. I'm pretty certain she can't stick you with all the debt but you NEED a good lawyer.

  4. Why did you marry him when you weren't satisfied with the amount of sex you were having, when he saw house chores as your problem and not his, when he grumbled at you for asking him to clean up after himself?

  5. That’s the thing. I’ve changed all my passwords but the feeling of paranoia won’t go away. It just I feel like he is watching

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  7. Yeah, as it takes time for hormones to level out and sex drive to return. Regardless, the point is that it doesn't matter if she wasn't having, “enough sex,” with him- the answer wasn't for him to try and cheat on her. He is an adult who could VOCALIZE his desires without resorting to cheating on her. She is clearly exhausted from moving, working, child care, cleaning, and dealing with a fucking MAN CHILD on top of it all.

  8. u/bigbrowneyes15, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  9. u/IndependenceLife5539, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  10. OP isn’t opposed to cuddling in bed. But that night she needed to sleep and told the man that, and he disregarded it to be touching her all night, despite her telling him not to. He ignored her consent. She’d probably be totally fine cuddling if she consented to it and this man listened.

  11. Hello /u/Successful-Break-276,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  12. I read it and then reread it and yes, you are right to be upset. But I believe that she was equating single with still unmarried. Look at the context. She was catching up people they knew from middle school. Moms are like that who have known each other's kids since they were kids.

    Times have changed. You have to admit this. Older people, of which I am one, have had to struggle to keep up with the changes. Breaking the habit of thinking that everything should be organized, defined and pigeon-holed was difficult for me. And I wanted to embrace the change. It is just difficult to break ingrained habits.

    The next time you see your girlfriend's mom, tell her she hurt your feelings with her choice of words. You might end up having a better understanding of one another.

  13. Break up with her over a message, leave all her things outside or drop them off on her door step then text. And then completely block her on everything. She doesn’t deserve even face to face

  14. What do you mean arouse suspicion? I’m assuming he was fully aware your married and he didn’t want to arouse suspicion by any of your other colleagues seeing you two. Even though you didn’t cheat I’d be pissed if I were your husband. You reciprocated enough for this man to think it’s ok to take a married woman to his room. Also, does this man work within your company? I’d be real uncomfortable if it were my wife working at a company where she almost cheated with a colleague.

  15. Waiting 5 years to set the boundary is the unreasonable part. It's okay she's not okay with his habit, but I think it's a little late to bring this up and try to change him.

  16. If it feels wrong to you, it probably is wrong. There’s a reason it’s sticking in your mind, despite your comments kinda defending him. You seem really reasonable and maybe you’re picking up on whatever sketchy shit he’s pulling with this list thing.

    I read through a bunch of these comments speculating on why he did this, and none of them feel quite right to me. But it is super weird regardless and feels 200% off to me as well. I just got a huge rush of ick reading the explanation you gave.

    I don’t really have advice other than trust your gut. It’s telling you there’s something wrong here. Would you give him a list of names of guys that were slightly flirty with you, completely unprompted? I’m guessing not, you’d just distance yourself from them because you’re in a relationship and that’s uncomfortable. Or you’d bring it up casually or jokingly maybe, but not like a weird sit down convo where you LIST NAMES. That’s so weird. If you wouldn’t do that or think it’s weird, I’d encourage you to think the same of him

  17. Don't text A. An interaction with her has to happen naturally, in your adult lives, as individuals. Texting A is as an ex. Having a natural conversation is as an adult.

  18. In one hand, you have a tattoo designed to cover up self harm scars. In the other hand, you have a boyfriend who wants to tell you what to do.

    One of these things is going to have a positive impact, the other will only have a negative one.

  19. Do you want your daughter to witness your arguments, distrust for one another, and learn to handle her problems like this?

    Because you two are her role models for a good relationship and how to resolve conflict. If all you can do is pick each other apart, what benefit is that for her. If you’re separated, is either of you going to be worth looking up to?

    Have you even attempted to work together as parents or are you just pointing at each other’s flaws.

  20. Because sorting your citizens based on a few different skin colours isn't meaningful, since that doesn't reflect their heritage or anything else of note.

    From a demographic perspective, its about as helpful as assigning everyone into 5 categories based on the colour of their eyes.

  21. Tell them now but prepare to loose one or both. They already confessed their feelings towards each other, and it’s going to be awkward if they maintain their close friendship. You two have to let go of the friend.

  22. dude, she's forsure a loon and probably thinks men can't be raped by how she's presenting herself in replies, fuckin wild.

  23. Wait he moved in to YOUR place and you're allowing him to make demands as to the living conditions? Tell him there's the door, use it.

  24. Jesus.

    My best friends husband is my role model. When they visited me with their baby, my best friend never lifted a finger; her husband did all the nappy changes, feeding, and putting the baby to sleep.

    Any guy reading this, if a woman is willing to carry your baby for 9 months and push it out of their vagina (or go through with a c-section), you better step up and make up for it. Having a baby is a team effort.

    OP, I don’t know what advice I can give you but I hope your husband comes around and starts helping out.

  25. Fuck that. I'm sitting here watching my husband feed our 8 week old after getting out of work, because even though I'm on leave I've had her all damn day and he is happy to be her parent and act like it.

    Your husband's upset because he wanted the clout and fuzzy feelings of being a dad with none of the effort or forethought. He sounds like the kind of guy who expects sex before you're healed – just zero empathy or situational awareness and a double helping of entitlement.

    You gave up: 9 months of comfort, your body, your health, your functioning organs, I could go on ( I should know – though gosh I am wincing at the idea of a tear the size of my C-section incision on my undercarriage as you are currently suffering) He gave up:… well I am truly intrigued as to what he'll finally come up with as an answer to that. I know men can get PPD too, but really there's a time and a place to mourn your no kids lifestyle and it's after the whole family has their basic needs met.

    I know reddit screams DIVORCE on a whim, but really if he's not providing physically and is actively tearing you down what's the point of marriage? I don't think you were too harsh at all, just firm enough to pop his bubble and bring him back to reality.

  26. Who wanted the divorce? I would be he is feeling replaced now. And then giving him to his mom will solidify that feeling.

    You need to post this in r/parenting.

  27. You're right, fwb is a stretch. We've been chatting so I guess I thought we were in somewhat friend territory.

  28. I'm sorry, because this is going to sound really harsh, but it seems like you are convincing yourself that there is a way this situation will improve or change or get better somehow if you just do the right things… that's not how abusers work.

    You are basically gaslighting yourself into believing this relationship is worth saving, but your love is misplaced.

    So here's the harsh wake up call: Your boyfriend does not love you.

    I feel like you maybe need to re-read your own comment here and the things he does to you.

    Do you really feel like you deserve that, or that someone who loves you would do those things to you?

    Because the answer to both is a resounding, unwavering NO.

  29. I think you need therapy. You saw a girl's name on your partner's snapchat and instantly had trauma flashbacks. That's not normal, and you're definitely not over your ex cheating on you. Your boyfriend hasn't done anything wrong based on what's been shown here and you're making him suffer for your trauma.

  30. Well that’s a 20 y.o. showing his immature ass for ya. Find a less douchetastic boyfriend who thinks your brown eyes are the prettiest eyes he’s ever seen.

  31. This is the answer. Seems like he caught a little neighborhood crush and the bus stop has been their “date” spot. Now she’s avoiding him.

  32. That was the kindest way you could have put it. I've done so myself. I get the same long detailed “lectures” given by my gaming adult child, about games I know very little about and in great detail. I have a manager at work that does the same in similar way in that if I ask a yes or no response question, I get an answer that is full of spreadsheets calculating and even lectures on how to sort a speadsheet (of 12 colors) by lines, for an hour. (I know 10 times more about spreadsheets than she does). I needed a 3 second yes or no. Question… is your partner ADHD or does he has some autism spectrum? (Daughter ADHD and manager has a form of autism).

  33. Ignore the above comment. The reality is this, politics matters in relationships. It doesn't mean that you have to agree on everything or that you have to vote the same all the time or whatever. But it's important to be able to listen to your partners views and decide if they are part of a shared set of values. You are 100% right that being able to ignore politics is a kind of privilege and tends to evince a certain type of mild conservativism. That's a value your boyfriend has. It doesn't seem to be a value you have. That may then mean you guys aren't particularly compatible, a red flag if you will. Doesn't mean you have to break up, but it's definitely something you'll need to really think through.

  34. I’m happy for you making the right decision for yourself! This reminds me of when I broke up with my ex. I remember thinking, “wow, I can finally breathe.” I never looked back and I’m happier than ever! I wish the best for you, OP

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