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SamanthaDukelive sex stripping with hd cam


81 thoughts on “SamanthaDukelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Well you could always even the playing ground too ask to borrow your mom's phone and see the history there. What if she has the same thing? Maybe it's something they both share and do on the side their adults and maybe their keeping their “sex” like alive idk. Maybe he's not cheating and maybe it's just watching porn. Also maybe it's not. It's hard to say which way to really go here maybe yo sit them both down in front of you and bring it up like I saw titties on dad's phone what's going on… And ask dad why he has titties on his phone and see what he says be like do u watch porn or what or what's going on u guys into some side crap or what u never know it can go anyway possible. Definitely don't stress over it because you don't know the real truth yet… You could Always call that show called cheaters.

  2. Well, to avoid controversy, better to change restaurants. Like that you make peace with everybody, even with yourself.

  3. Connection in the bedroom has a lot to do with and is directly effected by what happens all throughout the day outside the bedroom. Are you connecting emotionally with her? Are you flirting with her? are you still trying to date her?

    Chances are, if the sex isn’t happening, then some other component is missing. Talk to her, get real vulnerable.

  4. If I lose him, I lose everything.

    No, you lose a boyfriend. Not everything, just the boyfriend.

    But if I lose school, I lose my dreams.


    Choose wisely.

  5. Wasn’t expecting this to be your response? and it’s like I do know my worth but I just choose my feelings over common sense and settle. Love bombing and manipulation also play a big factor. It’s like I can see everything going on clearly but I’m still blinded by my emotions and hopes that he keeps his promises. I completely agree with you though and I hope and pray the same for you.

  6. I guess to me, it's just a “thing.” No matter how great it is, it's just a thing…not a living, breathing, loving human. No matter how great a vibrator might be, it could never replace that human connection aspect

  7. Exactly. Rip that bandage off. Call him up. “Hey, remember when I asked to talk and you said no? Well, you’re a father.” Go from there.

  8. You may make it a habit in the future if your partner expresses concern to say “would you like me to stop’”. Or “ Do you wish to continue?” The latter has a clear No to it.

  9. Im not sure why you thought it was awkward. She didn't cause a scene or anything. Other then that you handled it fine.

  10. I’ll say just take your time. Don’t rush things. Let her know the truth and that way she can understand and not put too much hope on it and get disappointed if you guys don’t get married but she’ll blame you in the end for not telling the truth. If you are honest that way you are not guilty of anything because you told her how you feel. Let her know you want to be sure.

  11. I've been married for over 30 years. You will never reach a point where you don't encounter a situation that will be uncomfortable to navigate. If the two of you are truly independent individual and not some dual hive mind you will also never exhaust discovering new things about each others. You will change over time.


  12. I would talk to him about it especially because this routine has been established. If you just start acting totally different now he may think something is going on. I think its normal to be in a routine with a significant other about when you assume you'll see them, normally what I'll do if I have something going on during one of those days is tell them well ahead of time “Hey, I've got plans with my buddy [insert name] on this day so don't expect to see me until later.”

  13. The reality is that you will never truly know what he’s thinking. You can only do your best and hope that he is being as honest with you as you are with him.

    That’s a difficult position to be in, but remember that regardless of his desires or proclivities you are enough. You deserve to be loved and respected. No matter how he feels you are no less of a person.

    The best thing is to communicate with him. Communicate your insecurities no matter how dumb you may feel. Even if you know it sounds ridiculous, tell him. If he’s really interested in rebuilding trust, then he’ll understand that you need to be heard and validated.

    Your feelings are important. There is some insecurity that you have to work on and your own mental health. It may never completely go away but in time with communication it won’t dominate your thinking or happiness.

  14. Oh my gosh, so you didn’t have with him one freaking morning and he acts like this. He needs to grow the f up. He could’ve approached you or asked to make love, instead of moping around like a damn child. I would be so turned off with such behavior. If this is how he acts before you guys are married, think of the married life. Is he gonna be mad when you don’t wanna do it after being sleep deprived from tending to the child(ren)?! What about after giving birth, God forbid you go through postpartum depression, is he gonna act like this then?! Sex plays a significant part in a relationship, but so does communication.

  15. I'm a professional seamstress and this post had me laughing so hard my kids came and asked what was so funny! Who is this fool you married?!? It can take years to become a proficient sewer and years beyond that to learn how to tailor. Tailoring is an art! If those pants truly aren't his size you might have to go so far as to unpick them entirely, if they can't just be altered, (leaving you with the cut cut pattern pieces), trim those pieces down to size, then resew them back together meaning you basically made him brand new pants out of recycled fabric. He's thought it through but came to the wrong conclusion. I'm very glad you got a sewing machine out of it though. It's better for him to just pay to have the pants altered or tailored by a professional unless he's willing to wait years.

  16. I've brought this up many times but thank you for saying that. I just feel lost and confused because I would never do that to her when her boyfriend is over let aline walk in unannounced on the two of them. And she claims she wouldn't care if I did. And I've thought about doing it to test those waters but I'm not like her and I don't want to be just to prove a point. Ya know?

  17. So my husband is well endowed and had a gorgeous dick in my opinion. I'll tell you why and if my reasons resonate with you then tell your boyfriend ?

    It's not just big, it's proportional. The symmetry is perfect. It's also got just the right amount of veins showing. It's nice and smooth too. Feels great in my hands, fun to lick and suck. It's straight, no curve to it. The head and shaft are proportional and look great together. It looks strong but not alarming. My husband also has really large testicles and I let him know how much I like them too. They're really not too big, they're the perfect size in my opinion. And they're smooth and hang down perfectly for me to put them in my mouth and play with them. They're symmetrical and really fun to play with.

    Also as far as being able to fit it inside you, I'm an incredibly small woman and my husband is not small at all. He always makes sure I am sufficiently turned on and wet before penetration and takes it slow when he first inserts it. He starts a little at a time until he can put it all inside me. If it hurts let him know to pull back out some but I'll let you know you can take a lot more dick than you'd think. Like a surprising amount of dick. Lol. My husband has a 9 inch dick too and I'm only 5'3″ and 95 lbs lol, super tiny, and I manage to take the whole thing. But I couldn't take it all in the start of our relationship and he understood and was so patient and sweet. Your boyfriend will understand! You'll both grow sexually together! That's the joy of both being virgins ? best of luck hun!

  18. My friend was hit by a drunk driver 16 years ago.

    Her mother was killed on impact, my friend suffered serious injuries and her beautiful little toddler son broke his neck and has lived the last 15 years of his life only able to blink his eyes. That's it for him till he dies.

    Cunt who was drunk was unscathed, bar a far too lenient prison sentence.

    But sure, you feel bad for getting pissy with your selfish cunt of a boyfriend.

    Grow the fuck up.

  19. I think you have to give her space and also accept the incident with your parents might have been a deal-breaker. Sorry. ?❤️‍?

  20. Get everything your mom said in writing. Expect to need to show it to her next year about this time. Expect her to tell you why it doesn't apply. Don't expect her to tell you you are right. Ever.

  21. u/CandidatePlus1548, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  22. I don't know if you trust them both I don't really see a problem with it.

    I mean it ended badly so it would make sense she wouldn't want contact but now she obviously only remembers the good times and here we are… Ah the good times ?

    You sure you trust her , I mean many wouldn't.

    Good luck

  23. He’s not kind or supportive though. And this behavior is exactly why he isn’t dating women his own age. He’s literally showing you that you don’t matter to him. That his time is much more valuable than yours. And so early on in the relationship! This isn’t something that will get better. You really need to ask yourself why you are willing to put up with this level of disrespect.

  24. Dude. You are a liar. You know what's going on and how to stop it, instead you are here on Reddit bragging about it. Any decent man would have told her friend to stop. I love somebody and you can't change that fact. Period. If she is any friend of yours she has to respect that. End of story

  25. That is just simple jealousy/envy. Forgetaboutit. People are always going to do some degree of talking behind your back. Coworkers like that are best ignored.

  26. Hello /u/Odd-Background9052,

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  27. This was my first thought. As a mom, If my 19 year old daughter brought home a 24 year old guy, I definitely would be leery about an adult man going after my teenage daughter.

    Yes, you have been together for 3 years, but that first meeting is still in your dads mind.

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  29. Thank you for this, I’m starting to think I’m being way to naive about this situation ? I just honestly wanted to believe things were different.

  30. The leonardo dicaprio model minus the weddings. I really wish the media would stop treating his bs lightly. Yes, they're over 21. He's almost 50! It's gross and sends such a terrible message.

  31. Hello /u/Slow-Safety-4061,

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  32. That is a strong response to some other guy's crush blocking him. I think reflecting on why you made this declaration about “all women” would be a valuable chance to grow, whether or not you want to continue being friends with this person.

    In deciding whether you want to keep being friends, I think you need to ask her for clarification. Does this person mean they would never forgive you or that they would not forgive right away and would need to rebuild trust? I ask because you mentioned her saying she would not forgive but that y'all could move on.

    It is one thing if moving on and being on your best behavior means it would take time to reassure her that you are a safe friend she can trust. Men who show anger when women deny them attention are scary. I'm not saying you are a danger, but it might take time for her to trust you again.

    It is another thing if she means she will always hold a grudge but still expect best behavior from you. You don't have to stay indebted. You can still grow from this, but move forward without her and make new friends.

  33. Hello /u/Last_Individual_8718,

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  34. He CAN control it. He just doesn't feel the need to. He's telling you strait to your face “I will rape you again.” Leave this dirtbag.

  35. He tries to control you – thats a huge ?marina flag. He might not be comfortable but he can’t forbid you to do anything. You are not his property.

    Second ?marina flag is him taking your phone and pretend to be you.

    Don’t let him treat you like this – this is not a healthy relationship. He is a controlling, manipulative a-hole.

    If I were you I would seriously reconsider this relationship/marriage

  36. And some people are! And some people don't like skinny people, and some people do! and some don't like muscular people, and some do. Shall we go through the list? Some like short men, and some like tall, and some like average height.

    OP should move on, because she's who she is, which included her body and her mind.

  37. That is not equivalent to what the man was doing. She can't have kids and told him she didn't want them. He tried to assault her and baby trap her

  38. Come on, going after a taken guy isn't ok. And being so relentless at it, i'm sure she is going to try something at their company's retreat next month.

  39. What do you do when she goes in her shell?

    Let her make her own way out, she is internalising the information and deciding how to proceed, that isn’t necessarily a pleasant experience.

    She doesn’t want the pressure to have sex and you don’t want to pretend your happy when you are not.

  40. Yes. If divorce is a card you play to test your partner, it's also a thing that should happen.

    Also if infidelity is a thing one or both of you are constantly worried about, marriage should have never happened until that was resolved. If it couldn't be resolved, marriage should have never happened.

    Get the divorce (probably can do an annulment at this point). There's no trust or maturity in this relationship. In a healthy marriage, divorce isn't on the table unless something truly terrible happens. You try to work it out before considering that.

    So if it's the first thought after a bad day, that means it is probably the best course of action.

  41. Looking forward to that, and this coming from someone like you who've been through the whole journey gives me even more confidence that it will. Can't thank you enough 🙂

  42. He probably did…he got to see you still want him after sex and got to reject you. He proved to himself he could manipulate and control you.

    He isn't a nice guy.

    Take your awesome memory of a fun sex romp and forget the rest xx

  43. There is a reason why, at least in the USA, there are different degrees of assault (first degree, second degree, and third degree)

    Assault can be anything from dumping soda on someone, to breaking someone's leg. The punishment will depend on the degree of assault.

    This a minor case of sexual assault. One that may not even be taken seriously in court as couples often online with “implied consent”. It's the whole reason that you don't have to ask someone you are in a relationship with to kiss them every time before you do it.

    Not that OP is taking him to court, but if it were it would probably just be seen as a case where implied consent was blurred on the exact line drawn and likely be thrown out. It would receive a very minimal 3rd degree punishment at most, but that is pretty unlikely compared to just being thrown out.

    IMO OP's best move is to talk to her boyfriend about boundaries and maybe making it clear that if she isn't entirely awake that he should check with her first before assuming she is awake enough to do something like that and be okay with it.

  44. What does him being attractive have to do with your self respect? Even if he was having a ptsd moment and he didn’t mean it, he needs professional help. Probably more than you can help with

  45. At this point, if you still love him, (and I mean truly love him) the best thing for both of you to do is to let sleeping dogs lie. You fucked up and let him go. Continue therapy, continue co-parenting, sever ties with your parents—they’re still running the show. Maybe he’ll come back some day, maybe not, but it’s not fair to yo-yo his heart like that.

  46. You guys are engaged… I think you should be comfortable enough to talk, communicate and address the issue(s) with each other.

    And if you can't, then you should put the engagement/marriage on hold.

  47. Are there things in this relationship you enjoy? Are there parts worth saving?

    If there are, I would say go to couples therapy.

    Don’t take her back without it. She sounds manipulative, but if she ACTUALLY wants to change, therapy can really help!

  48. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

    Trust is earned and not taken as a given and so far he has shown that no, he can't be trusted. And why would you trust him given his track record?

    This situation is of his making and if he is uncomfortable about it, then ask him what HE is doing to make himself a trustworthy person? This is the bed he made so screw him if he complains that he is now uncomfortable.

  49. Here me out, maybe he doesn't like attention so he didn't tell people he got married but now he has to stick with the lie to save face.

  50. Sounds like Bob is one of those guys who is only friends with women to eventually get in their pants. Good for you for not tolerating his garbage. Alice obviously doesn't fully believe how nasty he is, so if I were you, I would also question her inviting him to the wedding. You are close enough to be in the wedding party, why would she choose to still invite him given your past with his bs? I would not tolerate him, but I honestly would have a huge problem with standing up for someone who is disrespectful of your experience with this jerk and willing to ignore his role in breaking up your marriage . You need to talk to her about why your feelings don't matter, and depending on the answer, walk away from the whole situation.

  51. Re-home the cat or breakup.

    If this is how she treats the cat, how is she going to treat our children? What sort of example would she be setting to our kids?

    This is correct thinking. She's shown a sick part of her character; a disregard for animals lives.

  52. Re-home the cat or breakup.

    If this is how she treats the cat, how is she going to treat our children? What sort of example would she be setting to our kids?

    This is correct thinking. She's shown a sick part of her character; a disregard for animals lives.

  53. Fuck all of these people. They’re all garbage. People nearing their 30s shouldn’t act like that. How traumatic for you. I’m so sorry this happened.

  54. I feel like some of you people are reading a different post or I'm taking crazy pills. She (18) told him (22) that she was in fact a virgin and he apologized for pressuring her because he didn't know that. He understands they're at different places in life due to the age/maturity gap and decides to end it. Considering she didn't want to give it up rn with him anyways, isn't this just a win for her? She can find someone who she feels comfortable with and who she's on the same page as later.

  55. I don't think going out for a drink and going off every weekend is the same thing. The mens wording, manipulation tactics etc are indeed detestable, but having issues with this behaviour is not insecurity (well, not always)

  56. She just lost access to her mother. Don’t you think watching her father give her up would be horribly traumatic??

  57. Porn regularly reduces sex drive cause it’s addictive and easier handling yourself than making the effort with someone else.

  58. He’s an abusive ass, so yes, lots of people have experienced this, unfortunately. You deserve far better. So take him up on his statement. Dump him. Get some counseling and make sure your confidence is built back up after all of his nonsense, and then find a better boyfriend. They are out there.

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